To those who supported the Iraq War...

A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.
Are lefties chronically ignorant of history or do they just pretend that the world started when Trump was elected? Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order. It made Korea his responsibility and during the Truman administration's bungling we lost 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire and ended up where we started. When you factor in Bill Clinton's giving or selling nuclear capability to NK we end up with the reasonable assumption that we should never ever elect a democrat again.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?

...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
North Korea is not our problem. Lil KIm is the problem for the North Korean people. If they hate him if is their job to get rid of him.
As far as Korea's threats to the United States, You warn the guy with the bad haircut, that if any of his threats become more that just idle talk and Americans are harmed North Korea will cease to exist.
North Korea is not our problem. Lil KIm is the problem for the North Korean people. If they hate him if is their job to get rid of him.
As far as Korea's threats to the United States, You warn the guy with the bad haircut, that if any of his threats become more that just idle talk and Americans are harmed North Korea will cease to exist.

first we should make liberals illegal and spend $1 trillion on an ABM defense system improvement.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!~
Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!

Obvious solution is to have China slowly take take down its border with N Korea.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

Wow. YOu just revealed yourself to be completely ignorant of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

You believed war was necessary with Iraq for all of the conditions that now exist w/ NK.

How can it be possible that war is not necessary with NK?

Your question is so difficult to answer, as your premises are the assumptions of someone who is, or is pretending to be completely ignorant.

Do you think that avoiding tens of thousands of innocent deaths in Seoul is a valid policy goal?
not 10's of 1000's. there are 20 million within range of N Korean artillery!!!~

Best case scenario, that gets taken out fairly quickly.

I don't want to get into a moronic argument about military capabilities with dishonest morons who don't understand the topic and are happy to lie about what they do think they know for political reasons.

So, I low ball, it, because tens of thousands of lives makes the point just as strongly as millions, with these innumerate and vile liberals.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?


With your post I rest my case, Ignorance is an all consuming dimension of existence that is completely unknown to itself. It is a trait of all liberals that they deny vehemently but is obvious to all they encounter.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.
What did Clinton, Kerry and Biden say when you asked them? Are they as enthusiastic about invading NK as they were about invading Iraq?
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

You know..... once the EU breaks up.... I bet Europe won't be that hard to conquer :eusa_think:


For glory!!!

North Africa and parts of the Middle East have pretty much conquered the pathetic EU at full strength already.
A bad comparison, North Korea is already a Nuclear state. Iraq did not need to become one. North Korea does not use CBR regularly to execute political enemies sadman hoser did. Funny you liberal scum worshiping ants supported the attack in Libya against a primarily benign entity that actually kept isis from having a direct pathway to a much larger naval capability and now you are crying once again about one of the most dangerous persons ever to rule in the middle east. You also supported giving the most dangerous country in the world a short pathway to nuclear capable long range missiles. I see no reason to even read a post you make about ANYTHING MILITARY as you and all of the liberal idiots I have read do not know a damn thing about the real world of military strategy and planning.

So war is no longer necessary to stop NK from having weapons of mass destruction because they already have them?


Enlist and volunteer for N. Korea or shut up kid.
...and claimed it was necessary,

isn't invading North Korea now necessary?

All of the reasons you gave about Saddam and Iraq that you argued made war necessary are in place.

We have reasons to invade and occupy the entire planet, we just make 'em up. Been doing it since WWII, don't even need to run it past congress anymore. A little ad campaign on corporate state TV and go, the masses fall for it every time.

You know..... once the EU breaks up.... I bet Europe won't be that hard to conquer :eusa_think:


For glory!!!

North Africa and parts of the Middle East have pretty much conquered the pathetic EU at full strength already.

I forgot; who's bombing who? Who's arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria? Who's providing the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs (known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field) they’re lobbing in Yemen? Who sold N Korea nuclear reactors two years before we placed them on an “axis of evil” list and provided tax payer funding to help N Korea close the deal? Who had a corporation named Raytheon whose stock surged upon the news that 59 missiles had been fired into Syria at $1.4M each?

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