To USMB Women: Should your boss decide they type of contraception you should use?

Your post assumes men own all businesses.

Why should the boss have to pay for healthcare period? Sheesh.

The boss already pays for your house your gas your food etc?

Do you know how to get the boss to pay for all your stuff? Be the boss.

because we have too many nuts keeping us from going to single payer and a nation of individual policy holders would never work.

Here's the thing. Let's say that employers just handed over to each employee the cost of what a group insurance plan would cost divided by the number of warm bodies on payroll that day.

Let's say that comes out to about $4000.00 extra per employee. It doesn't really work that way, but let's use those numbers. An employee with a family costs an employer $10,000, but let's use the 4K number. So what happens next?

Hey, the single woman in her 20s can probably get a pretty basic health care plan for a lot less than $4000.00. One that probably covers all the birth control she wants. Insurance companies don't mind paying for birth control, it's cheaper than live births and pediatric care.

It's older workers in their 50's who are going to have a problem.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

DROP the phony baloney pretense. WOMEN can buy whatever they like. YOU assholes are demanding that someone else pick up the tab against thei will of the EMPLOYER.:eusa_hand:


I think the insurance companies should pay for your birth control. It is a moderate and intelligent position.

Do I think your boss should open his wallet and have the right to tell you what he wants you to spend it on? This is what the op sounds to me. It really depends.

Where in the Constitution is that?
What I really despise is this kind of DISINGENUOUS BULLSHIT - constant crying because you lost.

I've said it a hundred times now but it needs to be repeated. I challenge any liberal female here who actually ovulates AND needs contraceptives to show me where and how she is unable to obtain birth control in this country.

1)Health Dept offers free services. Get up off of your lazy ass and make an appt for a pap smear.. You will be prescribed FREE contraceptives if you qualify based on your income, or you will pay $3.00.
2)Planned Parenthood who receives HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars- Also offers contraceptives FREE-

The liberal agenda in the Hobby Lobby case under the Obama Admin was to force a business to provide a service to an employee which went against the 1st amendment right regarding religion. Hobby Lobby offers contraceptive protection STILL.

YOU LOST.. We hear all the time Obamacare is law, MOVE ON and yet here you are screeching for weeks after the decision was made by the SCOTUS. Go through Congress and have it overturned if you want to force people to violate their own religious beliefs so you ghouls can have another abortion alternative.. I don't care whether it stops implantation, blah blah.. What I do care about is that some of you liberal freaks think that you have the right to force people to do whatever the hell you think is right.. IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

Your post assumes men own all businesses.

Why should the boss have to pay for healthcare period? Sheesh.

The boss already pays for your house your gas your food etc?

Do you know how to get the boss to pay for all your stuff? Be the boss.

Wrong, you pay for the bosses house, fuel and food with your labor and you get a share of the proceeds. You make it sound like anything they give you for the privilege of working and putting money in their pocket is almost charity on their part. Having a job is a contract and people who work for a living should be suspicious of any attempt on management to go back on their end of the deal or assert undue influence over their lives.
Oops [MENTION=20424]Misty[/MENTION] :redface: No wonder big biz & their communications arm (Fox) have such an easy time fooling you Repub-voters .
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

DROP the phony baloney pretense. WOMEN can buy whatever they like. YOU assholes are demanding that someone else pick up the tab against thei will of the EMPLOYER.:eusa_hand:


This is not about money, it's about employers making religious decisions for employees. It's like being docked for that beer you bought over the weekend because your boss cannot bear that any money that came from him would buy alcohol.

He always seems to be drunk-posting here & it is tiresome. The T needs to sober up.

As tp the OP, Righties must like having 5 catholic men deciding what women can and cannot do. Figures. Women are supposed to be submissive according to Bachmann (R) anyway. :)
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

DROP the phony baloney pretense. WOMEN can buy whatever they like. YOU assholes are demanding that someone else pick up the tab against thei will of the EMPLOYER.:eusa_hand:


This is not about money, it's about employers making religious decisions for employees. It's like being docked for that beer you bought over the weekend because your boss cannot bear that any money that came from him would buy alcohol.
You SUCK at analogies.

Allow me to fix yours.

It's like an employer being told he no longer has to purchase alcohol for his employees, as the government mandated, because he's a Muslim and his religion forbids alcohol.
This is not about money, it's about employers making religious decisions for employees. It's like being docked for that beer you bought over the weekend because your boss cannot bear that any money that came from him would buy alcohol.

You an idiot, the for abortion pills can still be bought by the employee.

Sure they can but every time they pay out of pocket they are thinking "my boss thinks I am a terrible sinner for this". No one deserves that kind of moral pressure or personal intrusion in life from their employer. Their concern for your personal habits should end at the front door.
Women aren't as stupid as you think they are.
It's not free if it is part of your pay package. it's due compensation for services performed.

It's only part of the package if the BUSINESS OWNER chooses to include it. The SCOTUS told you to get your filthy hands out of the employers cookie jar.

The law says that you have to include all sorts of things for your employees such as bathroom breaks, minimal safety, minimum wage etc. Those are bad examples to a republican who generally despises labor laws but that's the way it is. The government has authority to mandate labor practices because people like these hobby lobby zealots once built company towns and ruled with an iron fist.
You think this is a labor law matter?

Are HL employees having sex on the clock?
What I really despise is this kind of DISINGENUOUS BULLSHIT - constant crying because you lost.

I've said it a hundred times now but it needs to be repeated. I challenge any liberal female here who actually ovulates AND needs contraceptives to show me where and how she is unable to obtain birth control in this country.

1)Health Dept offers free services. Get up off of your lazy ass and make an appt for a pap smear.. You will be prescribed FREE contraceptives if you qualify based on your income, or you will pay $3.00.
2)Planned Parenthood who receives HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars- Also offers contraceptives FREE-

The liberal agenda in the Hobby Lobby case under the Obama Admin was to force a business to provide a service to an employee which went against the 1st amendment right regarding religion. Hobby Lobby offers contraceptive protection STILL.

YOU LOST.. We hear all the time Obamacare is law, MOVE ON and yet here you are screeching for weeks after the decision was made by the SCOTUS. Go through Congress and have it overturned if you want to force people to violate their own religious beliefs so you ghouls can have another abortion alternative.. I don't care whether it stops implantation, blah blah.. What I do care about is that some of you liberal freaks think that you have the right to force people to do whatever the hell you think is right.. IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY.

Hey, if you want to go into the next few elections saying corporations have more rights than women, I think you all should totally go with that.

Five old men decided that your boss can determine what kind of birth control you can have.

This is not a winning issue for you guys.
What I really despise is this kind of DISINGENUOUS BULLSHIT - constant crying because you lost.

I've said it a hundred times now but it needs to be repeated. I challenge any liberal female here who actually ovulates AND needs contraceptives to show me where and how she is unable to obtain birth control in this country.

1)Health Dept offers free services. Get up off of your lazy ass and make an appt for a pap smear.. You will be prescribed FREE contraceptives if you qualify based on your income, or you will pay $3.00.
2)Planned Parenthood who receives HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars- Also offers contraceptives FREE-

The liberal agenda in the Hobby Lobby case under the Obama Admin was to force a business to provide a service to an employee which went against the 1st amendment right regarding religion. Hobby Lobby offers contraceptive protection STILL.

YOU LOST.. We hear all the time Obamacare is law, MOVE ON and yet here you are screeching for weeks after the decision was made by the SCOTUS. Go through Congress and have it overturned if you want to force people to violate their own religious beliefs so you ghouls can have another abortion alternative.. I don't care whether it stops implantation, blah blah.. What I do care about is that some of you liberal freaks think that you have the right to force people to do whatever the hell you think is right.. IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY.

Hey, if you want to go into the next few elections saying corporations have more rights than women, I think you all should totally go with that.

Five old men decided that your boss can determine what kind of birth control you can have.

This is not a winning issue for you guys.
It sure would be nice if progressives didn't lie all the time.
What I really despise is this kind of DISINGENUOUS BULLSHIT - constant crying because you lost.

I've said it a hundred times now but it needs to be repeated. I challenge any liberal female here who actually ovulates AND needs contraceptives to show me where and how she is unable to obtain birth control in this country.

1)Health Dept offers free services. Get up off of your lazy ass and make an appt for a pap smear.. You will be prescribed FREE contraceptives if you qualify based on your income, or you will pay $3.00.
2)Planned Parenthood who receives HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars- Also offers contraceptives FREE-

The liberal agenda in the Hobby Lobby case under the Obama Admin was to force a business to provide a service to an employee which went against the 1st amendment right regarding religion. Hobby Lobby offers contraceptive protection STILL.

YOU LOST.. We hear all the time Obamacare is law, MOVE ON and yet here you are screeching for weeks after the decision was made by the SCOTUS. Go through Congress and have it overturned if you want to force people to violate their own religious beliefs so you ghouls can have another abortion alternative.. I don't care whether it stops implantation, blah blah.. What I do care about is that some of you liberal freaks think that you have the right to force people to do whatever the hell you think is right.. IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY.

Hey, if you want to go into the next few elections saying corporations have more rights than women, I think you all should totally go with that.

Five old men decided that your boss can determine what kind of birth control you can have.

This is not a winning issue for you guys.

cry us all a river..I paid for my own birth control for seventeen years...go pay for you own
you ALL LOST go find something else like rodeo clowns, or outhouse in a parade or something
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cry us all a river..I paid for my own birth control for seventeen years...go pay for you own
you ALL LOST go find something else like rodeo clowns, or outhouse in a parade or something

Uh, no.

These women already paid for their birth control by working.

This is what you don't get, or don't want to get.

Health Insurance is part of your compensation.

And if a policy costs $5000 per employee, and you don't make $5000.00 worth of medical claims a year after co-pays, then you are already coming out behind on the deal. You've done $5000 worth of labor and got nothing to show for it.

So when your employer says, "Well, after you've worked for that health insurance you didn't use, you have to pay out of pocket if you want to use a form of contraception that offends my Imaginary Friend in the Sky."

Seriously, that's fucking nuts.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

If they don't want their boss to choose, then get another job or pay for it yourself. Court ruled deani, you cannot infringe on my religious rights. Ain't America great! Now go and leave me alone.

Wow, if it were that easy, unemployment would be zero.

Nice to know you support women.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

Your post assumes men own all businesses.

Why should the boss have to pay for healthcare period? Sheesh.

The boss already pays for your house your gas your food etc?

Do you know how to get the boss to pay for all your stuff? Be the boss.

I can't believe you could get all those ignorant people to agree with you.

Your boss doesn't pay for your house or gas or food. You're boss pays you for your services. You are your own business. By providing those services, and hopefully getting a fair wage for the service you are providing, you pay for your house and gas and so on. How could you not know that. If your boss paid for those things, he would own them as you're boss apparently owns you.

Hello, what ever you are, I'm not a slave.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

do you thin....., oooopsie, FEEEEEEL that only "men" are the decider of all women's issues and choices, and what "men" are you referring to ?

why do you say "feel" ? don't you know how to spell THINK ?
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

do you thin....., oooopsie, FEEEEEEL that only "men" are the decider of all women's issues and choices, and what "men" are you referring to ?

why do you say "feel" ? don't you know how to spell THINK ?

Because for women who "feel" men should be making their choices, that is based on "feelings" and not "thinking". Why should women relinquish control over her own body to any man?
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

Why should the majority be forced to pay for 4 contraceptions that only 8.9% of woman use?
Most of them can get the 4 types not covered for free anyway, at free clinics or planned parenthood.

This is a nation of freedom and no boss should be forced to pay for something that interferer's with his or her religious worship.

You make it sound like the 4 contraceptions have been forbidden to use and that is not the case.

It is my decision and my responsibility to use or not use them and my responsibility to buy them, not anyone else's.
America is not a collective society like other governments do. We are a nation of individuality and that is freedom, not totalitarian (force) that was put into the new health care bill.
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

Why should the majority be forced to pay for 4 contraceptions that only 8.9% of woman use?
Most of them can get the 4 types not covered for free anyway, at free clinics or planned parenthood.

This is a nation of freedom and no boss should be forced to pay for something that interferer's with his or her religious worship.

You make it sound like the 4 contraceptions have been forbidden to use and that is not the case.

It is my decision and my responsibility to use or not use them and my responsibility to buy them, not anyone else's.
America is not a collective society like other governments do. We are a nation of individuality and that is freedom, not totalitarian (force) that was put into the new health care bill.

What ever the blah blah, men are still doing the choosing.
The last person I want making decisions for me is rdeanie and his ilk

and that goes for his beloved fascist party, democrat/progressive/commie party

go mind you own birth control life

leave the rest of alone
What do women think about that? Mostly, I've heard from the men, not too much from women.

And for women who feel men should be making their choices, what quality is it that men have that they should be given this authority?

No need...they're all lesbians.

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