To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.

Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.

So, you admit that heterosexuals don't have to follow the same rules that homosexuals are being held to....

And I was not aware that our right to equality under the law was taken away when we join the military. Interesting to know you support that.
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

A little unexpected coming from a liberal.

Thats because I'm not a liberal you jackass.

DADT resticts the freedom of speech and association.

The military restricted me when I was an officer from criticizing people like Bill Clinton and George Bush, so I had no freedom of speech either. The military also forbids servicemembers from being members of hate groups, so much for freedom of association, of people don't like these rules they shouldn't join the military, the military isn't obligated to bend and change its rules for every little damn thing, this is not a candy store military.
So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.

Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.

So, you admit that heterosexuals don't have to follow the same rules that homosexuals are being held to....

And I was not aware that our right to equality under the law was taken away when we join the military. Interesting to know you support that.

Your sexual acts are not entitled to special treatment under the law, again, homosexuality is not the same nor the equal of heterosexuality, while you gays are asking for DADT to be repealed, why don't you send an email to God and ask him to repeal his "ban" on two people of the same sex procreating because things in nature have changed since he created us, after all, God is a homophobe and bigot for not giving two men who are a "loving couple" the ability to make children just like heterosexual people, shame on the Lord for being a bigot and homophobe and for not making "provisions" for homosexual couples. When God takes up your argument and changes things let me know.
Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.

So, you admit that heterosexuals don't have to follow the same rules that homosexuals are being held to....

And I was not aware that our right to equality under the law was taken away when we join the military. Interesting to know you support that.

Your sexual acts are not entitled to special treatment under the law, again, homosexuality is not the same nor the equal of heterosexuality, while you gays are asking for DADT to be repealed, why don't you send an email to God and ask him to repeal his "ban" on two people of the same sex procreating because things in nature have changed since he created us, after all, God is a homophobe and bigot for not giving two men who are a "loving couple" the ability to make children just like heterosexual people, shame on the Lord for being a bigot and homophobe and for not making "provisions" for homosexual couples. When God takes up your argument and changes things let me know.

Hugging my wife when back from deployment is a sexual act? And which god would you be referring to...there are so many.
So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.

Again, you keep assuming that homosexuality is the equal of heterosexuality, it is not, the military should make all of these special exceptions for people based on their sexual behavior, this is a military that is not mandatory to serve in, you want to join to follow its rules, not ask it to change its rules. The only time rules should change its when its for the best of all the military.

The argument can and will be totally about what is best for the military, and there are valid points that changing this policy is what is best for the military.

Allowing gays to kiss isn't going to do anything to benefit the entire military and you know it, it would do wonders for gay activists intent on pushing the acceptance of homosexuality, but it does nothing to benefit everyone in the military. If I was still in, so airman coming up to me and saying "Sir, I'm gay" is not going to benefit me.
Hugging my wife when back from deployment is a sexual act? And which god would you be referring to...there are so many.

Homosexual behvior of any kind in not obligated to be endorsed and accepted by the military.
When the service men and women are forced to shower and bunk with each other, then I'll understand how serious people are about equality.

I guy I used to know deployed with a small outfit to Bosnia. Rather than set up two field showers, they took a vote, and with the commander's approval, just set up one co-ed shower.
So you would make it a mandatory law that women and men must shower and bunk with each other in the military?
Did I say that?

Given the option, though, most men and women will act professionally.
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

I'll try..

Other service members are allowed to openly show their love. Heterosexuals are allowed to openly display pictures of their loved ones, have their loved ones greet them when they return from a long deployment, designate their loved ones for survivor benefits, have their loved ones visit them in the hospital.

Homosexuals must hide it

Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

Poe's Law.

No one is stupid enough to think that giving a partner survivor benefits constitutes flaunting.
I'll try..

Other service members are allowed to openly show their love. Heterosexuals are allowed to openly display pictures of their loved ones, have their loved ones greet them when they return from a long deployment, designate their loved ones for survivor benefits, have their loved ones visit them in the hospital.

Homosexuals must hide it

Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

Poe's Law.

No one is stupid enough to think that giving a partner survivor benefits constitutes flaunting.

DADT doesn't need to be repealed for that.
Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

Poe's Law.

No one is stupid enough to think that giving a partner survivor benefits constitutes flaunting.

DADT doesn't need to be repealed for that.

Yes it would...cause having a partner of the same sex (gender discrimination) and having them on your Pg 2 (benefits page) would be enough to get one discharged.

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