To the Republican pundits...a response to Jonah Goldberg....Heard it on Rush...

Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

Did you enjoy it as much as I did when Kasich used Jesus to push expanding government? That is what Nolte and the other author are talking about.
Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love.


Look at the list that Notle and the other author point out........the republicans of the establishment have promised the same things and not delivered, even after being given the House and Senate...and it isn't just that obama can veto what they do......he doesn't seem to have a problem using his power to get what he wants.......

Trump doesn't ridicule or disrespect the people who are attending his rallies....McCain did....McConnel did....

And he fights.....Remember when that Radio Host, a supporter of McCain, introduced obama and he used obama's full name...and the McCain people called him on it...because they didn't want to antagonize peopel.....

Remember when Rommey ran....and didn't fight.....

The conservatives are tired of working to give republicans power, just to be mocked and lied to by the people they elect.

Remember when Jeb said he was going to win without the republican base....what kind of guy says that?
Nolte cherry picks notoriously rino candidates and leaves out true conservatives.
And you fall for it.

He picked out actual fights in the Republican party where the establishment republicans fought against guys like Ted Cruz and other Conservatives. I followed the fights where the weight of the party was used against the very people we elected to fix you think Ted Cruz is loved by the leadership?
Boehner called him an asshole, so I guess not.
But guess what: whoever is elected is going to have to work with Boehner or whoever the Speaker is. There are lots of rinos still in power and will be. If you demonize them as enemies you are doing exactly what Obama did.
We do not need our own version of Obama.
This is insane.
Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

Did you enjoy it as much as I did when Kasich used Jesus to push expanding government? That is what Nolte and the other author are talking about.
Kasich expanded Medicaid and a bunch of other crap. He's off my list. I dont care what he thinks of Jesus.
Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

I love Cruz.....he's great...he fights too. I don't know if he can get there though. The base knows Trump actually does what he says he is going to do. And he has a real world track record....he says he is going to build a building or a golf course and it gets done.....and he has done that all around the world. He has skills at organizing people and getting around obstacles.

The other republicans need to learn from Trump.
You get that Trump is the head of a corporation and thus gets to dictate to people in his pay, while the president does not dictate to people in the government's pay, right?
He has zero political skills and has demonstrated them daily.
I cannot believe this needs to be explained.

I understand.....but at the same time he still has dealt with bureaucrats at all levels and gotten things done. People are just tired of the GOP not doing what they say they will do after all the effort expended giving them majorities....

How many more times can the base go out, and give them landslide victories...and then have nothing change....

That is what Mark Steyn says all the time....they win these elections, in huge victories....and then the leadership doesn't use it....and then they directly insult the very people who gave their majorities.....

The GOP has to respect the people who supported them.....if they don't start doing that you are going to see more support for Trump.
So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

I love Cruz.....he's great...he fights too. I don't know if he can get there though. The base knows Trump actually does what he says he is going to do. And he has a real world track record....he says he is going to build a building or a golf course and it gets done.....and he has done that all around the world. He has skills at organizing people and getting around obstacles.

The other republicans need to learn from Trump.
You get that Trump is the head of a corporation and thus gets to dictate to people in his pay, while the president does not dictate to people in the government's pay, right?
He has zero political skills and has demonstrated them daily.
I cannot believe this needs to be explained.

I understand.....but at the same time he still has dealt with bureaucrats at all levels and gotten things done. People are just tired of the GOP not doing what they say they will do after all the effort expended giving them majorities....

How many more times can the base go out, and give them landslide victories...and then have nothing change....

That is what Mark Steyn says all the time....they win these elections, in huge victories....and then the leadership doesn't use it....and then they directly insult the very people who gave their majorities.....

The GOP has to respect the people who supported them.....if they don't start doing that you are going to see more support for Trump.
Do you really think a CEO ordering his staff to do something is an appropriate model for being president? I thought we objected when Obama did that.
Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

Did you enjoy it as much as I did when Kasich used Jesus to push expanding government? That is what Nolte and the other author are talking about.
Kasich expanded Medicaid and a bunch of other crap. He's off my list. I dont care what he thinks of Jesus.

Exactly......I heard him say that and that was it.......he is the very guy Nolte is talking about. He talks conservative, then pulls the Jesus card to grow government. Same with Christie....remember when he said "I can work with the other side?" Do you want more republicans "reaching across the aisel?" I know I don't.

I am tired of our guys "reaching across the aisle" and getting nothing done.

Do the democrats ever talk about "reaching across the aisle?" Or do they just use power to get what they want.
So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love. Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things, nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.

Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

Did you enjoy it as much as I did when Kasich used Jesus to push expanding government? That is what Nolte and the other author are talking about.
Kasich expanded Medicaid and a bunch of other crap. He's off my list. I dont care what he thinks of Jesus.

Exactly......I heard him say that and that was it.......he is the very guy Nolte is talking about. He talks conservative, then pulls the Jesus card to grow government. Same with Christie....remember when he said "I can work with the other side?" Do you want more republicans "reaching across the aisel?" I know I don't.

I am tired of our guys "reaching across the aisle" and getting nothing done.

Do the democrats ever talk about "reaching across the aisle?" Or do they just use power to get what they want.
If you dont knwo how to negotiate to come out ahead you shouldnt be in office.
If you arent willing to negotiate to begin with you shouldnt be in office.
Ron Paul was the most principled member of Congress for 30 years. He was also the most useless.
Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

I love Cruz.....he's great...he fights too. I don't know if he can get there though. The base knows Trump actually does what he says he is going to do. And he has a real world track record....he says he is going to build a building or a golf course and it gets done.....and he has done that all around the world. He has skills at organizing people and getting around obstacles.

The other republicans need to learn from Trump.
You get that Trump is the head of a corporation and thus gets to dictate to people in his pay, while the president does not dictate to people in the government's pay, right?
He has zero political skills and has demonstrated them daily.
I cannot believe this needs to be explained.

I understand.....but at the same time he still has dealt with bureaucrats at all levels and gotten things done. People are just tired of the GOP not doing what they say they will do after all the effort expended giving them majorities....

How many more times can the base go out, and give them landslide victories...and then have nothing change....

That is what Mark Steyn says all the time....they win these elections, in huge victories....and then the leadership doesn't use it....and then they directly insult the very people who gave their majorities.....

The GOP has to respect the people who supported them.....if they don't start doing that you are going to see more support for Trump.
Do you really think a CEO ordering his staff to do something is an appropriate model for being president? I thought we objected when Obama did that.

It is less that than that he knows how to get things done...he has actual concrete examples in his buildings and golf courses.....not easy things to build.

Being a CEO is not the same, but he is a leader.....again, I am not a Trump you I don't trust him to do what we want.....

I do understand what is going on.....

Do you remember when the republicans had 50 seats in the senate and some of the base wanted them to use that to change the rules to get Bush's judges appointed....and McCain stepped in with one of his "Gangs of 8 or 14?" and he said if we do this then the democrats will do it.....

And then he blocked it....and when the democrats got the power....they changed the filibuster rules to pass obamas judges? That is what is irritating the base.
Rabbi, you know we agree on most are just missing the point here. For election after election the Republicans have made promises to the base, and the base has delivered landslide victories. Then, when it was time for the republicans to actually do something with that power....they didn't. They could have stopped obamacare and the other things mentioned. The Trump phenomena is simply the base realizing that the Republicans have promised over and over and never delivered and in fact have actually attacked the base....McCain, McConnel and the others have attacked the Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the others who have tried to get some things done....

Bush said he wants to win without the support of the base....after all the base has done to give republicans their majorities....

Some have decided that the republicans have promised and how much worse can Trump be....and at least he can and does take on the press.

In the least, Trump is teaching republicans how to deal with the press and leftists when they attack.

Aren't you tired of watching the same republican responses when the left calls them racists, sexists and homophobes....? And they don't know how to respond or fight back.

I myself support Walker but will more than likely vote for Firoina.....she is competent and women want to vote for a woman.....There are actual republican women who say they are going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.......sad.

I understand the Trump wave.......and the pundits need to learn to appreciate the base or they are going to put the republican party out to pasture.
So the solution to Republicans not following through on what the base wants is to support a Republican who has supported higher taxes, single payer health care, gun rights restrictions, and gay marriage? Rly?
Fiorina is a joke. And no women will not vote for her just because she's a woman.
You want a meat eater,vote Cruz.

Did you enjoy it as much as I did when Kasich used Jesus to push expanding government? That is what Nolte and the other author are talking about.
Kasich expanded Medicaid and a bunch of other crap. He's off my list. I dont care what he thinks of Jesus.

Exactly......I heard him say that and that was it.......he is the very guy Nolte is talking about. He talks conservative, then pulls the Jesus card to grow government. Same with Christie....remember when he said "I can work with the other side?" Do you want more republicans "reaching across the aisel?" I know I don't.

I am tired of our guys "reaching across the aisle" and getting nothing done.

Do the democrats ever talk about "reaching across the aisle?" Or do they just use power to get what they want.
If you dont knwo how to negotiate to come out ahead you shouldnt be in office.
If you arent willing to negotiate to begin with you shouldnt be in office.
Ron Paul was the most principled member of Congress for 30 years. He was also the most useless.

Do you think it is easy to get buildings put up in any of the places Trump put his buildings....New York? He knows how to get past the politicians and the bureaucrats.....something Boehner and McConnel can't seem to do...or McCain and the others.....

Like I said, the Republicans who are real conservatives need to learn what Trump is teaching them.......if attacked by the left and their minions in the press, don't apologize....fight back.

Jeb didn't learn this......

When Trump was told that using "Anchor Baby" was you remember how he handled it....

He asked the guy what was a better term...and the lefty reporter went in to some long, stupid P.C. definition....and then Trump said..."I'll just use Anchor Baby."

That was great.

What did Jeb do when asked the same thing.....he responded like all the other republicans...he hemmed, and hawwed and spent a couple of days "clarifying" his comments...then settled on blaming the Chinese birth hotels......

Of the two...the Republicans need to follow Trumps example......
utter bullshit.


You usually do better than this.

Its on the level with:

"Hater Dupe" and the other nonsense we get from Libero-Progresso-Dumb-Asses.

Lot of the O.P. is bullshit, but it seems that while Democrats have become almost pure response.....the Republicans have become almost complete Pussies.

Ordinarily, I agree with you, but you seem to be defending Pussies.
Here is another article about how clueless the conservative pundits are...again based off of Goldberg's column.

This one is by one of my favorite writers at Breitbart...John Nolte...

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie - Breitbart

Why Trump Is Winning

Goldberg writes, ā€œTrump has the charisma, Iā€™ll grant him that. But there is no evidence heā€™s thought deeply about the job beyond how much classier it will be once he has it.ā€

Does that mean Trumpā€™s supporters should go with the same Jeb Bush who still canā€™t answer a no-brainer question about Iraq? Scott Walker, who canā€™t seem to answer any question? How about John ā€œJesus told me to expand the destructive Welfare Stateā€ Kasich? Or maybe Mike ā€œlibidoā€ Huckabee?

Hereā€™s what Trumpā€™s supporters do know about their guy, and for now at least, thatā€™s good enough:

  1. Trump will build the border wall.
After saying he would build the border wall, for two long months our corrupt media, in a desperate bid to disqualify this policy, dropped Trump in The Barrel. He was called every ā€œistā€ in the book, boycotted by numerous business partners, and more times than I can count, called ā€œroad killā€ by all The Smart People.

This media storm (aided by some weak-kneed Republicans) only served to boost Trump because unlike so many in the Republican Party, when confronted by a media attack, Trump not only refused to back down, he effectively fought back.

Those in favor of The Wall are neither racist nor nativist nor rubes. In fact they are smarter than many of the so-called GOP intellectuals hurling those insults because The Rubes ā€œget itā€ ā€” they understand that our open border is an existential threat to conservatism, and by extension America. Itā€™s this simple: We either fix this problem or left-wing Democrats win a permanent majority and the Obama-era never ends.

Maybe the bourgeois GOP are too ā€œsmartā€ to grasp such a simple concept. Nevertheless, it is perfectly conservative to be a one issue voter on this one issue.

  1. Trump will kill terrorists.
Again, maybe the proles arenā€™t smart enough to grasp why bombing the oil fields funding ISIS is a bad idea. Regardless, Trump is persuasively aggressive on another existential threat to our way of life: Islamic terrorism.

  1. Trump promises to simplify the tax code and lower middle class taxes.
Goldberg is correct that Trump has leapt from the flat tax to the fair tax to taxing the wealthy. But one area where heā€™s been entirely consistent is simplifying a corrupt tax code.

4. Billionaire Trump says he canā€™t be bought by special interests.

Itā€™s hard for some to grasp just what a big deal this is. It also connects directly to simplifying a tax code corrupted beyond human comprehension by the crony capitalism that has created an indefensible tax policy. Sure, other Republican candidates claim they will do the same but Trump supporters have heard this promise many times before, and always from Republican candidates beholden to the same crony contributors who benefit from unlimited corporate welfare.

  1. Trump is a legitimate outsider.
The media hate him. The GOP establishment hates him. The grifters in the Consultant Class hate him. Newflash: A large and growing part of The Base now hate a Republican Party they see as having repeatedly sold them out on conservative issues like immigration, taxes, controlling the size of government, and kowtowing to special interests like the Chamber of Commerce.

This Establishment hate is for Trump the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. Trump is expanding The Base.
For decades, as their way of life was buried with only a rusted-out factory for a tombstone, the working class among the Rustbelt have been summarily ignored by both political parties. Trump has been speaking to them for decades (China. Japan. Mexico. Trade.)

While the bourgeois GOP push to expand the Party by pandering to millions who came here illegally, Trump hasnā€™t forgotten the millions who got royally screwed and then forgotten and ignored after doing nothing more than playing by the rules.

  1. Trump fights ā€¦ and wins.
Goldberg writes, ā€œAnd now, in a moment of passion, many of my comrades-in-arms are throwing it all away in a fit of pique. Because ā€˜Trump fights!ā€™ā€

Thatā€™s is a good line, a line used by many in the Establishment to mock Trumpā€™s supporters. Itā€™s also a dishonest line.

Trump doesnā€™t just fight. Trump wins. The manā€™s been declared doornail dead by the media and the Establishment more often than all the successors to Leonid Brezhnev (Iā€™m getting good at this) combined. And yet, The Donald always manages to come back stronger and in better shape than he did before.

Heā€™s beating the media. Heā€™s beating the GOP Establishment. Heā€™s beating Fox News. Heā€™s beating the hundred-million dollar man Jeb.

So basically Trump is better than the worst candidates in teh GOP because he promises to do all kinds of neat-o stuff we all love.

Even though he hasnt said word one as to how he will do these things,

sure he less than anyone else..and more specific than a lot others..
nor does he have any experience working with people who disagree with him.
Seriously? can look at his success in the real world and say that?...

Geez the GOP has become the Party of the Rubes, willing to believe whatever someone says because some alternative out there is worse.
Just wow.
time for a patriot in more okey more excuses...

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