To Say Obama "Inherited" Bush's Mess is Disingenuous

Anyone can see the country is in worse shape now than when Bush was President. And Obama's approval ratings reflect it. Only his die hard loyalists still defend him.

Bullshit. The country is in much better shape. Cars are still made here. Millions more have health care. Women get equal pay. Gays aren't kicked out of the military for simply existing. We are out of Iraq. The Republican house has 1/6th the approval rating of Obama. Get it? ONE SIXTH. The stock market is at all time highs. The last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was over 10%. Now it's at just over 6%. America finally realized that you can't pay for wars with tax cuts.

Just admit you hate Obama. Then you can try to figure out a reason that makes sense.

Cars would have been made here no matter what. Fewer people have health insurance. Women have been getting equal pay since the 1960s. Gays were not kicked out of the military. We would have been out of Iraq AND it would not be the mess it is.
Yeah, the sun rises i the East still because Obama is president!
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

"92 million people out of work "

Wow, Bush/GOP dug a BIG hole huh?
Nope. Obama did. With your blessing and cheers.


Bush passed 92 million people out of work to Obama, 80 million not in the labor force and 12 million unemployed.
Anyone can see the country is in worse shape now than when Bush was President. And Obama's approval ratings reflect it. Only his die hard loyalists still defend him.

Bullshit. The country is in much better shape. Cars are still made here. Millions more have health care. Women get equal pay. Gays aren't kicked out of the military for simply existing. We are out of Iraq. The Republican house has 1/6th the approval rating of Obama. Get it? ONE SIXTH. The stock market is at all time highs. The last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was over 10%. Now it's at just over 6%. America finally realized that you can't pay for wars with tax cuts.

Just admit you hate Obama. Then you can try to figure out a reason that makes sense.

Cars would have been made here no matter what. Fewer people have health insurance. Women have been getting equal pay since the 1960s. Gays were not kicked out of the military. We would have been out of Iraq AND it would not be the mess it is.
Yeah, the sun rises i the East still because Obama is president!

Stupid shit. What the hell is wrong with you?

Army Kicks Out More Gays Than Fat Soldiers


One of the more interesting numbers in the report came from the Army. It showed that, out of 616 discharges, 222 were from Fort Campbell, Ky. It is the second year that base has led the Army in these types of discharges, and it is the same base where Pfc. Barry Winchell, 21, was bludgeoned to death in 1999 because some fellow soldiers believed he was gay.

Number of gays discharged up again / 1,250 kicked out of military last year - SFGate


You are ignorant on every point you brought up. But the gay one was the most ignorant by far.
MediaMatters lies. All the time. You know, like you do.

Obama: Debt Ceiling Impasse Threatens Social Security, Veterans, Medicaid Checks - ABC News
The White House warned today that millions of Americans might not receive federal benefits checks if both sides can’t reach a deal to raise the nation’s debt limit by Aug. 2.
"We cannot guarantee – if there were a default – that any specific bill would be paid,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said, seeking to leverage public pressure on negotiators from both sides who are headed back to the White House this afternoon.
President Obama also raised the specter of short-changing recipients of federal benefits, telling CBS’s Scott Pelly in an interview that "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
More than 80 million Americans who receive benefits payments from the government each month could be at risk, the Treasury Department said. Most of those checks cover Social Security recipients, veterans and civil service retirees.
On Aug. 3, the Treasury is scheduled to make a $23 billion payout of Social Security benefits, a spokeswoman said. Obama suggested today that payout could be at risk.
“We no longer have the authority to borrow money if we don’t raise the debt ceiling,” Carney said. “As you know we have obligations that exceed the money we take in.”​

You don't know the difference between a threat and stating the truth.

Now this is a threat:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Republicans were threatening millions of Americans because they wanted tax cuts for the wealthy.

Obama was merely stating what would happened if Republicans shut down government. And they shut it down anyway.
Look, derp, I don't care how much of Obama's shit you eat.

But don't expect me to believe you when you tell me it's yummy.

After all, you're a proven liar.
Anyone can see the country is in worse shape now than when Bush was President. And Obama's approval ratings reflect it. Only his die hard loyalists still defend him.

Bullshit. The country is in much better shape. Cars are still made here. Millions more have health care. Women get equal pay. Gays aren't kicked out of the military for simply existing. We are out of Iraq. The Republican house has 1/6th the approval rating of Obama. Get it? ONE SIXTH. The stock market is at all time highs. The last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was over 10%. Now it's at just over 6%. America finally realized that you can't pay for wars with tax cuts.

Just admit you hate Obama. Then you can try to figure out a reason that makes sense.

Does that include the 25 MILLION GM cars that have had to be recalled?:lol::lol: There are MILLIONS fewer people working then when Bush was POTUS. There are more people on public assistance NOW than ever before and the stock market is climbing and making the 1% ever more rich while you clowns cool your heels and think life is good.
Women got equal pay in Clinton's White House.
Right after they gave him a blow job.
Obama DID inherit Bushes' messes. But the way he is reacting to them, that is the problem. Bush may have dug the hole, Obama thinks that he can dig a bigger hole to get out. A person looking for answers doesn't just wave a white flag and cave on everything. Iraq, gay marriage or illegal immigration, Obama just cowers to the lowest common denominator as if that's what democracy is all about.
Obama thanks you for your mindless support.
Those are the real numbers.
The GOP thanks you for being mindless.
It's okay, ed. I know you're utterly incapable of criticizing your little tin god.
The fact remains that Bush passed 92 million people without jobs to Obama and no one ever criticized Bush for having 92 million not working but eating.

May 02, 2014
RUSH: 92,594,000 Americans are not working.* They're all eating.
Those are the real numbers.
The GOP thanks you for being mindless.
It's okay, ed. I know you're utterly incapable of criticizing your little tin god.
The fact remains that Bush passed 92 million people without jobs to Obama and no one ever criticized Bush for having 92 million not working but eating.

May 02, 2014
RUSH: 92,594,000 Americans are not working.* They're all eating.
So, according to you, 92 million people not working under Bush is bad.

92 million people not working under Obama -- just dandy.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).

True. That excuse worked for maybe his first year or so.

And if Bush is to blame for Obama's big mess, then wasn't Clinton to blame for everything Bush did wrong?
It's okay, ed. I know you're utterly incapable of criticizing your little tin god.
The fact remains that Bush passed 92 million people without jobs to Obama and no one ever criticized Bush for having 92 million not working but eating.

May 02, 2014
RUSH: 92,594,000 Americans are not working.* They're all eating.
So, according to you, 92 million people not working under Bush is bad.

92 million people not working under Obama -- just dandy.
It is hard to discuss anything with people who pretend not to understand plain English.

I point out the blatant hypocrisy of the Right condemning Obama for 92 million Americans not working but eating while never criticizing Bush for 92 million Americans not working but eating, and that very point of information makes ME the hypocrite even though I never condemned or praised either of them. :cuckoo:
How can anyone debate "logic" like that?
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).

True. That excuse worked for maybe his first year or so.

And if Bush is to blame for Obama's big mess, then wasn't Clinton to blame for everything Bush did wrong?
Well the Right certainly blamed Clinton for everything that happened on Bush's watch. Let's see, the blamed Bush's 2001 recession on Clinton, They blamed 9/11 on Clinton, they blamed the 2007 Bush Depression on Clinton, and CARTER!!! Everything Bush f'ed up they blamed on everybody else, but gave Bush credit for everything positive somebody else accomplished after Bush left, like killing OBL.
Come on. Obama CAMPAIGNED for the job/"inheritance."
Twice !!!
And the "buck stops with him" (so he says).

True. That excuse worked for maybe his first year or so.

And if Bush is to blame for Obama's big mess, then wasn't Clinton to blame for everything Bush did wrong?
Well the Right certainly blamed Clinton for everything that happened on Bush's watch. Let's see, the blamed Bush's 2001 recession on Clinton, They blamed 9/11 on Clinton, they blamed the 2007 Bush Depression on Clinton, and CARTER!!! Everything Bush f'ed up they blamed on everybody else, but gave Bush credit for everything positive somebody else accomplished after Bush left, like killing OBL.

Perhaps "they" did, but now this is the job Obama asked for thus his duty to address the tasks assigned.
The fact of the matter is that Obama will do the will of the far left and let the world burn than to lift a finger to anything about it.

Otherwise if he tries to fix the situation the far left along with their programmed minions can not blame Booooosh for everything.

Just like how the far left blames Boooosh for 9/11 even though Clinton had 4 years to get Bin Laden.

Obama did not inherit a mess, he walked in to the white house because the far left wanted the first Black President and nothing more. All his actions have proven this, he is not a leader and the world is going to burn because of the far left religious agenda.

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