To those who supported the Iraq War...

Remember when almost EVERY conservative supported the Iraq war?

Where are they hiding now?
And every time a chemical weapon turned up anywhere on the planet in the past 14 years, they said it was Saddam's WMDs.

That is until Trump told them there were no WMDs in Iraq, and just like doubleplusgood Orwells, they changed their tune.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

How amazing is it the pseudocons who so loved Bush and the Iraq War just elected a guy who wanted to impeach Bush for the war?
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...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

Just like the British Empire, no surprise that much of the USA leadership is British.

British people..... Making Whites look like garbage for hundreds of years.

Even the Germans learned their lesson...
Where does the OP stand on war with North Korea? I've noticed rabid Trump-Hater Democrats like to try and have it both ways. They savagely attack Trump for not doing enough about North Korea, but at the same time attack him for contemplating war with it. So i'm just not clear on where exactly Trump-Hater Democrats stand on the issue. Maybe the OP can help us out on that?
Remember when almost EVERY conservative supported the Iraq war?

Where are they hiding now?
And every time a chemical weapon turned up anywhere on the planet in the past 14 years, they said it was Saddam's WMDs.

That is until Trump told them there were no WMDs in Iraq, and just like doubleplusgood Orwells, they changed their tune.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

How amazing is it the pseudocons who so loved Bush and the Iraq War just elected a guy who wanted to impeach Bush for the war?

Look, two crazy people talking crazy to each other.
Where does the OP stand on war with North Korea? I've noticed rabid Trump-Hater Democrats like to try and have it both ways. They savagely attack Trump for not doing enough about North Korea, but at the same time attack him for contemplating war with it. So i'm just not clear on where exactly Trump-Hater Democrats stand on the issue. Maybe the OP can help us out on that?

They say whatever might smear and undermine their enemies with zero concern for truth, honor, or the millions of lives at stake.

There is no unit of measurement great enough to describe their vileness.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?


Enlist and volunteer for N. Korea or shut up kid.

lolol. I was drafted and served before you were housebroke.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?


Enlist and volunteer for N. Korea or shut up kid.

lolol. I was drafted and served before you were housebroke.

Sure you were.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!~

Best case scenario, that gets taken out fairly quickly.

I don't want to get into a moronic argument about military capabilities with dishonest morons who don't understand the topic and are happy to lie about what they do think they know for political reasons.

So, I low ball, it, because tens of thousands of lives makes the point just as strongly as millions, with these innumerate and vile liberals.
Maybe the US should sell N Korea more nuclear reactors like we did 2 years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. From a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. Under a plan initiated under the Clinton administration and completed under the Bush administration. With Bush providing US taxpayer funding to assist N Korea in sealing the deal. Utterly bipartisan.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

We have become just like N Korea, cannibalizing society to maintain and advance empire while half of the population lives in poverty.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

Just like the British Empire, no surprise that much of the USA leadership is British.

British people..... Making Whites look like garbage for hundreds of years.

Even the Germans learned their lesson...
That is indeed where the virus came from when it made landfall in the "new" world. Whether they can piece it all together or not, and many cannot, so extensive has been the perceptual reality manipulation, we americans live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

Just like the British Empire, no surprise that much of the USA leadership is British.

British people..... Making Whites look like garbage for hundreds of years.

Even the Germans learned their lesson...
That is indeed where the virus came from when it made landfall in the "new" world. Whether they can piece it all together or not, and many cannot, so extensive has been the perceptual reality manipulation, we americans live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Actually Chyna just switched to Republican capitalism and instantly illuminated 40% of all the poverty on earth. How is that for sweet???
Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!~

Best case scenario, that gets taken out fairly quickly.

I don't want to get into a moronic argument about military capabilities with dishonest morons who don't understand the topic and are happy to lie about what they do think they know for political reasons.

So, I low ball, it, because tens of thousands of lives makes the point just as strongly as millions, with these innumerate and vile liberals.
Maybe the US should sell N Korea more nuclear reactors like we did 2 years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. From a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. Under a plan initiated under the Clinton administration and completed under the Bush administration. With Bush providing US taxpayer funding to assist N Korea in sealing the deal. Utterly bipartisan.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

We have become just like N Korea, cannibalizing society to maintain and advance empire while half of the population lives in poverty.
Totally stupid, North Korea has no empire the poorest Americans are far richer than the average North Korean. If America is an empire it is an empire of liberty That saved civilization on earth through two world wars. Sorry to rock your ignorant little liberal world
We were told that invading Iraq was necessary because Saddam had WMD's, he had violated ceasefire and UN agreements, he had supported terrorism, and he had killed his own people.

North Korea meets every one of those conditions but now you Iraq war supporters say that war with Korea is NOT necessary.
Remember when almost EVERY conservative supported the Iraq war?

Where are they hiding now?
And every time a chemical weapon turned up anywhere on the planet in the past 14 years, they said it was Saddam's WMDs.

That is until Trump told them there were no WMDs in Iraq, and just like doubleplusgood Orwells, they changed their tune.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

How amazing is it the pseudocons who so loved Bush and the Iraq War just elected a guy who wanted to impeach Bush for the war?

Look, two crazy people talking crazy to each other.
Look, a retard trying to erase his memory of recent history.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.
The Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

Just like the British Empire, no surprise that much of the USA leadership is British.

British people..... Making Whites look like garbage for hundreds of years.

Even the Germans learned their lesson...
That is indeed where the virus came from when it made landfall in the "new" world. Whether they can piece it all together or not, and many cannot, so extensive has been the perceptual reality manipulation, we americans live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Actually Chyna just switched to Republican capitalism and instantly illuminated 40% of all the poverty on earth. How is that for sweet???
Depends upon whether you’re Chinese or american I suppose. First, "capitalism" decided it no longer needed a workforce in the US; expensive, demanding, crybaby workforce with protections against abuse and whatnot. Then “capitalism” decided it no longer required the american working class for the mass consumption “capitalism” requires, they have the Chinese for that now as well, as you elucidated. Europe is your future, give it time, our version of “capitalism” is societal colonial wealth extraction to exhaustion followed by relocation. That’s what global “capitalism” is. Migrant capital movement aligned with anchored labor for human exploitation. All “capitalism” has ever done is to extract and concentrate wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer as time goes by, and it is always been the societal wealth of others. It’s just that most folks indoctrinated into this system are fine with it so long as it’s someone else, somewhere else. But that was yesterday wasn’t it, “capitalism” is now hollowing out American society.

Eventually humankind will evolve away from "capitalism" much as it did feudalism, and for the same reasons. This version of "capitalism" will not be standing 100 years from now.
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Now the tards are being doubleplusgood Orwellian proles and heeding their New York limousine liberal naked emperor that there were never any WMDs in Iraq.
Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!~

Best case scenario, that gets taken out fairly quickly.

I don't want to get into a moronic argument about military capabilities with dishonest morons who don't understand the topic and are happy to lie about what they do think they know for political reasons.

So, I low ball, it, because tens of thousands of lives makes the point just as strongly as millions, with these innumerate and vile liberals.
Maybe the US should sell N Korea more nuclear reactors like we did 2 years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. From a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. Under a plan initiated under the Clinton administration and completed under the Bush administration. With Bush providing US taxpayer funding to assist N Korea in sealing the deal. Utterly bipartisan.

War is merely bidness in the American empire. We killed 1000 civilians in Iraq and Syria during the month of March. We are arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria while supplying the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field, they rain down on Yemen. 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M apiece and Raytheon stock soars.

We have become just like N Korea, cannibalizing society to maintain and advance empire while half of the population lives in poverty.

Building them reactors, is consistent with the basic concept of anti-proliferation, as it has been operated all the way back to Atoms for Peace under Ike.

It is a stupid idea, one that has failed miserably.

Your smears aimed at Rumsfield and America are noted and dismissed.
We were told that invading Iraq was necessary because Saddam had WMD's, he had violated ceasefire and UN agreements, he had supported terrorism, and he had killed his own people.

North Korea meets every one of those conditions but now you Iraq war supporters say that war with Korea is NOT necessary.

Remember when almost EVERY conservative supported the Iraq war?

Where are they hiding now?
And every time a chemical weapon turned up anywhere on the planet in the past 14 years, they said it was Saddam's WMDs.

That is until Trump told them there were no WMDs in Iraq, and just like doubleplusgood Orwells, they changed their tune.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

How amazing is it the pseudocons who so loved Bush and the Iraq War just elected a guy who wanted to impeach Bush for the war?

Look, two crazy people talking crazy to each other.
Look, a retard trying to erase his memory of recent history.

Save your crazy talk for the other inmates.

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