Kamala Harris voted against giving children that survived an abortion medical care ...

Killing a baby is a homicide (in every State). “States can and do punish people for killing children who are born alive,” Mary Ziegler, a professor at Florida State University’s College of Law and the author of two books on the abortion debate, told us in a phone interview. “Most criminal laws are at the state level not the federal level.”

Ziegler said Sasse’s bill would add uniform federal criminal penalties for health care practitioners, so it does include new measures. “It’s more just of questionable importance given that state law prosecutions are already happening.”

The 2002 bill added clarity for the issue because of other court rulings......

The purposes of H.R. 2175, the ``Born-Alive Infants
Protection Act of 2001'' are:

(1) Lto repudiate the flawed notion that a child's
entitlement to the protections of the law is dependent
upon whether that child's mother or others want him or

(2) Lto repudiate the flawed notion that the right to
an abortion means the right to a dead baby, regardless
of where the killing takes place;

(3) Lto affirm that every child who is born alive--
whether as a result of induced abortion, natural labor,
or caesarean section--bears an intrinsic dignity as a
human being which is not dependent upon the desires,
interests, or convenience of any other person, and is
entitled to receive the full protections of the law;

(4) Lto establish firmly that, for purposes of Federal
law, the term ``person'' includes an infant who is
completely expelled or extracted from his or her mother
and who is alive, regardless of whether or not the
baby's development is believed to be, or is in fact,
sufficient to permit long-term survival, and regardless
of whether the baby survived an abortion.

Background and Need for the Legislation
Murder is, the issue was just letting them sit there and not give them care. Harris didn’t want to make that a crime
I just get a feeling that a baby born after an abortion attempt is going to have some serious problems.
Rigging it up on life support, as a newborn, doesn't sit right with me.

I also figure that they're rarer than hen's teeth.
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