1.3 million Americans lose their job in August under Biden.

All new jobs went to non-citizens while over a million Americans lost theirs.

Another example of how Biden/Harris hate America and Americans in favor of illegals.

I feel so badly for these 1.3 million families that are suffering because of the harris and xiden admin
All new jobs went to non-citizens while over a million Americans lost theirs.

Another example of how Biden/Harris hate America and Americans in favor of illegals.

Liar, liar pants on fire. On a crazy person thinks that "all new jobs went to non-citizens"

You need real sources FuckBoi. We're sick of your bullshit, your lies, and you calling others names.
I feel so badly for these 1.3 million families that are suffering because of the harris and xiden admin

They can always hire on to the more than 7 million job openings in the USA.

"The number of job openings was little changed at 7.7 million on the last business day of July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, hires changed little at 5.5 million. Total separations increased to 5.4 million. Within separations, quits (3.3 million) and layoffs and discharges (1.8 million) changed little. This release includes estimates of the number and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector, by industry, and by establishment size class. "

They can always hire on to the more than 8 million job openings in the USA.
They can apply, but frankly telling a guy that has had the same job for 20 years, who just lost it, that he has to apply at McDonalds, might not go over well.
All new jobs went to non-citizens while over a million Americans lost theirs.

Another example of how Biden/Harris hate America and Americans in favor of illegals.

Yep, Americans are retiring at record levels and immigrants are coming in to fill the void.

This is a good thing
Lefty's responses:
1. Nothing to see here, move along.
2. No proof illegals are taking Americans' jobs.
3. Things were worse under Trump.

2....if you have a job that can be taken by an illegal, you might want to look at again at you life choices
They can always hire on to the more than 7 million job openings in the USA.

"The number of job openings was little changed at 7.7 million on the last business day of July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, hires changed little at 5.5 million. Total separations increased to 5.4 million. Within separations, quits (3.3 million) and layoffs and discharges (1.8 million) changed little. This release includes estimates of the number and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector, by industry, and by establishment size class. "

They do not need to hire on, the number of native born workers went down due to retirements being through the roof. I have seen estimates of as many as 4 million people could retire in 2024.
They can apply, but frankly telling a guy that has had the same job for 20 years, who just lost it, that he has to apply at McDonalds, might not go over well.

Moving the goal posts, now that multipole posters have handed you your ass on a plate - again? There is absolutely no indication that anyone lost a job they'd held for 20 years, or that the only jobs available are at McDonalds.

Anything to denigrate your own country and its government. But you're not a cult, oh no, not you.
Moving the goal posts, now that multipole posters have handed you your ass on a plate - again? There is absolutely no indication that anyone lost a job they'd held for 20 years, or that the only jobs available are at McDonalds.

Anything to denigrate your own country and its government. But you're not a cult, oh no, not you.
Moving the goal post? hahaha is that what you tell these 1.3 million Americans that lost their jobs? Pathetic, cruel and vile
Liar, liar pants on fire. On a crazy person thinks that "all new jobs went to non-citizens"

You need real sources FuckBoi. We're sick of your bullshit, your lies, and you calling others names.
The BLS is a real source, you blithering idiot.
what? wha a weird post, I doubt seriously the 1.3 million that have lost their jobs recently have had that many jobs.
No one in that number has lost their jobs. But they lost jobs under Trump (14.8%) while more than ten million jobs have been created in the last four years.

That's one reason you MAGAlosers will be crying bitterly in less than two months

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