To the "Anti-vaxxers"

THEY see the devastating results of people listening to the likes of YOU

The reality of life is that everyone of us is going to get very sick and debilitated, and then finally expire- unless we are fortunate enough to get hit by a bus or take a bullet in the back of the head first.

This is regardless of whether they wear masks, socially distance and vax, or not.

Relax and live life.

Don't merely survive under Liberal Fear.

The vast majority of people will reach a tough end.
The reality of life is that everyone of us is going to get very sick and debilitated, and then finally expire- unless we are fortunate enough to get hit by a bus or take a bullet in the back of the head first.

This is regardless of whether they wear masks, socially distance and vax, or not.

Relax and live life.

Don't merely survive under Liberal Fear.

The vast majority of people will reach a tough end.
Save the nihilism bullshit.
Which has nothing to do with who is showing up in hospitals and dying.

Jesus. You're a dope

"Plandemic" Fucking Q Kook

Of course the corona panic was planned. Remember when it started? When the Red Chinese wanted to stop the Trump Rallies that were beginning to be celebrated across the land.

The Chicoms strategy worked, the Corona virus gave libs a chance to change the voting system into something new which could easily be fixed.

And it was.
Which has nothing to do with who is showing up in hospitals and dying.

Jesus. You're a dope

"Plandemic" Fucking Q Kook
You dumbass ....

There's threads all over this board about fully vaxxed people dying from the Wuhan Virus.

You are a Marxist Fake News Sheeple who believes the government is your god and would defend them LYING to you and everyone else to the bitter end.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a Mental Disorder.
Of course the corona panic was planned. Remember when it started? When the Red Chinese wanted to stop the Trump Rallies that were beginning to be celebrated across the land.

The Chicoms strategy worked, the Corona virus gave libs a chance to change the voting system into something new which could easily be fixed.

And it was.
There is no way that Dumbass Leftist has the IQ to understand what you just posted.

These sick fucks believe government is their god.
You dumbass ....

There's threads all over this board about fully vaxxed people dying from the Wuhan Virus.

You are a Marxist Fake News Sheeple who believes the government is your god and would defend them LYING to you and everyone else to the bitter end.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a Mental Disorder.
Yup. But very very few. In fact 97% of both covid hospitalizations and deaths are among the Unvaccinated.
There is no way that Dumbass Leftist has the IQ to understand what you just posted.

These sick fucks believe government is their god.
"Plandemic" Q kooks...

Go away. Read comic books. Stop trying to get people dead
How do you explain them not getting it in the 'initial' outbreak?

LoL looks like they've had the vaxx. Kids should not be getting that vaccine. It is not necessary for their health or avoiding the virus. The vaccine seems to be the key in kids becoming ill and suffering long term effects.
Yup. But very very few. In fact 97% of both covid hospitalizations and deaths are among the Unvaccinated.

Regardless it should not be happening. Don't say it's normal or to be expected. NO. It is NOT. Vaxxed are not safe...still need to mask, social distance. It is not about your health dude. It's about control. You've been fed a line since day one.
Regardless it should not be happening. Don't say it's normal or to be expected. NO. It is NOT. Vaxxed are not safe...still need to mask, social distance. It is not about your health dude. It's about control. You've been fed a line since day one.
That's insane nonsense

And stop cutting our the names from your quotes
Are you kidding?
You've invented every possible doomsday theory because you would not bow to a government to save your life.

All those sci fi books are doing in your head.
Correct, I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’ve stated I will take a safe and effective vaccine.
The covid vaccine is safe and effective.

Get the shot so we can end this shit

Just because Sleepy Joe and Doc Fauci say it is safe and effective isn't proof of anything.

President Biden is literally Senile and Fauci doesn't have the medical brains to change a bedpan in Mercer County PA
Thank you. As an addition, Florida currently has the most infections since the pandemic began.
20% of those hospitalized now are aged 18 or below.

Not great as we are weeks away from the start of school.

So you really feel like a dumb ass for being an anti-vaxxer in 2020, huh?
If you get the virus, there is a 2% chance you'll die...if you have the vaxx that drops to almost nil
If you get the virus, there is a 2% chance you'll die...if you have the vaxx that drops to almost nil

You ignore the major group of people who didn't get vaccinated because they already had covid.

This is about Democrat fascism. You have to compel the shot to make the point and keep getting people used to doing what they are told to do

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