Tobacco user persecution growing

Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.

Not allowing people to force harmful fumes onto others is not persecution

Requiring other people and your family to breathe in your filth IS persecution
cigarette smoke is (ob)noxious but cigar & pipe smoke is the worst.

Compared to most any pipe tobacco, ciggy and cigar smoke is revolting.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.

Not allowing people to force harmful fumes onto others is not persecution

Requiring other people and your family to breathe in your filth IS persecution
cigarette smoke is (ob)noxious but cigar & pipe smoke is the worst.

I can't recall the last time I saw someone smoking a pipe in public. Cigars can be nasty, but they are few and far between. I don't see many people who extensively smoke cigars all day long. I know some who smoke expensive imported (cuban) cigars but only sporadically

Pipes are definately rare these days. Besides myself, only one other resident of about a hundred units here smokes a pipe. Was an amusing mention of this downwards trend in an episode of American Dad where George Clooney smokes one saying he's bringing them back. Later in the episode everybody's smoking pipes. :)
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.

Cigarette smoking kills no one anywhere ever. Nor does it cause lung cancer. CDC stats say less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked. For statements like "smoking causes lung cancer" to be true every smoker would be developing lung cancer. For a statement like smoking kills x per year, you'd have to show how the smoking itself led to a death. It's a risk factor, not a cause. But with so many risk factors in an industrialized society, which one finally causes cancer or other conditions is impossible to know. Google 'what things cause cancer' or the like sometime, it's a big list. And since most all of us have multiple risk factors, which one finally does it is going to be impossible to know.

Smoking's just an overt risk factor that isn't pleasant to be downwind of if not smoking. So it makes a good scapegoat and allows all the other risk factor contributors to go on making money from their risk factors while all the media attention is on the smoking one instead of them.
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.

Cigarette smoking kills no one anywhere ever. Nor does it cause lung cancer. CDC stats say less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked. For statements like "smoking causes lung cancer" to be true every smoker would be developing lung cancer. For a statement like smoking kills x per year, you'd have to show how the smoking itself led to a death. It's a risk factor, not a cause. But with so many risk factors in an industrialized society, which one finally causes cancer or other conditions is impossible to know. Google 'what things cause cancer' or the like sometime, it's a big list. And since most all of us have multiple risk factors, which one finally does it is going to be impossible to know.

Smoking's just an overt risk factor that isn't pleasant to be downwind of if not smoking. So it makes a good scapegoat and allows all the other risk factor contributors to go on making money from their risk factors while all the media attention is on the smoking one instead of them.

Maybe you should join the 21st century

Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.

Cigarette smoking kills no one anywhere ever. Nor does it cause lung cancer. CDC stats say less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked. For statements like "smoking causes lung cancer" to be true every smoker would be developing lung cancer. For a statement like smoking kills x per year, you'd have to show how the smoking itself led to a death. It's a risk factor, not a cause. But with so many risk factors in an industrialized society, which one finally causes cancer or other conditions is impossible to know. Google 'what things cause cancer' or the like sometime, it's a big list. And since most all of us have multiple risk factors, which one finally does it is going to be impossible to know.

Smoking's just an overt risk factor that isn't pleasant to be downwind of if not smoking. So it makes a good scapegoat and allows all the other risk factor contributors to go on making money from their risk factors while all the media attention is on the smoking one instead of them.

Maybe you should join the 21st century


The key is language. The terms they're using to villify smoking are false. And since people don't spend as much time on average thinking about what others say, especially on tv, they're not thinking enough about those claims.

If we were serious about banning or controlling dangerous things the first thing we'd ban is gasoline powered engines whose exhaust is far more toxic than ciggies. Then we'd go after alcohol which not only produces damaging health effects, but also increases aggression and violent behaviour. Then we ban fast/junk food which are making us obese costing tax payers billions. But we're not doing any of that. Instead we're picking on one thing among many things as trying to heap all the blame onto it.
:smoke: :cuckoo:

emphyzema & COPD are very costly to treat not to mention mouth & throat cancer.

cigars are the worst BTW- ESPECIALLY indoors.
I have never hesitated pulling my can of dip out after a fine meal when I sit next to anti smokers
you ever see a pic of some derp who had to have 1/2 of his mouth surgically removed because "dip" had given him mouth cancer? Same result could be achieved by smoking pipes.
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Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.

Cigarette smoking kills no one anywhere ever. Nor does it cause lung cancer. CDC stats say less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked. For statements like "smoking causes lung cancer" to be true every smoker would be developing lung cancer. For a statement like smoking kills x per year, you'd have to show how the smoking itself led to a death. It's a risk factor, not a cause. But with so many risk factors in an industrialized society, which one finally causes cancer or other conditions is impossible to know. Google 'what things cause cancer' or the like sometime, it's a big list. And since most all of us have multiple risk factors, which one finally does it is going to be impossible to know.

Smoking's just an overt risk factor that isn't pleasant to be downwind of if not smoking. So it makes a good scapegoat and allows all the other risk factor contributors to go on making money from their risk factors while all the media attention is on the smoking one instead of them.

Maybe you should join the 21st century


The key is language. The terms they're using to villify smoking are false. And since people don't spend as much time on average thinking about what others say, especially on tv, they're not thinking enough about those claims.

If we were serious about banning or controlling dangerous things the first thing we'd ban is gasoline powered engines whose exhaust is far more toxic than ciggies. Then we'd go after alcohol which not only produces damaging health effects, but also increases aggression and violent behaviour. Then we ban fast/junk food which are making us obese costing tax payers billions. But we're not doing any of that. Instead we're picking on one thing among many things as trying to heap all the blame onto it.

Nobody has banned are still free to kill yourself one puff at a time

You are banned from forcing your disgusting habit on others. That is not persecution, it is common sense
:smoke: :cuckoo:

emphyzema & COPD are very costly to treat not to mention mouth & throat cancer.

cigars are the worst BTW- ESPECIALLY indoors.
I have never hesitated pulling my can of dip out after a fine meal when I sit next to anti smokers
you ever see a pic of some derp who had to have 1/2 of his mouth surgically removed because "dip" had given him mouth cancer? You are a special kind of stupid. almost as partisanly blind as boedicca. :thup:

Unlike drinkers with diseased livers, I have TWO lungs. ;)
:smoke: :cuckoo:

emphyzema & COPD are very costly to treat not to mention mouth & throat cancer.

cigars are the worst BTW- ESPECIALLY indoors.
I have never hesitated pulling my can of dip out after a fine meal when I sit next to anti smokers
you ever see a pic of some derp who had to have 1/2 of his mouth surgically removed because "dip" had given him mouth cancer? You are a special kind of stupid. almost as partisanly blind as boedicca. :thup:

Unlike drinkers with diseased livers, I have TWO lungs. ;)
keep digging derpy.
Nobody has banned are still free to kill yourself one puff at a time

You are banned from forcing your disgusting habit on others. That is not persecution, it is common sense
cig smoke is an annoyance but pipe, cigar, & chewing tobacco are especially offensive.
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from exposure to secondhand smoke. It's very important issue, actually.

Cigarette smoking kills no one anywhere ever. Nor does it cause lung cancer. CDC stats say less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked. For statements like "smoking causes lung cancer" to be true every smoker would be developing lung cancer. For a statement like smoking kills x per year, you'd have to show how the smoking itself led to a death. It's a risk factor, not a cause. But with so many risk factors in an industrialized society, which one finally causes cancer or other conditions is impossible to know. Google 'what things cause cancer' or the like sometime, it's a big list. And since most all of us have multiple risk factors, which one finally does it is going to be impossible to know.

Smoking's just an overt risk factor that isn't pleasant to be downwind of if not smoking. So it makes a good scapegoat and allows all the other risk factor contributors to go on making money from their risk factors while all the media attention is on the smoking one instead of them.

Come on...You're pulling our leg, right?
I kind of miss the days, back in the 1950's, when some guy would appear on a Lucky Strip commercial wearing a doctor's smock, telling you that LS's are easier on your throat and that 79% of doctors who smoke, smoke LS's... it was all so surreal.
I kind of miss the days, back in the 1950's, when some guy would appear on a Lucky Strip commercial wearing a doctor's smock, telling you that LS's are easier on your throat and that 79% of doctors who smoke, smoke LS's... it was all so surreal.

the lengths people go to rationalize their unhealthy life choices. :rolleyes-41: This coming from a 30 yr smoker who quit 2 yrs ago.

BTW- smoking as little as you claim to smoke doesn't even qualify you as an avg smoker so you would be an outlier anyway..

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