To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

When the service men and women are forced to shower and bunk with each other, then I'll understand how serious people are about equality.
Didn't read my post did you?

Who's never been in the military now?


Have you ever been in Basic traing?

I guess you mean "training." Yes.
People have been recycled for showing PDA while in basic.

You don't say! They also get recycled for smuggling a candy bar into the bays. If you think basic training and the way they run things there is at all akin to what the everyday Air Force is like then again, you are a total moron.

Are you pissed because I showed you that there is a regulation against PDA? Or is that you are an anal ****? I have never once said PDA in uniform didn't happen said it was frawned upon, and you got all bent out of shape. You are one pissed off bitch when you see the truth.:lol:
ships returning to port are not military social events like military balls. but then, I can understand why you wouldn't KNOW that.

Hey.... why not stick to topics where you KNOW something.... like how to eat racoon stew with only six teeth.

Ships coming in from sea is not a social event? Sure it isn't. WOW i SHOULD HAVE HAD A v-8

it's not... It's a ship coming back from sea.... sometimes we go out for a day or two...sometimes a week or two.... sometimes six weeks down at Gitmo.... or AFWR... sometimes six months in the Med. Whenever ships come back, there are dependents there to greet the ship and sailors and their families embrace and display affection.

and you again refuse to acknowledge the point. Straight sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med....nothing happens. Gay sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med - DISCHARGE. CAREER OVER.

So tell me when did an Air Force Reg affect the navy?

AFR 30-1
However the social gather is just an example, but an anal asswipe like yourself wouldn't understand that part. I am sure PDA is over looked when service men and women come back home. Just as I am sure it would not be over looked to see couples huged up together on base in uniform on any other day.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Lt. Col. Evan Pettus, 389th Fighter Squadron commander reunites with his wife, Kirsten Pettus, after returning from a four-month deployment to the Republic of Korea Jan. 20.​
Do you think Lt Col Pettus, squadron commander, gave himself an Article 15 for his PDA?

Dave you know as well as I know and anyone else who has been in the Air Force should know that AFR 30-1 allows for those situations. It's more for day to day operations.
I've kissed my wife goodbye when she drops me off in front of the building in which I work, in full view of all passersby.

I remain unpunished. Oh, the huge manatee!
When the service men and women are forced to shower and bunk with each other, then I'll understand how serious people are about equality.

I guy I used to know deployed with a small outfit to Bosnia. Rather than set up two field showers, they took a vote, and with the commander's approval, just set up one co-ed shower.
It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

True, and CLEARLY repealing DADT will NOT mean that gays are allowed to make out in the chow halls.

Do you REALLY think that gays don't have enough self control to not do so? Those who don't will get ran out of boot, the same as straights who have no self control are.
Maybe and then maybe not


Now show the pics from Mardi Gras or Spring Break....or better yet, old pics from Longapo near Subic Bay.

MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Lt. Col. Evan Pettus, 389th Fighter Squadron commander reunites with his wife, Kirsten Pettus, after returning from a four-month deployment to the Republic of Korea Jan. 20.​
Do you think Lt Col Pettus, squadron commander, gave himself an Article 15 for his PDA?

Dave you know as well as I know and anyone else who has been in the Air Force should know that AFR 30-1 allows for those situations. It's more for day to day operations.
I've kissed my wife goodbye when she drops me off in front of the building in which I work, in full view of all passersby.

I remain unpunished. Oh, the huge manatee!
Thats not the PDA that AFR 30-1 is addressing.
I have never forced my soldiers to do anything that would go against their religion, that would violate the regulation. Protocol is a different story and if one of my soldiers were to be potentially forced to do something against their religion in the name of protocol I wouldn't put them on that detail.

You can't force soldiers to do something that goes against their religion to an extent. A soldier dictating how other people live their lives because it violates their own religious beliefs is a non-starter argument.

Unless you are prepared to tell me that Catholic Soldiers don't have to tolerate superiors who have been divorced or Mormon soldiers don't have to listen to superiors who drink caffeine.

Your choice of who goes on what detail is not the same as official military policy.

Not to mention that a "Christian" is never supposed to attack another person, even if that person attacks them.

We're not ordering soldiers to harm other people, are we?
Dave you know as well as I know and anyone else who has been in the Air Force should know that AFR 30-1 allows for those situations. It's more for day to day operations.
I've kissed my wife goodbye when she drops me off in front of the building in which I work, in full view of all passersby.

I remain unpunished. Oh, the huge manatee!
Thats not the PDA that AFR 30-1 is addressing.

Yes, it is: "Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."
I've kissed my wife goodbye when she drops me off in front of the building in which I work, in full view of all passersby.

I remain unpunished. Oh, the huge manatee!
Thats not the PDA that AFR 30-1 is addressing.

Yes, it is: "Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

I really do not think a peck on the cheek from the wife was the PDA it was addressing even though it says that. I think it was those times when a couple should go and find a motel room. I'm not saying anyone would be court martialed for it The only poiunt I have tried to make is that the Air ForceFrawns on PDA. iF THEY DIDN'T THEY NEVER WOULD HAVE 30-1
Cause I'm busy downloading a game...but I think you are capable...and I think I make my point.

you want it posted you post it. and it doesn't make your point.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh, yes I did...I can tell by you evading.

Whos evading? You have posted two replies in the same thread within a short period of time. If you want to post a video post it. I ain't you dog that will jump when you say jump got it fe fe?
Thats not the PDA that AFR 30-1 is addressing.

Yes, it is: "Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

I really do not think a peck on the cheek from the wife was the PDA it was addressing even though it says that. I think it was those times when a couple should go and find a motel room. I'm not saying anyone would be court martialed for it The only poiunt I have tried to make is that the Air ForceFrawns on PDA. iF THEY DIDN'T THEY NEVER WOULD HAVE 30-1
It doesn't matter what you think. You don't get to interpret the AFI so it supports your argument -- especially in so ludicrous a manner.
When the service men and women are forced to shower and bunk with each other, then I'll understand how serious people are about equality.

I guy I used to know deployed with a small outfit to Bosnia. Rather than set up two field showers, they took a vote, and with the commander's approval, just set up one co-ed shower.
So you would make it a mandatory law that women and men must shower and bunk with each other in the military?
clearly, you have never stood on the D&S piers in Norfolk when a destroyer squadron comes home from the Med. I have. Lot's of times.

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.

Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.
It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.

Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.

The argument can and will be totally about what is best for the military, and there are valid points that changing this policy is what is best for the military.
Thats not the PDA that AFR 30-1 is addressing.

Yes, it is: "Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

I really do not think a peck on the cheek from the wife was the PDA it was addressing even though it says that. I think it was those times when a couple should go and find a motel room. I'm not saying anyone would be court martialed for it The only poiunt I have tried to make is that the Air ForceFrawns on PDA. iF THEY DIDN'T THEY NEVER WOULD HAVE 30-1

Tho, oddly, such a peck on the cheek by my wife when I returned from deployment (or she did), would have gotten us discharged under DADT.

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