To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

it's not... It's a ship coming back from sea.... sometimes we go out for a day or two...sometimes a week or two.... sometimes six weeks down at Gitmo.... or AFWR... sometimes six months in the Med. Whenever ships come back, there are dependents there to greet the ship and sailors and their families embrace and display affection.

and you again refuse to acknowledge the point. Straight sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med....nothing happens. Gay sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med - DISCHARGE. CAREER OVER.

Tough shitski, thats the military.

really? Gosh... I didn't fucking KNOW that. :cuckoo:

And when (not if) DADT is repealed, you'll salute and support it... don't like that idea? tough shitski.

Its not going to happen any time soon, not a chance, thats wishful thinking by you. I'll be out by that time anyways and I will never salute it, why can't gays salute DADT? If this wasn't a volunteer military they would have some leverage.
I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:

Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.

Why does the military care about the sexual acts you and your wife engage in?

When it comes to a soldiers private sexual conduct ...the military should have a DADT policy

The military doesn't care what me and some women do as long as I'm not raping or sexually assaulting any woman, so whatever I do sexually is no one's business. DADT allows gays to serve and to keep their sexual conduct to themselves so long as they don't do anything to out themselves, asking for its repeals only shows that they're incapable of doing it.
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Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.

Why does the military care about the sexual acts you and your wife engage in?

When it comes to a soldiers private sexual conduct ...the military should have a DADT policy

The military doesn't care what me and some women do as long as I'm raping or sexually assaulting any woman, so whatever I do sexually is no one's business. DADT allows gays to serve and to keep their sexual conduct to themselves so long as they don't do anything to out themselves, asking for its repeals only shows that they're incapable of doing it.

You, of course, support a DADT policy for straight members also and cannot understand why any straight military member would be incapable of following it....right?
I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:

Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.

But the military doesn't kick gays out for sexual acts. They kick them out once they know they are gay....hugging a loved one, finding e-mails from a loved one, and so on.

You get kicked out for engaging in homosexual behavior and conduct, whether its people they think they 'love' or not. The UCMJ has articles that deal with prohibited sexual acts, do some people violate them? Yes. Do those people who are heterosexual and violate them openly say and admit that they do? No. Sexual acts are meant to be private, not political and public.
Why does the military care about the sexual acts you and your wife engage in?

When it comes to a soldiers private sexual conduct ...the military should have a DADT policy

The military doesn't care what me and some women do as long as I'm raping or sexually assaulting any woman, so whatever I do sexually is no one's business. DADT allows gays to serve and to keep their sexual conduct to themselves so long as they don't do anything to out themselves, asking for its repeals only shows that they're incapable of doing it.

You, of course, support a DADT policy for straight members also and cannot understand why any straight military member would be incapable of following it....right?

Some straight people do private engage in sex acts prohibited by the articles of the UCMJ, they just don't politicize and publicize what they do, they keep it private, gays are willfully incapable and want everyone to know, its none of my business if anyone is gay and I shouldn't be told something about someone's sex life that I don't want to hear about.
Buddy if you're talking about your old lady to your backstabbing buddies then you're just asking for trouble.

It's none of their God Damned business. I had one say he thought my ole lady loved him and it was all in his mind.

Please. People talk about their spouse all the time in the military. Do you think he's means talking about sex with this "old lady?" Because he isn't. He's talking about casual everyday conversation ... the same kind of casual conversation that straights have everyday in the service.

The same casual conversation that would get a gay person kicked out.

I'm not interested in hearing anyone's casual gay conversation, again, these are weak reasons for wanting to repeal DADT, there has to be evidence that not allowing gay men and women to kiss each other in the mouth and openly say they're gay is doing the military irreparable damage, hard to do that in an all volunteer military where service isn't mandatory and you have a choice.
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

A little unexpected coming from a liberal.

DADT resticts the freedom of speech and association.

It's an unconstitutional rule.

That being said. All Vets know that they don't truly have the right to free speech to begin with. Many rights that civilians take for granted are privaledges in the military.

It's an odd trade off. You join to fight for those rights but loose many by joining.

I'd say, let the military deside what is right for the military. Unions have special rules, the government has special rules, the miltary has special rules, and this is just one of many.

DADT was a farce dumped on us by clinton.
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

Employment discrimination as to survivor benefits. Equal protection under the law. The same civil laws that protect people in the private sector regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation should protect people in the military.
Please. People talk about their spouse all the time in the military. Do you think he's means talking about sex with this "old lady?" Because he isn't. He's talking about casual everyday conversation ... the same kind of casual conversation that straights have everyday in the service.

The same casual conversation that would get a gay person kicked out.

I'm not interested in hearing anyone's casual gay conversation, again, these are weak reasons for wanting to repeal DADT, there has to be evidence that not allowing gay men and women to kiss each other in the mouth and openly say they're gay is doing the military irreparable damage, hard to do that in an all volunteer military where service isn't mandatory and you have a choice.
And I was not interested in hearing anyone's casual straight conversation...yet I did, again and again and again for 21 years....with no repercussions...while if I were to have that same casual conversation about my girlfriend at the time....whoosh! I'd be gone.
Sorry Barb, but that is a false argument. The military does not abide by the COTUS.

However, some are failing to understand that DADT doesn't apply to only sex acts. A homosexual can be kicked out of far less than actually having gay sex. They can get kicked out if someone sees their partner greet them warmly when they return home from a deployment. How the fuck is that right? if a gay dude is going around pinching asses in the shower , by all means kick his ass out, but if he's just a guy living his life. Who cares???????????? LEt him live his life.

ANd yes, I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I don't believe it's anymore my business than any other sin of another persons. Which is to say NONE unless it actually affects me (ie the gay guy pinches my ass in the shower.)
Sorry Barb, but that is a false argument. The military does not abide by the COTUS.

However, some are failing to understand that DADT doesn't apply to only sex acts. A homosexual can be kicked out of far less than actually having gay sex. They can get kicked out if someone sees their partner greet them warmly when they return home from a deployment. How the fuck is that right? if a gay dude is going around pinching asses in the shower , by all means kick his ass out, but if he's just a guy living his life. Who cares???????????? LEt him live his life.

ANd yes, I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I don't believe it's anymore my business than any other sin of another persons. Which is to say NONE unless it actually affects me (ie the gay guy pinches my ass in the shower.)

I think it should abide. We differ there, and about sin, but the rest I agree with you about.
You failed. The military frawns upon PDA in uniform. But what they when not in uniform is up to them

bullshit. the military does NOT frown on PDA when units return from deployment. What a gay servicemember does when NOT in uniform is as liable to get them discharged as anything they might do IN uniform.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Lt. Col. Evan Pettus, 389th Fighter Squadron commander reunites with his wife, Kirsten Pettus, after returning from a four-month deployment to the Republic of Korea Jan. 20.​
Do you think Lt Col Pettus, squadron commander, gave himself an Article 15 for his PDA?
You have nothing to say because your argument has been deepsixed.
I'm sure it comforts you to feel that way, but no. You want your bigotry institutionalized.

As I said: If DADT is repealed, you will accept it, and you will treat all the Soldiers in your charge exactly the same, your prejudice notwithstanding. If you don't, you don't deserve to be a senior NCO.

Charlie is not in the military but he was in the AF.
Eat shit, dumb grunt.
I'm in the Army and I have 5 years left to go before I retire and the military cannot force me to accept homosexuality.
What a sissy bedwetter you are.
bullshit. the military does NOT frown on PDA when units return from deployment. What a gay servicemember does when NOT in uniform is as liable to get them discharged as anything they might do IN uniform.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

clearly, you have never stood on the D&S piers in Norfolk when a destroyer squadron comes home from the Med. I have. Lot's of times.

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

clearly, you have never stood on the D&S piers in Norfolk when a destroyer squadron comes home from the Med. I have. Lot's of times.

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

True, and CLEARLY repealing DADT will NOT mean that gays are allowed to make out in the chow halls.

Do you REALLY think that gays don't have enough self control to not do so? Those who don't will get ran out of boot, the same as straights who have no self control are.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

clearly, you have never stood on the D&S piers in Norfolk when a destroyer squadron comes home from the Med. I have. Lot's of times.

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

So...allowances are made for straight couples coming back from deployment...but not gay couples.
clearly, you have never stood on the D&S piers in Norfolk when a destroyer squadron comes home from the Med. I have. Lot's of times.

It's a bit different when soldiers are returing home after having been at war are having been stationed far away from their home country for months or years. This is not a good arguement. During regular training, day to day activities, like going to breakfast, you don't see two soldiers, a man and a woman, making out against a telephone pole do you? No. That's because it's not allowed. It's a LITTLE distracting when your main purpose of being there is to prepare yourselves for killing.

True, and CLEARLY repealing DADT will NOT mean that gays are allowed to make out in the chow halls.

Do you REALLY think that gays don't have enough self control to not do so? Those who don't will get ran out of boot, the same as straights who have no self control are.
Maybe and then maybe not

bullshit. the military does NOT frown on PDA when units return from deployment. What a gay servicemember does when NOT in uniform is as liable to get them discharged as anything they might do IN uniform.
I just posted this to art 15 because he neged me neither you or him knows what you are talking about.
The following is quoted from AFR 30-1, Air Force Standards:
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Lt. Col. Evan Pettus, 389th Fighter Squadron commander reunites with his wife, Kirsten Pettus, after returning from a four-month deployment to the Republic of Korea Jan. 20.​
Do you think Lt Col Pettus, squadron commander, gave himself an Article 15 for his PDA?

Dave you know as well as I know and anyone else who has been in the Air Force should know that AFR 30-1 allows for those situations. It's more for day to day operations.

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