To show support for Greg Abbotts effort should all patriots fly the Texas flag right now?

I ordered mine.
As Greg Abbott fights to protect Americans our executive branch retaliates to protect Mexico’s people.
It’s time we all show Texas and Abbott some love.

And if Abbott puts out a national call for volunteers to man the border, I wonder how many Americans would step up and how many who stepped up would be arrested on the way down?
I ordered mine.
As Greg Abbott fights to protect Americans our executive branch retaliates to protect Mexico’s people.
It’s time we all show Texas and Abbott some love.

Arrested for what? Driving while white?
Sending illegals back across the border? Hint: that is NOT a crime.

I agree with you, and my post was mired in sarcasm. I was thinking of an Alamo 2.0 situation, but the romantic in most Americans seems to have died long ago. Surely Garland would use the Feds—all the Feds—to shut down such a patriotic operation. Defending America's borders is out of style these days.
I agree with you, and my post was mired in sarcasm. I was thinking of an Alamo 2.0 situation, but the romantic in most Americans seems to have died long ago. Surely Garland would use the Feds—all the Feds—to shut down such a patriotic operation. Defending America's borders is out of style these days.
Don't look now, but you can join any number of militias and help police the border.
I really hope this catches fire….imagine what Dems running Dem shitholes would think if suddenly all legit citizens were flying Texas flags.
I ordered mine.
As Greg Abbott fights to protect Americans our executive branch retaliates to protect Mexico’s people.
It’s time we all show Texas and Abbott some love.

Sorry but I can't support Abbott's EO. Now, if he orders all illegal invaders over about the age of 12 shot dead on sight at the border, I can support that.

Time to start stacking up bodies in Mexico like cordwood, then go over into Mexico and kick a little ass there too.
Greg Abbott is not a patriot. He is a right wing fascist pig who should be arrested.
Don’t “fascists” champion the oppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you sure you know what fascism is?

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