Tobacco user persecution growing

Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Both mine smoked as well, and being around it was a whole bunch of no-fun. That's a separate issue though. Pleanty of parents do pleanty of harmful things around their kids without legal interference though so I'd worry about where we draw the line about adult behaviours around children. Drinking for example. While there's no second-hand drinking concern, emulating one's parents as children do and imitating their drinking is a legitimate concern just as with smoking. If we come down the mountain for smoking, do we do so as well for drinking?
Have a right to do as you please with your body. In the case of pregnant women though, their babies in-vitro aren't 'their body' any more, it's another person's body currently inhabiting your's.

You need to explain the fetus is not "their body" to the Progressive Liberals who support abortion and not me. I just think it important to define were their support for legislation regarding individual rights splits in regards to what they want to ban.

Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts
OP said pipe smoking increased life-span lol. People will rationalize anything to justify their bad habits

It does according to studies. But it's likely more due to the relaxation than anythign inherently to do with the tobacco.
That is if you don't inhale any of the smoke. Pipe smokers that occasionally inhale the smoke same as cigarette smokers will suffer the same consequences, possibly worse, since most pipe smoke isn't filtered in any way.
Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Both mine smoked as well, and being around it was a whole bunch of no-fun. That's a separate issue though. Pleanty of parents do pleanty of harmful things around their kids without legal interference though so I'd worry about where we draw the line about adult behaviours around children. Drinking for example. While there's no second-hand drinking concern, emulating one's parents as children do and imitating their drinking is a legitimate concern just as with smoking. If we come down the mountain for smoking, do we do so as well for drinking?
Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.
OP said pipe smoking increased life-span lol. People will rationalize anything to justify their bad habits

It does according to studies. But it's likely more due to the relaxation than anythign inherently to do with the tobacco.
That is if you don't inhale any of the smoke. Pipe smokers that occasionally inhale the smoke same as cigarette smokers will suffer the same consequences, possibly worse, since most pipe smoke isn't filtered in any way.

Every pipe I've owned came with a filter.
Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.

Not allowing people to force harmful fumes onto others is not persecution

Requiring other people and your family to breathe in your filth IS persecution
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Actually, its non-smokers who have been persecuted - being forced to inhale something they did not want and having the stench on their clothes.

That has changed to smokers being able to smoke where anywhere others are not breathing.

Seems like a win-win situation to me.
OTOH, there are a lot of links concerning the supposed health benefits of smoking. Apparently, the alkaloid, anatabine has certain anti-inflammatory effects. Interesting but seems to me the well-documented health hazards far outweigh any possible benefits.

Bottom line is no one has the right to force others to smoke if they don't want to.
Anyone who smokes should sign an agreement/contract that they will never burden society with their smoke-related illnesses.

... And heterosexuals who intend to screw each other should sign a contract/agreement that they will never burden society with their procreation and sexual contact issues.


"The following is a quote from the US Surgeon General report “Smoking and Health” (No. 1103, page 92) “Among the pipe smokers…The U.S. mortality ratios are 0.8 for non-inhalers and 1.0 for inhalers;”. So what does that mean, their study was using a mortality ratio of 1.0 as the mortality ratio for a non-smoker, and what they found is that pipe smokers that don’t inhale have a slightly lower mortality ratio which means that they live slightly longer. That needs repeating…Pipe smokers that don’t inhale live longer that non-smokers according to that study. This makes it clear that smokers should switch to pipes, it would be a much healthier way to enjoy this natural herb. If you do smoke, keep in mind that smoking a pipe as infrequently as once a day is recommended. It is not recommended that non-smokers start smoking tobacco because of the addictive properties of nicotine."
The Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco From A Pipe Eat The Planet

Surgeon's General report cited,
Smoking and Health Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service Cover 1964
your 2nd link took me to a picture of the report. The 1st paragraph of the 1st link says this:

Because smoking cigarettes is. It harms almost every organ in your body. It causes 20% of all deaths in the united states annually. Cigarettes often contain poisons such as acetone, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, tar and more. Most studies on smoking that indicate how bad it is for you tend to group cigarette smoking which is full of these poisons with pipe smoking which contains none of these poisons. The chart below shows how likely a cigarette, cigar or pipe smoker is to develop lung cancer compared to a non-smoker.
· Non-smoker 1.0 (base number)
· Cigarette – 20 grams / day 16.0 (i.e. 16 x the risk of non-smokers)
· Cigar – 20 grams / day 3.2
· Pipe – if > 10 bowls per day 6.7
· Pipe – if 5 bowls per day 3.2
· Pipe – if 3 bowls per day 1.5
· Pipe – if 2 bowls per day 1.26
· typical – 2 bowls every 2-3 days ~1.05 (almost same as non-smoker)
Data taken from

2 bowls every 2-3 days :eusa_eh: Sooo the amt smoked is so low that no smoker should even bother. :smoke: I could smoke 2 cigs/day but why even bother?
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Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.

Not allowing people to force harmful fumes onto others is not persecution

Requiring other people and your family to breathe in your filth IS persecution
cigarette smoke is (ob)noxious but cigar & pipe smoke is the worst.
Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Good point

Nobody is 'persecuting" is smokers who are persecuting others by demanding they breathe in their filth and pick up their butts

The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub s worth of used ashtrays Daily Mail Online

The Free Society How does it taste to be a persecuted smoker

secondhand support quit persecuting smokers

Smokers ARE being persecuted.

Not allowing people to force harmful fumes onto others is not persecution

Requiring other people and your family to breathe in your filth IS persecution
cigarette smoke is (ob)noxious but cigar & pipe smoke is the worst.

I can't recall the last time I saw someone smoking a pipe in public. Cigars can be nasty, but they are few and far between. I don't see many people who extensively smoke cigars all day long. I know some who smoke expensive imported (cuban) cigars but only sporadically
I knew a guy in college who used to go around with an unlit pipe in his mouth. I think he was trying to look like Hugh Hefner. A few of us gave him a cigar box full of pacifiers for Christmas. That was the end of that....
Recent article claimed tobacco use costs employers $6000/year per smoking employee. Various states are considering, or have passed anti-smoking laws, some of which say you can't even smoke in your own home. The persecution of smokers is running amok in the US. And unlike other causes there's no vocal pro-smoking group to protect our rights.

Despite successful attempts to ban smoking on tv by celebrities, many popular celebrities do in fact smoke, some of these include,

Ashley Olsen Britney Spears Catherine Zeta-Jones Dakota Johnson Daniel Craig Harry Styles Iggy Pop James Bond Johnny Depp Jude Law Kate Moss KATE WINSLET Keira Knightley Keith Richards Kristen Stewart Lindsay Lohan Mary-Kate Olsen Melanie Griffith Michael Douglas michael fassbender Mick Jagger Miley Cyrus Naomi Campbell Rihanna Sean Penn Sienna Miller Simon Cowell
Radar Online 22 Celebrities That Smoke

Perhaps a pro-smoking campaign needs to happen encouraging smokers to 'come out of the closet' as it were.
A smoker has no right to blow his smoke on anyone else, especially his/her children.

My parents kept me sick with their smoke, and passed the habit on too.

I did give up cigarettes, but a lot of the damage was done.

Both mine smoked as well, and being around it was a whole bunch of no-fun. That's a separate issue though. Pleanty of parents do pleanty of harmful things around their kids without legal interference though so I'd worry about where we draw the line about adult behaviours around children. Drinking for example. While there's no second-hand drinking concern, emulating one's parents as children do and imitating their drinking is a legitimate concern just as with smoking. If we come down the mountain for smoking, do we do so as well for drinking?
No second hand drinking unless they teach you to mix drinks at eight, and send you to the liquor store on your bike at ten.

; - )

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