To those supporting last Wednesday’s march on the Capitol Building

To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
YEAH BECAUSE you equate a few broken windows and scattered papers worse then destroying cities, beating and murdering tens of business owners, beating and killing tens of cops, trying to burn cops in their cars, trying to burn families in their homes, sieg8ng sections of cities, taking hostages, beating old ladies and old men, attacking houses of new born babies and their recovering vulnerable moms, threatening to kill politicians and their spouses and their dogs,
4 year insurrection that cost tax payers millions of dollars and made the miterm elections illegitimate which means they are also responsible for what you are comparing them to.
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There are no comparisons to be made. Both were reprehensible and those who did the dirty this summer should pay one hell of a price, and many of them are. However, the president encouraged this assault on his government, my Capital, and me. He did nothing to stop it. In fact, he organized the photo op rally, directed the mob to the capital, and cheered as people were killed. Is this ok with you?
Trump has openly betrayed our country and, in so doing, has committed treason. Impeachment is too good for that grifter.
Disagree, nothing in his speech supports that, and what people planed before the speech proves it was not his speech, so this exposes the lefts conspiracy theories or outrage and their intent on division so they can divide the party and remove their political rival. FBI admits thia was known, preplanned, BERNIES Bros and antifa, some that are one in the same were preplaned to protest, and how is Trump's speech responsible? Lastly by making this claim about speech means all Democrat rant and raving resist and defund the police orators should be removed from office, further validating police officers showing up at Capitol hill to protest and validating carrying plastic ties, whether they were for antifa or for cobgressional members who the left are admitting comitted crimes against our country.
Failed argument because they accused themselves not the President.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
Trust me, we supporting the protest congress are far better than the thugs and criminals in BLM by far and away.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
Care to produce your quotes from the summer?

Again, not all those people marching we're looking to run inside the chambers and break things. There were some actors who have tried to put a bad label on real Trump supporters. Now the Fake News has been rolling with it after this house charade impeachment. So to those being apologists still towards the democrat party and their special interest groups(BLM and Antifa mostly). We see you trying to ruin America and will vote for Trump again in 2024!
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

Bullshit. The two are not the same. There is no equivalency. It wasn't Democrats who committed the domestic terrorism against the U.S. Capitol and beating a police officer to death to overthrow a legally certified presidential election - incited by the loser president.

BLM was fighting racial injustice. Trump's terrorists were fighting for his LIES - because they're too dumb to know any better.

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To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
Trust me, we supporting the protest congress are far better than the thugs and criminals in BLM by far and away.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Pointing at the bad acts of others is hardly justification of your own bad acts.

the next time you get pulled over for speeding, try that defense and see how far it gets you.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

Bullshit. The two are not the same. There is no equivalency. It wasn't Democrats who committed the domestic terrorism against the U.S. Capitol and beating a police officer to death to overthrow a legally certified presidential election - incited by the loser president.

BLM was fighting racial injustice. Trump's terrorists were fighting for his LIES - because they're too dumb to know any better.

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Take a good look at that picture. If that crowd wanted to take over the capitol, the police couldn't have stopped them.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
YEAH BECAUSE you equate a few broken windows and scattered papers worse then destroying cities, beating and murdering tens of business owners, beating and killing tens of cops, trying to burn cops in their cars, trying to burn families in their homes, sieg8ng sections of cities, taking hostages, beating old ladies and old men, attacking houses of new born babies and their recovering vulnerable moms, threatening to kill politicians and their spouses and their dogs,
4 year insurrection that cost tax payers millions of dollars and made the miterm elections illegitimate which means they are also responsible for what you are comparing them to.
View attachment 442236
There are no comparisons to be made. Both were reprehensible and those who did the dirty this summer should pay one hell of a price, and many of them are. However, the president encouraged this assault on his government, my Capital, and me. He did nothing to stop it. In fact, he organized the photo op rally, directed the mob to the capital, and cheered as people were killed. Is this ok with you?
Trump has openly betrayed our country and, in so doing, has committed treason. Impeachment is too good for that grifter.
Disagree, nothing in his speech supports that, and what people planed before the speech proves it was not his speech, so this exposes the lefts conspiracy theories or outrage and their intent on division so they can divide the party and remove their political rival. FBI admits thia was known, preplanned, BERNIES Bros and antifa, some that are one in the same were preplaned to protest, and how is Trump's speech responsible? Lastly by making this claim about speech means all Democrat rant and raving resist and defund the police orators should be removed from office, further validating police officers showing up at Capitol hill to protest and validating carrying plastic ties, whether they were for antifa or for cobgressional members who the left are admitting comitted crimes against our country.
Failed argument because they accused themselves not the President.
Antifa had nothing to do with this attack on your Capital, so stop looking for scapegoats. Trump encouraged and planned the insurrection when he could have stopped it. One week before, Trump contacted Marc Levin, according to Levin,
and asked him to attend the photo op rally, and then lead the rioters to the capital where Trump would meet him. As usual, Trump was nowhere to be found.
This mob was infiltrated by white supremacists and proud boys who led gullible Trump supporters into the melee. I agree that defunding the police is a lousy idea
and was probably responsible for some police to attend. However, those "defund "
statements were made in the heat of police actions (whether they were right or wrong) and I don't think that they bear any fruit. What Trump did was wrong and frankly treasonous.
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.
YEAH BECAUSE you equate a few broken windows and scattered papers worse then destroying cities, beating and murdering tens of business owners, beating and killing tens of cops, trying to burn cops in their cars, trying to burn families in their homes, sieg8ng sections of cities, taking hostages, beating old ladies and old men, attacking houses of new born babies and their recovering vulnerable moms, threatening to kill politicians and their spouses and their dogs,
4 year insurrection that cost tax payers millions of dollars and made the miterm elections illegitimate which means they are also responsible for what you are comparing them to.
View attachment 442236
This isn’t a pissin’ contest to say which is worse. Both were disgusting and downplaying the violence of last week just glosses over how bad it actually was.
You missed the part where the MSM and the left's reversal on elections concerns and the OCE and AG not holding people accountable in congress for their abuses of power are more if not all responsible for both the many destroyed cities and the paper tossing funny selfies event at the Capitol. One doesn't happen without the other, thus the former is to blame. In fact they are egging them on to do more in hopes of not losing thr mid term by having an even playing field on destructive behavior. THEY WILL NEVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY period.
"the paper tossing funny selfies"? How about 6 people murdered, property destroyed, people beaten, a noose for Pence hanging on a tree? Death and destruction. OK with you? If they were unfortunate enough to get their hands on a lawmaker, only God knows what would have happened, yes? I bet you are all good Christians and go to church on Sunday.
3 were called medical complications, 1 was a woman shot through a window where the officer also pointed at other officers outside the window so his shooting randomly and killing the woman is on the orders of the congressional members inside with blood on their hands, everyone involved knew their risk, according to the left they should all be home curled up in a ball, and if the left didn't have rules for radicals memorized and pined to their refrigerator door then none of this woukd be discussed.
Now lets talk about the BLM and antifa and equal justice marches, how many people have to be burned in their car ir home or businrss or best up and shot and murdered before you stop calling it "their right to peacefully protest?"
Why is Pelosi and Schumer still in office and not restricted fron flying?
This is another spin job used to further divide the country and make things worse so they can say ahaa, and make a wash of their own acts without taking responsibility.
A coincidence for medical complications to kill someone while attacking the Capital? C'mon man. There is no excuse for that insurrection and you should be ashamed that your gullible people were responsible for the killing of 6 people.
Let's not compare marches, shall we? The Antifa fiascos were a disgrace, yes?
Nobody is making excuses for it, either, so get off it. They do have the right to "peacefully protest" and they were not peaceful, were they. So they did not have the right to do what they did. This attack is not a quid pro quo situation. This mob of assholes attacked my Capital and my government (yours too) and attempted to kill our lawmakers specifically if they could find them. This was an attack on our country and not violence in Oregon. Now the cowards are on the run.
Take a good look at that picture. If that crowd wanted to take over the capitol, the police couldn't have stopped them.
I guess you missed "Elizabeth from Knoxville". Ya know the whiny entitled "revolutionary" who was SHOCKED that the police didn't welcome that MOB with open arms. "We were storming the Capitol! It was a Revolution!. Why are they shooting us? They should be shooting BLM"

These treasonous cretins thought revolution would be easy. When it got real most of them cried and went home
To those supporting last Wednesday’s Riot at the Capitol Building, I don’t think you’re any worse than those who supported the BLM rioters. I also don’t think you’re any better.

Many of us are opposed to BOTH.

Right, cause starting a war is the same morally as fighting back.
Take a good look at that picture. If that crowd wanted to take over the capitol, the police couldn't have stopped them.
I guess you missed "Elizabeth from Knoxville". Ya know the whiny entitled "revolutionary" who was SHOCKED that the police didn't welcome that MOB with open arms. "We were storming the Capitol! It was a Revolution!. Why are they shooting us? They should be shooting BLM"

These treasonous cretins thought revolution would be easy. When it got real most of them cried and went home

How many times do you have to be wrong, before you wake up?
Take a good look at that picture. If that crowd wanted to take over the capitol, the police couldn't have stopped them.
I guess you missed "Elizabeth from Knoxville". Ya know the whiny entitled "revolutionary" who was SHOCKED that the police didn't welcome that MOB with open arms. "We were storming the Capitol! It was a Revolution!. Why are they shooting us? They should be shooting BLM"

These treasonous cretins thought revolution would be easy. When it got real most of them cried and went home

How many times do you have to be wrong, before you wake up?
Where am I wrong asshole?
Take a good look at that picture. If that crowd wanted to take over the capitol, the police couldn't have stopped them.
I guess you missed "Elizabeth from Knoxville". Ya know the whiny entitled "revolutionary" who was SHOCKED that the police didn't welcome that MOB with open arms. "We were storming the Capitol! It was a Revolution!. Why are they shooting us? They should be shooting BLM"

These treasonous cretins thought revolution would be easy. When it got real most of them cried and went home

How many times do you have to be wrong, before you wake up?
Where am I wrong asshole?

Well, you people thought that people like us would never fight back at all. Then we did. That was you being wrong.

This is not over. This is just beginning.

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