Kamala finally adds policies to her web page, do you support her new agenda? (Poll)

Do you support Kamala's or Trump's policy agenda?

  • Kamala's

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • Trump's

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • Neither

    Votes: 6 18.8%

  • Total voters
He does and he has explained it many times over the last several months. But again he as President has no authority to set the tax code. But he knows a favorable tax code and eliminating unnecessary regulation and increasing demand and supply will bring housing costs down. Nothing else will.

Kamala's stated price controls will do little but put a lot of people out of house and home.
Where does he explain the specifics of his own proposal? It’s not on his “platform”.

Or are you saying he doesn’t actually have specifics and that Congress will figure it out.
Just a lot of "we will" nonsense that offers nothing in terms of positive steps delineating how.
I actually went through them and found faults with every single bullet point (not that that was some kind of surprise). But, there was a lot of just plain BS talking points. She reminds me a lot of a beauty pageant where, near the end, they ask a supposedly deep question of the contestant and the contestant is supposed to say something like they believe in peace on Earth and everyone cheers on what a great answer that was.
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In her defense, she really can't say how she will pay for it, because one it's total propaganda, and two if she tried it would mean a huge tax increase on middle class, because there is no way in hell she will raise taxes on her rich donors without providing loopholes.
The cruel irony is that she is going to support the middle class at the expense of the lower class, or others now in the middle class. The only way there will be 'opportunity for all' is to take from those that have and give it to those who have not. A zero sum game.
You can't understand government spending as the driver of inflation anymore than you can understand your STD is a dangerous disease.
Explain how our governments spending is the "driver" of the world's inflation grandma.
The cruel irony is that she is going to support the middle class at the expense of the lower class, or others now in the middle class. The only way there will be 'opportunity for all' is to take from those that have and give it to those who have not. A zero sum game.
Don't disagree except that she will crush what is left of the middle class with giveaways to illegals and the lower class.
Don't disagree except that she will crush what is left of the middle class with giveaways to illegals and the lower class.
You're an idiot grandma.

You now can drink the orange Kool-Aid and kiss the ring.
Anyone saying Harris doesn’t have specific policies clearly hasn’t read Trump’s platform. Dude has years to prepare it and it’s 16 pages with 90% meaningless fluff.
I'm not voting. I'm tired of this shit show. But don't worry about it. My state is solid red. They don't need my vote and I don't need to get on the dem's retribution lists for no reason. Forget MAGA. Your goal should be SSOA...Save Something of America! You can work towards secession and save a few states or eventually lose all 50 states to the commies and be disarmed as a bonus.

America is O V E R !

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