To Say Obama "Inherited" Bush's Mess is Disingenuous

You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?

This very same thing happened after the Great Depression. There is a famous Fireside Chat speech from FDR and it sounds like the exact same thing that's happening today happened back then.

The question shouldn't be "what's fair?" when it comes to taxes. The question should be, what works?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Yes, well, taxing the shit out of everybody didn't WORK in Detroit did it. Won't you ever learn?

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes

CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak -

Your taxes are really low, in one chart


The average filer saw her effective tax rate drop from 22 percent in 1979 to 18.1 percent in 2010

Your taxes are really low, in one chart - The Washington Post

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 -
Wonder what the RWs think Obama inherited if not an economy in collapse.

Two years after he took office, we were in London. Everyone there recognized that Bush trashed our economy, lost us millions of jobs, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, left us in debt and, what they cared the most about, left the world economy on the brink of total collapse.

Be very thankful it was Obama who was elected. If the Repubs had gotten in, we'd be in depression now.

And they'd be pointing to the stock market and corporate profits and they'd be saying, "look, the fundamentals of our economy are strong", just like the fucking idiot McCain said in 2007.

Oh, and we use to tell Republicans that the real unemployment numbers were actually much higher than the actual numbers because of people who've fallin off the books and they didn't care so I find it real funny they use that same fact on us now that they want to pin blame on Bush.

All republicans are either rich and greedy or middle class/poor & stupid.

This wasn't the case in the 80's. The GOP weren't nearly as bad back then as they are now. The GOP have suckered poor stupid white racist Americans into voting against themselves over bullshit wedge issues like god gays and guns.

Squealyhomo, still at it spewing the same DNC talking points, keep up the bad work.... :thup:
You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?

This very same thing happened after the Great Depression. There is a famous Fireside Chat speech from FDR and it sounds like the exact same thing that's happening today happened back then.

The question shouldn't be "what's fair?" when it comes to taxes. The question should be, what works?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Yes, well, taxing the shit out of everybody didn't WORK in Detroit did it. Won't you ever learn?

And I bet that is as much as you understand about what happened in Detroit, every other state, greece, france and everywhere else in the world stupid. The rich just made a major power grab. They are richer than ever and just like they have always wanted, instead of an expensive middle class they now have a huge mass of working poor to pick from. Only a select few are rich, a small merchantile class and the masses are poor. They destroyed the unions, corporate profits are through the roof and ceo pay is up 500%. The stock market is doing great for the investor class.

And no one is asking to tax your broke ass. Snyder raised your taxes big time and cut taxes on millionaires. Those tax breaks haven't produced any jobs. And any jobs that came back to michigan left at $17 hr and came back at $10. Mission accomplished GOP. Why complain? They love it. Do you? You aren't rich enough.

We said don't give the rich tax breaks. We don't have the money. Now they are raising your taxes to pay for roads and schools. How smart are you?

Do you think Corporate America likes paying American high wages? So of course the GOP helped them pit American workers against the rest of the world. You guys are so dumb. I could go on and on but gotta go bye.
Wonder what the RWs think Obama inherited if not an economy in collapse.

Two years after he took office, we were in London. Everyone there recognized that Bush trashed our economy, lost us millions of jobs, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, left us in debt and, what they cared the most about, left the world economy on the brink of total collapse.

Be very thankful it was Obama who was elected. If the Repubs had gotten in, we'd be in depression now.

And they'd be pointing to the stock market and corporate profits and they'd be saying, "look, the fundamentals of our economy are strong", just like the fucking idiot McCain said in 2007.

Oh, and we use to tell Republicans that the real unemployment numbers were actually much higher than the actual numbers because of people who've fallin off the books and they didn't care so I find it real funny they use that same fact on us now that they want to pin blame on Bush.

All republicans are either rich and greedy or middle class/poor & stupid.

This wasn't the case in the 80's. The GOP weren't nearly as bad back then as they are now. The GOP have suckered poor stupid white racist Americans into voting against themselves over bullshit wedge issues like god gays and guns.

Squealyhomo, still at it spewing the same DNC talking points, keep up the bad work.... :thup:

Yea I'm trying not to. I'm sick of politics. I'm onto better discussions now. There is no god. Did you know that? :badgrin:
Wonder what the RWs think Obama inherited if not an economy in collapse.

Two years after he took office, we were in London. Everyone there recognized that Bush trashed our economy, lost us millions of jobs, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, left us in debt and, what they cared the most about, left the world economy on the brink of total collapse.

Be very thankful it was Obama who was elected. If the Repubs had gotten in, we'd be in depression now.

And they'd be pointing to the stock market and corporate profits and they'd be saying, "look, the fundamentals of our economy are strong", just like the fucking idiot McCain said in 2007.

Oh, and we use to tell Republicans that the real unemployment numbers were actually much higher than the actual numbers because of people who've fallin off the books and they didn't care so I find it real funny they use that same fact on us now that they want to pin blame on Bush.

All republicans are either rich and greedy or middle class/poor & stupid.

This wasn't the case in the 80's. The GOP weren't nearly as bad back then as they are now. The GOP have suckered poor stupid white racist Americans into voting against themselves over bullshit wedge issues like god gays and guns.

Jul 15, 2008

President Bush said Tuesday the nation's troubled financial system is "basically sound"

"I think the system is basically sound, I truly do," Bush said. "I understand there's a lot of nervousness. The economy is growing. Productivity is high. Trade's up. People are working _ it's not as good as we'd like. And to the extent that we'll find weakness, we'll move."
Obama threatening to withhold social security checks got us the downgrade

A Standard & Poor’s director said for the first time Thursday that one reason the United States lost its triple-A credit rating was that several lawmakers expressed skepticism about the serious consequences of a credit default — a position put forth by some Republicans.

Without specifically mentioning Republicans, S&P senior director Joydeep Mukherji said the stability and effectiveness of American political institutions were undermined by the fact that “people in the political arena were even talking about a potential default,” Mukherji said.

“That a country even has such voices, albeit a minority, is something notable,” he added. “This kind of rhetoric is not common amongst AAA sovereigns.”

These statements have caused tea party Republicans to bleat, but, notably, it apparently hasn't caused any of them to reflect on their positions. What the S&P director is saying here makes perfect sense. If the government of a nation publicly questions whether its debts should be paid, then it stands to reason that investors should be more cautious about presuming those debts should be paid.

Republicans directly to blame for S&P credit downgrade

You mean like Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks and starving our seniors?

You have a link to that?
At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.

Because he is not, pussy.

You forgot. Corporate America isn't hiring but making record profits. We now have a record amount of millionaires. Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash.

So who's the problem?

This very same thing happened after the Great Depression. There is a famous Fireside Chat speech from FDR and it sounds like the exact same thing that's happening today happened back then.

The question shouldn't be "what's fair?" when it comes to taxes. The question should be, what works?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Yes, well, taxing the shit out of everybody didn't WORK in Detroit did it. Won't you ever learn?

You're right. It didn't work. Because it never happened.
Takes only 10 seconds to blow up a house. It will take months to rebuild the same house. Did that really have to be explained?

Remember, Republicans blew up Iraq in only a few days. But wasted trillions trying to rebuild it over a decade.
Obama's not trying to rebuild it...he's trying to vaporize the rubble.

Only a progressive retard would say that 92 million people out of work and record numbers on public assistance are achievements to be lauded.

But then, if Obama kicked you in the tiny balls, you'd thank him for deigning to notice you.

"92 million people out of work "

Wow, Bush/GOP dug a BIG hole huh?
Nope. Obama did. With your blessing and cheers.

At least you admit Obama was left with "rubble". It's a start.
You'll NEVER admit Obama is a failure.

Sure, he should've stuck with increasing taxes on $200,000+ a tear individual and $250,000 families to Clinton's rates, that's nearly $80 billion a year more revenues

Then single payer instead of ACA, but at a min should've had PUBLIC OPTION in there

He should've called the GOP on their shutdown nonsense in 2010 and the conservative 'free trade' thing he wants is HORRIBLE..
While you're bitching, why not just demand he dissolve Congress, suspend elections indefinitely, and declare himself Emperor Obama the First?

You know -- the crazy shit you really want him to do.
A Standard & Poor’s director said for the first time Thursday that one reason the United States lost its triple-A credit rating was that several lawmakers expressed skepticism about the serious consequences of a credit default — a position put forth by some Republicans.

Without specifically mentioning Republicans, S&P senior director Joydeep Mukherji said the stability and effectiveness of American political institutions were undermined by the fact that “people in the political arena were even talking about a potential default,” Mukherji said.

“That a country even has such voices, albeit a minority, is something notable,” he added. “This kind of rhetoric is not common amongst AAA sovereigns.”

These statements have caused tea party Republicans to bleat, but, notably, it apparently hasn't caused any of them to reflect on their positions. What the S&P director is saying here makes perfect sense. If the government of a nation publicly questions whether its debts should be paid, then it stands to reason that investors should be more cautious about presuming those debts should be paid.

Republicans directly to blame for S&P credit downgrade

You mean like Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks and starving our seniors?

You have a link to that?

Oh wait, I found one:

Right-Wing Media Downplay Default Risks By Accusing Obama Of "Threatening" Social Security Benefits

Yea, I kinda figured you were lying.
You mean like Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks and starving our seniors?

You have a link to that?

Oh wait, I found one:

Right-Wing Media Downplay Default Risks By Accusing Obama Of "Threatening" Social Security Benefits

Yea, I kinda figured you were lying.
MediaMatters lies. All the time. You know, like you do.

Obama: Debt Ceiling Impasse Threatens Social Security, Veterans, Medicaid Checks - ABC News
The White House warned today that millions of Americans might not receive federal benefits checks if both sides can’t reach a deal to raise the nation’s debt limit by Aug. 2.
"We cannot guarantee – if there were a default – that any specific bill would be paid,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said, seeking to leverage public pressure on negotiators from both sides who are headed back to the White House this afternoon.
President Obama also raised the specter of short-changing recipients of federal benefits, telling CBS’s Scott Pelly in an interview that "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
More than 80 million Americans who receive benefits payments from the government each month could be at risk, the Treasury Department said. Most of those checks cover Social Security recipients, veterans and civil service retirees.
On Aug. 3, the Treasury is scheduled to make a $23 billion payout of Social Security benefits, a spokeswoman said. Obama suggested today that payout could be at risk.
“We no longer have the authority to borrow money if we don’t raise the debt ceiling,” Carney said. “As you know we have obligations that exceed the money we take in.”​
And they'd be pointing to the stock market and corporate profits and they'd be saying, "look, the fundamentals of our economy are strong", just like the fucking idiot McCain said in 2007.

Oh, and we use to tell Republicans that the real unemployment numbers were actually much higher than the actual numbers because of people who've fallin off the books and they didn't care so I find it real funny they use that same fact on us now that they want to pin blame on Bush.

All republicans are either rich and greedy or middle class/poor & stupid.

This wasn't the case in the 80's. The GOP weren't nearly as bad back then as they are now. The GOP have suckered poor stupid white racist Americans into voting against themselves over bullshit wedge issues like god gays and guns.

Squealyhomo, still at it spewing the same DNC talking points, keep up the bad work.... :thup:

Yea I'm trying not to. I'm sick of politics. I'm onto better discussions now. There is no god. Did you know that? :badgrin:

You're correct, Obama took his place.... :thup:
obama has to blame Bush. If he didn't what else would he blame. It's not like he can take responsibility for anything.

obama is the wife who burns the toast reasoning it away with saying your first wife not only burned the toast but bought the bread.
When will Americans stop putting up with this shit from politicians? Obama spent millions campaigning for the job. When he wins he proceeds to complain about the job, blame his predecessor and not take responsibility. This is not what leadership is about. This county will never recover until Americans start holding their elected officials accountable. If you ask for our vote and win, then YOU OWN IT.

We already know what economic policies work best for our country. Clinton knew that we had to cut spending and increase revenues. We had revenues of 20.6% of GDP and a surplus in 2000. Then something terrible happened, the Republicans gained complete control in 2001 and instead of sticking with what was working they decided that their ideology was more important. The debt has gone up $12 trillion since then.

Can you count? Obama has added $6.66 trillion to the debt and he's STILL in office. Obama's number is still going up. President Bush added $4.9 trillion.

Yea I know, facts have a way of ruining a good argument for you Liberals. :D
MediaMatters lies. All the time. You know, like you do.

Obama: Debt Ceiling Impasse Threatens Social Security, Veterans, Medicaid Checks - ABC News
The White House warned today that millions of Americans might not receive federal benefits checks if both sides can’t reach a deal to raise the nation’s debt limit by Aug. 2.
"We cannot guarantee – if there were a default – that any specific bill would be paid,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said, seeking to leverage public pressure on negotiators from both sides who are headed back to the White House this afternoon.
President Obama also raised the specter of short-changing recipients of federal benefits, telling CBS’s Scott Pelly in an interview that "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
More than 80 million Americans who receive benefits payments from the government each month could be at risk, the Treasury Department said. Most of those checks cover Social Security recipients, veterans and civil service retirees.
On Aug. 3, the Treasury is scheduled to make a $23 billion payout of Social Security benefits, a spokeswoman said. Obama suggested today that payout could be at risk.
“We no longer have the authority to borrow money if we don’t raise the debt ceiling,” Carney said. “As you know we have obligations that exceed the money we take in.”​

You don't know the difference between a threat and stating the truth.

Now this is a threat:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Republicans were threatening millions of Americans because they wanted tax cuts for the wealthy.

Obama was merely stating what would happened if Republicans shut down government. And they shut it down anyway.
Anyone can see the country is in worse shape now than when Bush was President. And Obama's approval ratings reflect it. Only his die hard loyalists still defend him.
Anyone can see the country is in worse shape now than when Bush was President. And Obama's approval ratings reflect it. Only his die hard loyalists still defend him.

Bullshit. The country is in much better shape. Cars are still made here. Millions more have health care. Women get equal pay. Gays aren't kicked out of the military for simply existing. We are out of Iraq. The Republican house has 1/6th the approval rating of Obama. Get it? ONE SIXTH. The stock market is at all time highs. The last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was over 10%. Now it's at just over 6%. America finally realized that you can't pay for wars with tax cuts.

Just admit you hate Obama. Then you can try to figure out a reason that makes sense.

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