To the "Anti-vaxxers"

If I have COVID-19 and am asymptomatic, how do I give it to someone who has had the vaccine?

it's a respiratory disease. you breathe, cough, sneeze your covid cooties onto us. it gets into our nasal passages & the vaccine stops it in its tracks, b4 it can travel down into the lungs & other organs.

an unvaxxed person may get it & NOT be asymptomatic, but get intubated or worse.
Except that the risk from not being vaccinated is only on the unvaccinated, so the vaccinated need to shut up about that.
The reality is the vaccine is a totally unknown risk, because we don't know what hyping up the immune system will do, when it is an over hyped immune system that is killing people with covid-19 in the first place.

Likely the best way to end this epidemic is for people to stop "flattening the curve" and just end it in 2 weeks.
Our Russian troll makes claims and NEVER provides anything to back up those claims...because they're bullshit.

This troll wants Americans to DIE
No, everyone is not protected at all by there being very few severe cases of deaths.


The transmissions continue at the same rate whether or not people are hospitalized or die.

wrong. delta is 1000x more transmissible than alpha; which is the novel covid19 virus.

The amount of virus they shed by cough or sneeze does not increase if conditions worsen and they need hospitalization or die.

it invades more organs & therefore creates more damage.

Hospitalization or death has nothing to do with the virus, but is only due to the over reaction by the immune system.

lol ... uh, no. exactly the opposite.
There are relatively few "anti-vaxxers" in our country. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is certainly one.

The vast majority of others are what I would call, "cautious-vaxxers".

The COVID-19 vaccines are all EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES. This is the approval received by all the manufacturers of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID‑19.
What part of that is not clear to you?

Specifically, what are the results of the long-term studies done on all of the COVID-19 vaccines? Exactly, none have been done. Have there been any drugs that proved safe in the short term but dangerous in the long term? Of course, there have been many.

If the government is telling us to IGNORE THE US FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA), why do we have one?
Here again...we have a right winger talking down vaccines...who HAS BEEN VACCINATED

cynical bastard
it's a respiratory disease. you breathe, cough, sneeze your covid cooties onto us. it gets into our nasal passages & the vaccine stops it in its tracks, b4 it can travel down into the lungs & other organs.

an unvaxxed person may get it & NOT be asymptomatic, but get intubated or worse.

Conventional vaccines stop viruses, stop transmission and offer immunity. mRNA isn't a vaccine and doesn't stop viral transmission and provides no immunity. Big difference plus this is new technology never before tested on humans. Aside from all of that, it hasn't gone through the necessary and proper clinical trials which last from 8-12 years. We have no idea of what the side effects are going to be on the human body.
Conventional vaccines stop viruses, stop transmission and offer immunity. mRNA isn't a vaccine and doesn't stop viral transmission and provides no immunity. Big difference plus this is new technology never before tested on humans. Aside from all of that, it hasn't gone through the necessary and proper clinical trials which last from 8-12 years. We have no idea of what the side effects are going to be on the human body.
Stop spreading lies
playtime yes they are---they ARE saying WEAR A MASK!!!!!!!!!!!! what planet are you on?????!!!!!!
they are REQUIRED!!!!!
When did vaccinating get tried before?

In fact...infections fell off the table when the vaccine first rolled out

And mask wearing DID work...where it was actually DONE
Unlike you I DO post valid links to substantiate my claims

You are being lied to by the Marxist Fake News MSM, the CDC, and the mastermind of this Plandemic, Dr. F ....

However I am sure you lack the IQ to be anything other than a Marxist Fake News Sheeple.


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