To those supporting last Wednesday’s march on the Capitol Building

To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
When people get together to protest, emotions often run high and they do things they did not plan to do.

The vast majority of the people in the capitol building were calm and unhurried as evidenced by the many videos posted. However a minority were looking to do harm and they did.
It was a protest not an insurrection.

To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Same could be said of those on the right.
Then you would be a liar.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Same could be said of those on the right.
Then you would be a liar.

I do remember 60 secret service members being injured some months ago by left wing terrorists outside of the White House now that you mention it!
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
And that applies to the right also.

That point was already made. Do you work for the Dept. Of Redundancy?
That would be the department of the redundancy department.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
And that applies to the right also.

That point was already made. Do you work for the Dept. Of Redundancy?
That would be the department of the redundancy department.
Ask your closest dunce. Living in America you should not have to look far.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
And that applies to the right also.

That point was already made. Do you work for the Dept. Of Redundancy?
That would be the department of the redundancy department.
Ask your closest dunce. Living in America you should not have to look far.
I live in DC. The worlds largest no-risk corporation. They thrive on departments of redundancy departments.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
And that applies to the right also.

That point was already made. Do you work for the Dept. Of Redundancy?
That would be the department of the redundancy department.
Ask your closest dunce. Living in America you should not have to look far.
I live in DC. The worlds largest no-risk corporation. They thrive on departments of redundancy departments.
There was a Confederacy of Redundancies.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Same could be said of those on the right.

And the twain will never again agree. No unity, never.
Truer words were never spoken. To have any unity at all, three has to be SOMETHING that both sides can agree on. Right now, there isn’t even agreement that unity is a good thing.
Cannot even agree men are men and women are women.

The march on the capitol was an act of utter desperation to preserve the republic. Period.

It was clear fraud. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

4 years of complete false accusations. From racism to collusion to him not responding to the virus and on and on and on and on.

Ignoring the unfair, 30 year long trade practices with China and other tyrannical regimes that sunk cities like Detroit among others.

It has been obvious what was happening, which is why in the 4 years the black unemployment and Hispanic unemployment dropped so significantly. Cause he was changing the landscape and China behind the cultural marxist new world order global reset attacked the world to ensure Trump didn't have a 4 year mandate to uncover the treachery.

And now they can get on with the plans they had envisioned for the world that was put on hold for 4 years.

The march on Capitol was to save us from the coming calamity that you are either blind to see or too ignorant to get it.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better. Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

I could be extremely wrong, but no one immediately comes to mind who 'supported' the Capitol Violence.

There is no excuse for the violence that was perpetrated. Those being arrested and punished deserve it. That being said, I respectfully disagree with the idea that the people who broke into the Capitol are on the same level as foreign-funded groups Antifa and BLM.

Philadelphia police investigating if any of their own took part in deadly Capitol  riots


Only Some Kinds of Protest Are Always 'Mostly Peaceful' | National Review

Again, though, I do agree that the Capitol violence was wrong and those involved - ALL OF THEM - should be punished.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Wednesday's insurrection was an invasion of OUR country, in which 6 people were killed, and it hit very close to home. People have a tendency to somewhat distance themselves from this sort of thing if it happens to someone else. However, this insanity was directed at our country, at me, by a mob of miscreants who were brainwashed by the President and encouraged to perform this horror show.
According to Marc Levin, Trump called him and asked him to go to the photo op rally and then lead the mob to the Capital where trump would meet him. This is the President of the United States attempting to take over my government by force.
Can't your ilk ever do any thinking? What the hell were they thinking? Now they all are on the run and I hope that they are caught and spent a few years in the hoosgow with Big Bubba. Maybe he can straighten out their sorry asses.... literally.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
The Capitol Riot was a far cry from the violence and damage perpetrated by the foreign-funded domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM who caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run communities all over the country.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Wednesday's insurrection was an invasion of OUR country, in which 6 people were killed, and it hit very close to home. People have a tendency to somewhat distance themselves from this sort of thing if it happens to someone else. However, this insanity was directed at our country, at me, by a mob of miscreants who were brainwashed by the President and encouraged to perform this horror show.
According to Marc Levin, Trump called him and asked him to go to the photo op rally and then lead the mob to the Capital where trump would meet him. This is the President of the United States attempting to take over my government by force.
Can't your ilk ever do any thinking? What the hell were they thinking? Now they all are on the run and I hope that they are caught and spent a few years in the hoosgow with Big Bubba. Maybe he can straighten out their sorry asses.... literally.

4 dead due to obesity.
2 dead related to the riot.
Deaths are always bad. It was a revelation that the protestors did have the intestinal fortitude to display their dissension even in a disorganized mob manner.

E Pluribus Unum!
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Wednesday's insurrection was an invasion of OUR country, in which 6 people were killed, and it hit very close to home. People have a tendency to somewhat distance themselves from this sort of thing if it happens to someone else. However, this insanity was directed at our country, at me, by a mob of miscreants who were brainwashed by the President and encouraged to perform this horror show.
According to Marc Levin, Trump called him and asked him to go to the photo op rally and then lead the mob to the Capital where trump would meet him. This is the President of the United States attempting to take over my government by force.
Can't your ilk ever do any thinking? What the hell were they thinking? Now they all are on the run and I hope that they are caught and spent a few years in the hoosgow with Big Bubba. Maybe he can straighten out their sorry asses.... literally.

4 dead due to obesity.
2 dead related to the riot.
Deaths are always bad. It was a revelation that the protestors did have the intestinal fortitude to display their dissension even in a disorganized mob manner.

E Pluribus Unum!
SIX people were killed in the attack on our country and there are no excuses.
This is unacceptable behavior. They were looking for Pence to hang him from a tree. Who the hell are you kidding? This was a horror show. And they are all running away like the cowards they are.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

The problem is most on the left speak out vehemently against one and not the other.
Guess which one?
Wednesday's insurrection was an invasion of OUR country, in which 6 people were killed, and it hit very close to home. People have a tendency to somewhat distance themselves from this sort of thing if it happens to someone else. However, this insanity was directed at our country, at me, by a mob of miscreants who were brainwashed by the President and encouraged to perform this horror show.
According to Marc Levin, Trump called him and asked him to go to the photo op rally and then lead the mob to the Capital where trump would meet him. This is the President of the United States attempting to take over my government by force.
Can't your ilk ever do any thinking? What the hell were they thinking? Now they all are on the run and I hope that they are caught and spent a few years in the hoosgow with Big Bubba. Maybe he can straighten out their sorry asses.... literally.

4 dead due to obesity.
2 dead related to the riot.
Deaths are always bad. It was a revelation that the protestors did have the intestinal fortitude to display their dissension even in a disorganized mob manner.

E Pluribus Unum!
SIX people were killed in the attack on our country and there are no excuses.
This is unacceptable behavior. They were looking for Pence to hang him from a tree. Who the hell are you kidding? This was a horror show. And they are all running away like the cowards they are.

I'm equally horrified by an illegitimate election.

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