To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

what is this thread about?

servicemembers greet their loved ones with affection ALL the time.... and NOTHING happens to them. GAY servicemembers NEVER greet their loved ones using the exact same displays of affection because their careers are summarily RUINED.

see the difference?
Didn't read the rule did you?
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

Didn't read my post did you?

The military doesn't frown on PDA in uniform when husbands or wives see each other for lunch or stop by the workcenter either. If I had a nickel for every kiss hello or goodbye in uniform that I witnessed in front of Commanders, First Shirts, OIC's, NCOIC's, etc I'd be able to take a nice vacation.

Kissing your spouse or girlfriend after returning from a deployment is not really PDA, now holding hands in uniform and french kissing when not in a redeployment ceremony is PDA.
Didn't read the rule did you?
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

Didn't read my post did you?

The military doesn't frown on PDA in uniform when husbands or wives see each other for lunch or stop by the workcenter either. If I had a nickel for every kiss hello or goodbye in uniform that I witnessed in front of Commanders, First Shirts, OIC's, NCOIC's, etc I'd be able to take a nice vacation.

Who's never been in the military now?


Have you ever been in Basic traing?

I guess you mean "training." Yes.
People have been recycled for showing PDA while in basic.

You don't say! They also get recycled for smuggling a candy bar into the bays. If you think basic training and the way they run things there is at all akin to what the everyday Air Force is like then again, you are a total moron.
Didn't read the rule did you?
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

Didn't read my post did you?

The military doesn't frown on PDA in uniform when husbands or wives see each other for lunch or stop by the workcenter either. If I had a nickel for every kiss hello or goodbye in uniform that I witnessed in front of Commanders, First Shirts, OIC's, NCOIC's, etc I'd be able to take a nice vacation.

Kissing your spouse or girlfriend after returning from a deployment is not really PDA, now holding hands in uniform and french kissing when not in a redeployment ceremony is PDA.

Yeah it is. So is kissing your spouse hello or goodbye if they pops by the shop. If two guys were to do the same I am sure you would agree.
Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

How is having a picture or a visit in the hospital flaunting your homosexuality?

Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return
Didn't read my post did you?

Kissing your spouse or girlfriend after returning from a deployment is not really PDA, now holding hands in uniform and french kissing when not in a redeployment ceremony is PDA.

Yeah it is. So is kissing your spouse hello or goodbye if they pops by the shop. If two guys were to do the same I am sure you would agree.

No I wouldn't agree, PDA is prohibited and stritcly enforced, I know I do enforce it, the military is not lax on PDA.
Didn't read the rule did you?
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

ships returning to port are not military social events like military balls. but then, I can understand why you wouldn't KNOW that.

Hey.... why not stick to topics where you KNOW something.... like how to eat racoon stew with only six teeth.

Ships coming in from sea is not a social event? Sure it isn't. WOW i SHOULD HAVE HAD A v-8

it's not... It's a ship coming back from sea.... sometimes we go out for a day or two...sometimes a week or two.... sometimes six weeks down at Gitmo.... or AFWR... sometimes six months in the Med. Whenever ships come back, there are dependents there to greet the ship and sailors and their families embrace and display affection.

and you again refuse to acknowledge the point. Straight sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med....nothing happens. Gay sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med - DISCHARGE. CAREER OVER.
How is having a picture or a visit in the hospital flaunting your homosexuality?

Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.
Didn't read the rule did you?
"Public display of affection while in uniform, except in the context of a military social event like the Military Ball, is not allowed. This includes kissing, holding hands, and all other forms of physical affection."

Didn't read my post did you?

The military doesn't frown on PDA in uniform when husbands or wives see each other for lunch or stop by the workcenter either. If I had a nickel for every kiss hello or goodbye in uniform that I witnessed in front of Commanders, First Shirts, OIC's, NCOIC's, etc I'd be able to take a nice vacation.

Kissing your spouse or girlfriend after returning from a deployment is not really PDA, now holding hands in uniform and french kissing when not in a redeployment ceremony is PDA.

If I had done that with my wife when she or I had returned from a long deployment...we would have been administratively discharged.
Didn't read my post did you?

Kissing your spouse or girlfriend after returning from a deployment is not really PDA, now holding hands in uniform and french kissing when not in a redeployment ceremony is PDA.

If I had done that with my wife when she or I had returned from a long deployment...we would have been administratively discharged.

Because its homosexual conduct, which is a violation of the UCMJ. Whats the problem here?
Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.

I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:
ships returning to port are not military social events like military balls. but then, I can understand why you wouldn't KNOW that.

Hey.... why not stick to topics where you KNOW something.... like how to eat racoon stew with only six teeth.

Ships coming in from sea is not a social event? Sure it isn't. WOW i SHOULD HAVE HAD A v-8

it's not... It's a ship coming back from sea.... sometimes we go out for a day or two...sometimes a week or two.... sometimes six weeks down at Gitmo.... or AFWR... sometimes six months in the Med. Whenever ships come back, there are dependents there to greet the ship and sailors and their families embrace and display affection.

and you again refuse to acknowledge the point. Straight sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med....nothing happens. Gay sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med - DISCHARGE. CAREER OVER.

Tough shitski, thats the military, whats going to be next, let transexuals join the military and serve openly because its wrong that they can't show 'love' to their life partner? This shat is of no benefit to the military and isn't going to overall help the military and make it better.
It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.

I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:

Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.
Ships coming in from sea is not a social event? Sure it isn't. WOW i SHOULD HAVE HAD A v-8

it's not... It's a ship coming back from sea.... sometimes we go out for a day or two...sometimes a week or two.... sometimes six weeks down at Gitmo.... or AFWR... sometimes six months in the Med. Whenever ships come back, there are dependents there to greet the ship and sailors and their families embrace and display affection.

and you again refuse to acknowledge the point. Straight sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med....nothing happens. Gay sailor kisses HIS life partner on the pier upon return from the Med - DISCHARGE. CAREER OVER.

Tough shitski, thats the military.

really? Gosh... I didn't fucking KNOW that. :cuckoo:

And when (not if) DADT is repealed, you'll salute and support it... don't like that idea? tough shitski.
Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.

If talking about ones partner is not needed or required, why are straight soldiers allowed to do it? If DADT is to be applied, it needs to be applied equally. If you are a soldier....leave your private life at home. Just like gays are required to do
Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.

I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:

Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.

But the military doesn't kick gays out for sexual acts. They kick them out once they know they are gay....hugging a loved one, finding e-mails from a loved one, and so on.
Oh facking please, homosexual conduct is not about love and talking about one's partner is not needed nor require in the military, the only DADT should be lifted is if it is proven that doing so benefits everyone in the military and I don't see how allowing two men to kiss each other up in the mouth and openly saying they're gay will help the entire military.

I guess to the extent that heterosexual conduct is not about love either...:doubt:

Homosexuality and heterosexuality is not the same and sexual acts should not be endorsed and cosigned by the military.

Why does the military care about the sexual acts you and your wife engage in?

When it comes to a soldiers private sexual conduct ...the military should have a DADT policy
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How is having a picture or a visit in the hospital flaunting your homosexuality?

Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Buddy if you're talking about your old lady to your backstabbing buddies then you're just asking for trouble.

It's none of their God Damned business. I had one say he thought my ole lady loved him and it was all in his mind.
Homosexuality is only recognized through homosexual behavior and homosexual sex violates the UCMJ, so to admit to being gay is admitting that one is engaging in homosexual conduct.

It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Buddy if you're talking about your old lady to your backstabbing buddies then you're just asking for trouble.

It's none of their God Damned business. I had one say he thought my ole lady loved him and it was all in his mind.

Please. People talk about their spouse all the time in the military. Do you think he's means talking about sex with this "old lady?" Because he isn't. He's talking about casual everyday conversation ... the same kind of casual conversation that straights have everyday in the service.
It is not about sex, it is about love.

Homosexuals love their partners as much as Heterosexuals love theirs. Even after DADT is repealed (and it will be), I doubt homosexual soldiers would risk being seen kissing their partner. What they want is to be able to openly talk about their partner, the fact that they had a nice time over the weekend, a funny story....just like straight soldiers do

They want to be able to display a picture. Have their loved ones see them off when they deploy and greet them when they return

Buddy if you're talking about your old lady to your backstabbing buddies then you're just asking for trouble.

It's none of their God Damned business. I had one say he thought my ole lady loved him and it was all in his mind.

Please. People talk about their spouse all the time in the military. Do you think he's means talking about sex with this "old lady?" Because he isn't. He's talking about casual everyday conversation ... the same kind of casual conversation that straights have everyday in the service.

The same casual conversation that would get a gay person kicked out.

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