To The USMBERs That Have Been Defending Zimmerman

Is punching a person in the face legal now?

How about bashing his head on the concrete?

No, neither is 'legal'.... unless you're in fear for your life.... and none of us know the exact circumstances of what happened. That's kind of my whole fucking point.... you're quick to judge Martin, others are quick to judge Zimmerman... a few of us are saying that none of you actually fucking KNOW the whole fucking story.

I have a very low tolerance for stupid.

I have a very low tolerance for aggressive bitches.

I've only heard you say that line about 2000 times. I'm sure it's important for you to beat your chest and stomp around proclaiming your superiority to all, but you don't need to impress me. Save it for somebody who is easily impressed by posturing and snarkiness.

Meanwhile, you aren't a judge, and you aren't well versed in law, so your blathering means less than nothing to me. Your primary gift is bitchiness, which really isn't a gift at all. It's rather sad it's the best thing you have going for you.

:lol::lol: You mad.
No, neither is 'legal'.... unless you're in fear for your life.... and none of us know the exact circumstances of what happened. That's kind of my whole fucking point.... you're quick to judge Martin, others are quick to judge Zimmerman... a few of us are saying that none of you actually fucking KNOW the whole fucking story.

I have a very low tolerance for stupid.

I have a very low tolerance for aggressive bitches.

I've only heard you say that line about 2000 times. I'm sure it's important for you to beat your chest and stomp around proclaiming your superiority to all, but you don't need to impress me. Save it for somebody who is easily impressed by posturing and snarkiness.

Meanwhile, you aren't a judge, and you aren't well versed in law, so your blathering means less than nothing to me. Your primary gift is bitchiness, which really isn't a gift at all. It's rather sad it's the best thing you have going for you.

:lol::lol: You mad.

:lol::lol:You funny.
This case is very disturbing...

They have put a bounty out on that poor man, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Spike Lee posts the wrong address for Zimmerman, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Al Sharpton stirring up racist hatred, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

I am shocked at where we are going as a nation.


Whatever you may say or think about O.J. Simpson, I'm here to tell you, he was one of the top 10 - possibly the top 5 - running backs ever to carry a football. I saw him in person when he played for USC and watched his pro career all the way through. He was almost unstoppable.
Whatever you may say or think about O.J. Simpson, I'm here to tell you, he was one of the top 10 - possibly the top 5 - running backs ever to carry a football. I saw him in person when he played for USC and watched his pro career all the way through. He was almost unstoppable.

And regardless of how talented an athlete he was, when it came to being a brutal vicious murdering scumbag motherfucker, he was also unstoppable.

Just ask Nicole.
I note that the Black Panters (remember them?) have put out a 10K bounty on Zimmerman. Jon Stewart comments: "That's just what we need to bring this vigilante to justice - a vigilante mob."
Whatever you may say or think about O.J. Simpson, I'm here to tell you, he was one of the top 10 - possibly the top 5 - running backs ever to carry a football. I saw him in person when he played for USC and watched his pro career all the way through. He was almost unstoppable.

And regardless of how talented an athlete he was, when it came to being a brutal vicious murdering scumbag motherfucker, he was also unstoppable.

Just ask Nicole.

Of course. No argument there.
Whatever you may say or think about O.J. Simpson, I'm here to tell you, he was one of the top 10 - possibly the top 5 - running backs ever to carry a football. I saw him in person when he played for USC and watched his pro career all the way through. He was almost unstoppable.

And regardless of how talented an athlete he was, when it came to being a brutal vicious murdering scumbag motherfucker, he was also unstoppable.

Just ask Nicole.

Of course. No argument there.

I did not imagine that you were arguing it.

I wonder how many other famous talented folks (athletes or artists of any kind) went on to become so hugely notorious?
And regardless of how talented an athlete he was, when it came to being a brutal vicious murdering scumbag motherfucker, he was also unstoppable.

Just ask Nicole.

Of course. No argument there.

I did not imagine that you were arguing it.

I wonder how many other famous talented folks (athletes or artists of any kind) went on to become so hugely notorious?

Excellent question - perhaps a topic for a thread of its own.

In the 1950's and the days of early television, there was a Texas swing type entertainer/band leader by the name of Spade Cooley. He was very popular, at least in our (Southern California) area and perhaps in other areas of the country. He had a weekly t.v. show where his band performed, there were singers, dancers, etc.

It seems that, somewhere along the line, Spade crossed over some line. He ended up torturing and murdering his wife. He was quickly caught, convicted and sent to prison. One of the rituals of passage for a first year law student, at least in my area of this great land, is to hunt down and read the appellate decision in the Spade Cooley case. Most of us read it, because it contains a graphic and detailed accounting of just exactly what old Spade did to his wife before he killed her. It involved cigarettes and other delightful things - most interesting to the minds of first year law students who might need a break from the grind.

Anyway, that's the story on Spade Cooley. I'm sure there are professional athletes who went astray. God knows the list of Hollywood types is as long as your arm. Maybe I'll start a thread on this somewhere - it's an interesting topic.
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This case is very disturbing...

They have put a bounty out on that poor man, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Spike Lee posts the wrong address for Zimmerman, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Al Sharpton stirring up racist hatred, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

I am shocked at where we are going as a nation.



I'm sure he's long gone from XXXXXX Sanford, Florida 32773 XXXXXXX
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Of course. No argument there.

I did not imagine that you were arguing it.

I wonder how many other famous talented folks (athletes or artists of any kind) went on to become so hugely notorious?

Excellent question - perhaps a topic for a thread of its own.

In the 1950's and the days of early television, there was a Texas swing type entertainer/band leader by the name of Spade Cooley. He was very popular, at least in our (Southern California) area and perhaps in other areas of the country. He had a weekly t.v. show where his band performed, there were singers, dancers, etc.

It seems that, somewhere along the line, Spade crossed over some line. He ended up torturing and murdering his wife. He was quickly caught, convicted and sent to prison. One of the rituals of passage for a first year law student, at least in my area of this great land, is to hunt down and read the appellate decision in the Spade Cooley case. Most of us read it, because it contains a graphic and detailed accounting of just exactly what old Spade did to his wife before he killed her. It involved cigarettes and other delightful things - most interesting to the minds of first year law students who might need a break from the grind.

Anyway, that's the story on Spade Cooley. I'm sure there are professional athletes who went astray. God knows the list of Hollywood types is as long as your arm. Maybe I'll start a thread on this somewhere - it's an interesting topic.

Fatty Arbuckle might be one of the first ones on the list.
The thought never entered your mind that this was an open and shut case Al Sharpton is taking advantage of?

Evidence of an attack, an eye-witness to the attack.

How many times has Al Sharpton perpetrated a fraud?

Numerous times.

It's how he makes his living. It's why he has that gig on MSNBC.
who cares about al sharpton? if this were my child innocently walking home with candy and tea, killed by a stanger that was stalking him... (who was told by 911 to back off), i sure as heck would want to be certain that all i's were dotted and t's crossed on the investigation in to my son's killing.

a fist fight is not reason to kill someone else, and zimmerman did NOT GET any stitches to his the STORY he gave about his head being bashed on the sidewalk truly, does not seem realistic, or reason to KILL someone else....and this just should have had a more thorough investigation....

and i would have been screaming from the rooftops to have that done, if this were my child.

Florida law does not give a person the right to KILL another person because of a hand to hand fight that was not death threatening.....period.

My, we are being quite dramatic with our use of language, aren't we? 'Child', 'stalked', 'stranger'.... you make him sound like a little boy who went to the candy store who was murdered by some vicious whackjob. That is not what the evidence suggests at all... but why bother letting facts get in the way of your drama? :lol:
by all means, show me your facts CG....what are these facts of yours?

He was a child, not legally an I was speaking about a scenario of him being ''my child'' else would i say it?

and he was stalked by a stranger...which equals- he was being followed by a stranger for no reason of good in trayvon's eyes i'm pretty certain...

and trayvon did not have a weapon, he was carrying candy and tea....not a gun, not a knife or gun....

And from all that i had read on it, zimmerman had no serious injuries, so it does not appear that zimmerman really had the ''deadly threat'' that the law requires to be able to ''off'' another human being.

Saying and knowing what i do know....does not mean I think zimmerman is a murderer or that he premeditated the killing, or if he is even guilty of manslaughter or even involuntary manslaughter....I don't know this because he wasn't charged and there has not been a thorough investigation that i am aware of?, and he has not gone to trial and been found guilty of any of those speculative crimes either.

HOPEFULLY, the truth will come out, eventually

and lastly, when you are my age,:eek: even you come close to registering as a child in my head.... CG!
That's all great except for the *stalking* part. He wasn't *stalked*. He was watched, and followed briefly...because he was acting weird in a gated community.

The fact is also that he lost Zimmerman, then came back and jumped him.

If you're going to blab about *facts* you might want to be honest.
That's all great except for the *stalking* part. He wasn't *stalked*. He was watched, and followed briefly...because he was acting weird in a gated community.

The fact is also that he lost Zimmerman, then came back and jumped him.

If you're going to blab about *facts* you might want to be honest.
Oh really? hmmmmm....

Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or group to another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person and/or monitoring them. The word stalking is used, with some differing meanings, in psychology and psychiatry and also in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense.

According to a 2002 report by the National Center for Victims of Crime, "Virtually any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the victim in fear can be considered stalking."[1]

Stalking is not limited in definition to only its legal term dearest.

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