To those who supported the Iraq War...

Look, two crazy people talking crazy to each other.
Look, a retard trying to erase his memory of recent history.

Save your crazy talk for the other inmates.
Explain how the terror state of North Korea developing WMDs does not meet the same criteria that was used for invading Iraq.

I'm betting you don't have the intellectual capacity to do so. That's why you copy and paste graphics made by someone else.

Our primary short term goal in Korea has to be avoiding the destruction of Seoul.

The surety of mass death and destruction there, in the very short term, out weights less likely potential danger down the road.

Israel was under the identical threat from Saddam, retard.

Nice try.

See? I knew you didn't have the intellectual capacity to make a case.
  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
Poor bastards.

The Naked Emperor says Iraq did not have WMDs.

North Korea clearly does.

Ergo, under the Bush/pseudocon criteria we have MORE justification for invading the DPRK.
Poor bastards.

The Naked Emperor says Iraq did not have WMDs.

North Korea clearly does.

Ergo, under the Bush/pseudocon criteria we have MORE justification for invading the DPRK.
We sold N Korea nuclear reactors a mere two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list, utterly bipartisan.
North Korea has promised to strike the US.

North Korea has nukes.

North Korea is working balls to the wall to develop ICBMs.

These are MUCH greater reasons for invading North Korea than we ever had for invading Iraq. Much greater.

And the Naked Emperor even says Iraq never had WMDs to begin with!
Look, two crazy people talking crazy to each other.
Look, a retard trying to erase his memory of recent history.

Save your crazy talk for the other inmates.
Explain how the terror state of North Korea developing WMDs does not meet the same criteria that was used for invading Iraq.

I'm betting you don't have the intellectual capacity to do so. That's why you copy and paste graphics made by someone else.

Our primary short term goal in Korea has to be avoiding the destruction of Seoul.

The surety of mass death and destruction there, in the very short term, out weights less likely potential danger down the road.

Israel was under the identical threat from Saddam, retard.

Nice try.

See? I knew you didn't have the intellectual capacity to make a case.

No, Israel was NOT.

Over a period of months Saddam managed to get a couple of small warhead into Israel.

North Korea could have thousands of artillery shells raining down on Seoul in minutes.

Your are a fool.
It's not the Right that is pushing for war in NOrth Korea, in this thread. It is your fellow lefties.

THey would happily support WAR if it lets them make political hay at the expense of Trump.

By ignoring their vileness and participating in their partisan games you are part of that problem.

I want non-intervention.

Do you?

Sorry pard, not into your partisanshithead disease, war in america is utterly bipartisan, it's merely a form of corporate welfare and economic colonialism.

Trump ran on non-intervention.

YOu want to support that, or join in the chorus trying to gin up a war?

We should get the fuck out of everywhere, but we won't, the substantial people will not allow it and Trump is utterly impotent in the matter, we were gonna get this regardless of who won the last election.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

So, you are on my side of the issue.

But you are so partisan, that you can't say that, you instead have to spout anti-american propaganda.

You don't know that Trump is impotent on this matter. THat is an excuse for you to NOT support him, and to instead stand back while your political allies try to railroad him into a war for political purposes.
No, you need for me to be partisan. I support no one in american govt, and in fact, I no longer support the american govt and its war machine at all.

Your blind anti-americanism puts you well within the norm for the Radical Lefty, with all due respect.

The Radical Left is happily supporting this push for war, because of possible short term political gain.

You have a choice of siding with the pro-war faction, which you are doing, or siding with the Peace Faction, which you are choosing to NOT do.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?


Keeping parroting simple minded shit you stupid lib fuck dumbass.
North Korea has promised to strike the US.

North Korea has nukes.

North Korea is working balls to the wall to develop ICBMs.

These are MUCH greater reasons for invading North Korea than we ever had for invading Iraq. Much greater.

And the Naked Emperor even says Iraq never had WMDs to begin with!

Where was all this oh so serious concern last year?

Sorry pard, not into your partisanshithead disease, war in america is utterly bipartisan, it's merely a form of corporate welfare and economic colonialism.

Trump ran on non-intervention.

YOu want to support that, or join in the chorus trying to gin up a war?

We should get the fuck out of everywhere, but we won't, the substantial people will not allow it and Trump is utterly impotent in the matter, we were gonna get this regardless of who won the last election.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

So, you are on my side of the issue.

But you are so partisan, that you can't say that, you instead have to spout anti-american propaganda.

You don't know that Trump is impotent on this matter. THat is an excuse for you to NOT support him, and to instead stand back while your political allies try to railroad him into a war for political purposes.
No, you need for me to be partisan. I support no one in american govt, and in fact, I no longer support the american govt and its war machine at all.

Your blind anti-americanism puts you well within the norm for the Radical Lefty, with all due respect.

The Radical Left is happily supporting this push for war, because of possible short term political gain.

You have a choice of siding with the pro-war faction, which you are doing, or siding with the Peace Faction, which you are choosing to NOT do.
Blah blah blah, labels, labels, labels. This is why none of this will ever be resolved in this society. It will be at endless wars of empire until it goes down. And you are in charge of no one's choices son.
North Korea has promised to strike the US.

North Korea has nukes.

North Korea is working balls to the wall to develop ICBMs.

These are MUCH greater reasons for invading North Korea than we ever had for invading Iraq. Much greater.

And the Naked Emperor even says Iraq never had WMDs to begin with!

I wonder if Trump is going to make a speech about yellowcake from Niger.
North Korea has promised to strike the US.

North Korea has nukes.

North Korea is working balls to the wall to develop ICBMs.

These are MUCH greater reasons for invading North Korea than we ever had for invading Iraq. Much greater.

And the Naked Emperor even says Iraq never had WMDs to begin with!

Where was all this oh so serious concern last year?


The fat kid in NK knew he couldn't rattle Obama. But he was watching Trump on TV, just like all the rest of us, and saw how easy it was to provoke him. He's been waiting for this all of his life.
Kim Jong Un issues threat to America, Trump - CNN Video
Poor bastards.

While they were supporting the Iraq War, and claiming up to the present day that Saddam had WMDs, and calling anyone opposed to the invasion a traitor, and sporting magnetic yellow ribbons on their SUVs, the Naked Emperor was telling all the fake news outlets that Bush was a liar who should be impeached.

Then the dumb tards turned around and elected him! Of all people!

Isn't that just fucking amazing?

You couldn't make this up. You could not write a work of fiction and convince people such a thing had any plausibility at all.
Trump ran on non-intervention.

YOu want to support that, or join in the chorus trying to gin up a war?

We should get the fuck out of everywhere, but we won't, the substantial people will not allow it and Trump is utterly impotent in the matter, we were gonna get this regardless of who won the last election.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

So, you are on my side of the issue.

But you are so partisan, that you can't say that, you instead have to spout anti-american propaganda.

You don't know that Trump is impotent on this matter. THat is an excuse for you to NOT support him, and to instead stand back while your political allies try to railroad him into a war for political purposes.
No, you need for me to be partisan. I support no one in american govt, and in fact, I no longer support the american govt and its war machine at all.

Your blind anti-americanism puts you well within the norm for the Radical Lefty, with all due respect.

The Radical Left is happily supporting this push for war, because of possible short term political gain.

You have a choice of siding with the pro-war faction, which you are doing, or siding with the Peace Faction, which you are choosing to NOT do.
Blah blah blah, labels, labels, labels. This is why none of this will ever be resolved in this society. It will be at endless wars of empire until it goes down.

Labels are where conservative BEGIN thinking. They are were you lefties stop.

Your confusion about that, is not relevant to the fact that you are here carrying water for the Pro-War faction.

This is Seoul Korea today.


The idea of a large scale artillery barrage of that packed city, makes me sick to my stomach.

I know that human life has no meaning to you lefties, but try to understand that for people, the thought of mass death and destruction is upsetting.
Poor bastards.

While they were supporting the Iraq War, and claiming up to the present day that Saddam had WMDs, and calling anyone opposed to the invasion a traitor, and sporting magnetic yellow ribbons on their SUVs, the Naked Emperor was telling all the fake news outlets that Bush was a liar who should be impeached.

Then the dumb tards turned around and elected him! Of all people!

Isn't that just fucking amazing?

You couldn't make this up. You could not write a work of fiction and convince people such a thing had any plausibility at all.

I asked you to be less batshit crazy. Did you even try?
We should get the fuck out of everywhere, but we won't, the substantial people will not allow it and Trump is utterly impotent in the matter, we were gonna get this regardless of who won the last election.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

So, you are on my side of the issue.

But you are so partisan, that you can't say that, you instead have to spout anti-american propaganda.

You don't know that Trump is impotent on this matter. THat is an excuse for you to NOT support him, and to instead stand back while your political allies try to railroad him into a war for political purposes.
No, you need for me to be partisan. I support no one in american govt, and in fact, I no longer support the american govt and its war machine at all.

Your blind anti-americanism puts you well within the norm for the Radical Lefty, with all due respect.

The Radical Left is happily supporting this push for war, because of possible short term political gain.

You have a choice of siding with the pro-war faction, which you are doing, or siding with the Peace Faction, which you are choosing to NOT do.
Blah blah blah, labels, labels, labels. This is why none of this will ever be resolved in this society. It will be at endless wars of empire until it goes down.

Labels are where conservative BEGIN thinking. They are were you lefties stop.

Your confusion about that, is not relevant to the fact that you are here carrying water for the Pro-War faction.

This is Seoul Korea today.


The idea of a large scale artillery barrage of that packed city, makes me sick to my stomach.

I know that human life has no meaning to you lefties, but try to understand that for people, the thought of mass death and destruction is upsetting.
Labels is all some folks have, makes thinking unnecessary.
We should get the fuck out of everywhere, but we won't, the substantial people will not allow it and Trump is utterly impotent in the matter, we were gonna get this regardless of who won the last election.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

So, you are on my side of the issue.

But you are so partisan, that you can't say that, you instead have to spout anti-american propaganda.

You don't know that Trump is impotent on this matter. THat is an excuse for you to NOT support him, and to instead stand back while your political allies try to railroad him into a war for political purposes.
No, you need for me to be partisan. I support no one in american govt, and in fact, I no longer support the american govt and its war machine at all.

Your blind anti-americanism puts you well within the norm for the Radical Lefty, with all due respect.

The Radical Left is happily supporting this push for war, because of possible short term political gain.

You have a choice of siding with the pro-war faction, which you are doing, or siding with the Peace Faction, which you are choosing to NOT do.
Blah blah blah, labels, labels, labels. This is why none of this will ever be resolved in this society. It will be at endless wars of empire until it goes down.

Labels are where conservative BEGIN thinking. They are were you lefties stop.

Your confusion about that, is not relevant to the fact that you are here carrying water for the Pro-War faction.

This is Seoul Korea today.


The idea of a large scale artillery barrage of that packed city, makes me sick to my stomach.

I know that human life has no meaning to you lefties, but try to understand that for people, the thought of mass death and destruction is upsetting.

Bush's presidency was destroyed because of mass death and destruction from his vanity wars. You're totally backasswards. Nobody, not even stupid pinheads like yourself, wanted two 10-year wars.
Poor bastards.

While they were supporting the Iraq War, and claiming up to the present day that Saddam had WMDs, and calling anyone opposed to the invasion a traitor, and sporting magnetic yellow ribbons on their SUVs, the Naked Emperor was telling all the fake news outlets that Bush was a liar who should be impeached.

Then the dumb tards turned around and elected him! Of all people!

Isn't that just fucking amazing?

You couldn't make this up. You could not write a work of fiction and convince people such a thing had any plausibility at all.

I asked you to be less batshit crazy. Did you even try?

Attack the messenger because you can't attack the message, coward.
Yes, Trump Said Bush 'Lied' -
North Korea has promised to strike the US.

North Korea has nukes.

North Korea is working balls to the wall to develop ICBMs.

These are MUCH greater reasons for invading North Korea than we ever had for invading Iraq. Much greater.

And the Naked Emperor even says Iraq never had WMDs to begin with!

I wonder if Trump is going to make a speech about yellowcake from Niger.
Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference
35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'

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