Tobacco user persecution growing

Smokers are getting the treatment they deserve

Social ostracism and banishment from public areas. But on the bright side, they have the option to not engage in their filthy habit and still associate in public.

It is more of an option than they gave to non-smokers

"If you don't like my smoking, then leave"

And thus, proof of unjust persecution as per the OP........

And from someone who admits he would falsify a radon test putting others health at risk for financial benefit

Rightwinger wrote: "Now, I'm trying to sell my house. If I were worried about a radon problem, I would run a fan over the cannisters or place them outside"
Smoking laws have changed and the biggest beneficiaries have been smokers themselves

They no longer have that crutch of being able to smoke anytime anywhere. They have to actually show some self restraint and refrain from smoking for hours at a time....imagine that? They are healthier for it and cutting down on opportunites to smoke actually makes it easier to eventually quit

But a big problem for smokers is that while you can no longer make other people stink because of your filthy still stink yourself

There is only so much we can do
Smoking laws have changed and the biggest beneficiaries have been smokers themselves

They no longer have that crutch of being able to smoke anytime anywhere. They have to actually show some self restraint and refrain from smoking for hours at a time....imagine that? They are healthier for it and cutting down on opportunites to smoke actually makes it easier to eventually quit

But a big problem for smokers is that while you can no longer make other people stink because of your filthy still stink yourself

There is only so much we can do

We already know you don't care about health, you've proven that

this deflection is cute, but it won't rehabilitate you're credibility. That's been busted.

Sorry, stating you would willingly put others at risk so you can profit financially said it all.
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Pop, you and I are simply on different pages. Yes, tobacco is legal. Yes, we all know that prohibition does not work. No, I would not make it illegal. I have no problem whatsoever in taxing it out of existence, which has worked well so far. 10 years ago in Alaska, a pack of cigarette's cost $10. There are not many smokers in Alaska. Who knows what they charge today.

My post is not about tobacco laws. My post is about the lack of morality and ethics of the producers and distributors of tobacco, as well as the Tea Party types who worship corporate America and find it to be as pure as the driven snow. I mention opium because of the addiction aspect that it shares with tobacco. I smoked for 37 years, up to 2 1/2 packs per day, so I know exactly how addictive nicotine is. I repeat my central theme, which is that there is a legalized corporate industry in this country that sells addiction and death for a profit, and there are many fools in this country that just don't see what is wrong about that.

I smoked for five years (yes I am serious) without big tobacco or any large corporate entity assistance whatsoever. Growing your own is quite easy and really really inexpensive.

Your persecuting the legal buyer because of greed of corporations is no different then my example used in alcohol

The difference appears to be that the social cost of alcohol is acceptable cuze most people like a belt while watching the game.

You do understand that the producers of alcohol are big corporations, Right?

The OP is trying to get you to understand that science does not back up the health concerns as much as you think they may.
Smoking laws have changed and the biggest beneficiaries have been smokers themselves

They no longer have that crutch of being able to smoke anytime anywhere. They have to actually show some self restraint and refrain from smoking for hours at a time....imagine that? They are healthier for it and cutting down on opportunites to smoke actually makes it easier to eventually quit

But a big problem for smokers is that while you can no longer make other people stink because of your filthy still stink yourself

There is only so much we can do

We already know you don't care about health, you've proven that

this deflection is cute, but it won't rehabilitate you're credibility. That's been busted.

Sorry, stating you would willingly put others at risk so you can profit financially said it all.
Smokers had a hundred years to smoke responsibly. They blew smoke in people's faces, burned furniture and threw their butts on the floor

Now, they whine because mean old Gubmint won't let them do it any more
Pop, you and I are simply on different pages. Yes, tobacco is legal. Yes, we all know that prohibition does not work. No, I would not make it illegal. I have no problem whatsoever in taxing it out of existence, which has worked well so far. 10 years ago in Alaska, a pack of cigarette's cost $10. There are not many smokers in Alaska. Who knows what they charge today.

My post is not about tobacco laws. My post is about the lack of morality and ethics of the producers and distributors of tobacco, as well as the Tea Party types who worship corporate America and find it to be as pure as the driven snow. I mention opium because of the addiction aspect that it shares with tobacco. I smoked for 37 years, up to 2 1/2 packs per day, so I know exactly how addictive nicotine is. I repeat my central theme, which is that there is a legalized corporate industry in this country that sells addiction and death for a profit, and there are many fools in this country that just don't see what is wrong about that.

I smoked for five years (yes I am serious) without big tobacco or any large corporate entity assistance whatsoever. Growing your own is quite easy and really really inexpensive.

Your persecuting the legal buyer because of greed of corporations is no different then my example used in alcohol

The difference appears to be that the social cost of alcohol is acceptable cuze most people like a belt while watching the game.

You do understand that the producers of alcohol are big corporations, Right?

The OP is trying to get you to understand that science does not back up the health concerns as much as you think they may.

I'll be happy to discuss the evils of alcohol, junk food, sugary drinks, and other legally produced products on another thread. This thread is about tobacco, which is sold as cigarettes, which is nothing but a delivery system for addictive nicotine. I am focusing on the corporations that legally produce it for profit. I hold the people who do this to be without moral compasses. I will not even own a mutual fund, if I discover that it has tobacco company stock.
Smoking laws have changed and the biggest beneficiaries have been smokers themselves

They no longer have that crutch of being able to smoke anytime anywhere. They have to actually show some self restraint and refrain from smoking for hours at a time....imagine that? They are healthier for it and cutting down on opportunites to smoke actually makes it easier to eventually quit

But a big problem for smokers is that while you can no longer make other people stink because of your filthy still stink yourself

There is only so much we can do

We already know you don't care about health, you've proven that

this deflection is cute, but it won't rehabilitate you're credibility. That's been busted.

Sorry, stating you would willingly put others at risk so you can profit financially said it all.
Smokers had a hundred years to smoke responsibly. They blew smoke in people's faces, burned furniture and threw their butts on the floor

Now, they whine because mean old Gubmint won't let them do it any more

Sorry dude, but knowing the dangers of Radon, as we discussed, you would....

Rightwinger wrote:
"Now, I'm trying to sell my house. If I were worried about a radon problem, I would run a fan over the cannisters or place them outside"

Why would anyone now believe anything that spews from your mouth?
Pop, you and I are simply on different pages. Yes, tobacco is legal. Yes, we all know that prohibition does not work. No, I would not make it illegal. I have no problem whatsoever in taxing it out of existence, which has worked well so far. 10 years ago in Alaska, a pack of cigarette's cost $10. There are not many smokers in Alaska. Who knows what they charge today.

My post is not about tobacco laws. My post is about the lack of morality and ethics of the producers and distributors of tobacco, as well as the Tea Party types who worship corporate America and find it to be as pure as the driven snow. I mention opium because of the addiction aspect that it shares with tobacco. I smoked for 37 years, up to 2 1/2 packs per day, so I know exactly how addictive nicotine is. I repeat my central theme, which is that there is a legalized corporate industry in this country that sells addiction and death for a profit, and there are many fools in this country that just don't see what is wrong about that.

I smoked for five years (yes I am serious) without big tobacco or any large corporate entity assistance whatsoever. Growing your own is quite easy and really really inexpensive.

Your persecuting the legal buyer because of greed of corporations is no different then my example used in alcohol

The difference appears to be that the social cost of alcohol is acceptable cuze most people like a belt while watching the game.

You do understand that the producers of alcohol are big corporations, Right?

The OP is trying to get you to understand that science does not back up the health concerns as much as you think they may.

I'll be happy to discuss the evils of alcohol, junk food, sugary drinks, and other legally produced products on another thread. This thread is about tobacco, which is sold as cigarettes, which is nothing but a delivery system for addictive nicotine. I am focusing on the corporations that legally produce it for profit. I hold the people who do this to be without moral compasses. I will not even own a mutual fund, if I discover that it has tobacco company stock.

Happy for you

Start a thread about that. I might join that thread, that is NOT what this thread is about
Pop, you and I are simply on different pages. Yes, tobacco is legal. Yes, we all know that prohibition does not work. No, I would not make it illegal. I have no problem whatsoever in taxing it out of existence, which has worked well so far. 10 years ago in Alaska, a pack of cigarette's cost $10. There are not many smokers in Alaska. Who knows what they charge today.

My post is not about tobacco laws. My post is about the lack of morality and ethics of the producers and distributors of tobacco, as well as the Tea Party types who worship corporate America and find it to be as pure as the driven snow. I mention opium because of the addiction aspect that it shares with tobacco. I smoked for 37 years, up to 2 1/2 packs per day, so I know exactly how addictive nicotine is. I repeat my central theme, which is that there is a legalized corporate industry in this country that sells addiction and death for a profit, and there are many fools in this country that just don't see what is wrong about that.

I smoked for five years (yes I am serious) without big tobacco or any large corporate entity assistance whatsoever. Growing your own is quite easy and really really inexpensive.

Your persecuting the legal buyer because of greed of corporations is no different then my example used in alcohol

The difference appears to be that the social cost of alcohol is acceptable cuze most people like a belt while watching the game.

You do understand that the producers of alcohol are big corporations, Right?

The OP is trying to get you to understand that science does not back up the health concerns as much as you think they may.

I'll be happy to discuss the evils of alcohol, junk food, sugary drinks, and other legally produced products on another thread. This thread is about tobacco, which is sold as cigarettes, which is nothing but a delivery system for addictive nicotine. I am focusing on the corporations that legally produce it for profit. I hold the people who do this to be without moral compasses. I will not even own a mutual fund, if I discover that it has tobacco company stock.

Happy for you

Start a thread about that. I might join that thread, that is NOT what this thread is about

Ok, pop. Carry on alone....
Smoking laws have changed and the biggest beneficiaries have been smokers themselves

They no longer have that crutch of being able to smoke anytime anywhere. They have to actually show some self restraint and refrain from smoking for hours at a time....imagine that? They are healthier for it and cutting down on opportunites to smoke actually makes it easier to eventually quit

But a big problem for smokers is that while you can no longer make other people stink because of your filthy still stink yourself

There is only so much we can do

We already know you don't care about health, you've proven that

this deflection is cute, but it won't rehabilitate you're credibility. That's been busted.

Sorry, stating you would willingly put others at risk so you can profit financially said it all.
Smokers had a hundred years to smoke responsibly. They blew smoke in people's faces, burned furniture and threw their butts on the floor

Now, they whine because mean old Gubmint won't let them do it any more

Sorry dude, but knowing the dangers of Radon, as we discussed, you would....

Rightwinger wrote:
"Now, I'm trying to sell my house. If I were worried about a radon problem, I would run a fan over the cannisters or place them outside"

Why would anyone now believe anything that spews from your mouth?

But overall, smokers will come out ahead

The Gubmint is doing what is best for them

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