Today is a good day because...

Know which President made this statement?

"Our true choice is not between tax reduction on the one hand and the avoidance of large federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget, just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of the last decade is that budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed spenders, but by slow economic growth and periodic recessions, and any new recession would break all deficit records. In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low. And the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."

Perfect fail, you mean.

The GOP refused to invoke the nuclear option, despite Democrat flibustering of Bush's nominees.
The Democrats invoked the nuclear option, even though they had worked out a deal with the GOP.

Yeah, the hypocrisy is all Dem all the time.
Democrat voters are selling us and our country out for political power..

Not a good feeling to sit here while they laugh in your face
It will be a better day when the Republicans finally live by the same laws the rest of us do.

ACA is a law. Its done.

Its time the Republicans stop pretending they can and will repeal or defund. They're lying and they know it.

Its time to work together to iron out the problems and make it work the way it is intended to work - to the advantage of all Americans.

Slavery was the law. Its done.

Women not voting was the law. Its done.

Gay marriage bans were the law. Its done.

You really are a simpleton, ain't ya?
But once up and running, and people see the advantages, it will not be repealed, no more than Social Security or MediCare. And that is why the threats to shut down the government. Last ditch efforts from the neanderthals that wish to remain in the 19th century.

And what are these advantages you speak of?
A forty percent increase in premiums and double the deductible?
What a deal!!!
Harry Reid and the Senate Dems obviously had no fear of a future suppository shaped bill allowing drilling in ANWAR or outlawing abortion neatly bound and wrapped in trazor wire being shoved up their rectums the next time the WhiteHouse and Senate changed hands politically. Perhaps it was because Comrade Barack assured them that both the House and Senate would be obsolete by the time 2014 arrived, because he was going to more or less stake permanent claim on the title to the real estate located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, or at least for the next thirty years or so.

November 22, 1963 was an inflection point in American history.

November 21, 2013 was likewise an inflection point in American history. The country moved incrementally one step closer to the shredding of its constitution. The country moved one step closer to the relighting of the ovens at Auschwitz, the regulations derived from the in secret Obamacare Death Panel negotiations are due to be promulgated in 2014, and the country moved one step closer to that next Civil War, that is providing there are any American left that still hold that spirit from 1776.

"One man with a rifle can change history" Lee Harvey Oswald.

Indeed. Barack Obama would not be president if Oswald had not succeeded.
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No, translation: it's HILARIOUS to watch how people attempt to spin away their hypocrisy.

They were for this before they were against it.

Dems were against it before they were for it.

Video doesn't lie.

"we're not AAAAAAAS hypocritical, though, 'cuz we didn't have the balls to go through with what we CLEARLY argued tooth and nail for" - - - - -is just fucking F-U-N-N-Y to me.
Maybe now establishment Republicans will finally understand what I've known for decades.

You can't work with dimocraps. They lie, they cheat, they steal and all they know is brute force.

Establishment Republicans have always mistakenly thought of dimocrap scum as decent people with different ideas but the same goals -- Helping America and Americans.

Bullshit. dimocraps are power-hungry, scumbag Nazis bent on taking over every facet of our lives and dictating to us from the top, down.

This absolutely CRUSHES establishment Republicans and gives the Tea Party all kinds of power because this vindicates the Tea Party.

I want to see Mitch McConnell go home and explain how he let this happen.

I want to see McRINO go home and explain how this got so out of control.

Not only are we going to see dimocraps voted out in big numbers, we're going to see a lot of carnage on the Republican side.

A lot of soft Republicans, a lot of RINO's are going to be sent packing.

About time.

And dimocraps? Your days are numbered.

Guess what dicksuckers? The Constitution mandates a Supreme Court. Not an Appeals Court anywhere.

The Constitution doesn't mandate how MANY Justices can sit on the SCOTUS. And Appeals Courts can't function unless they're in session. Close the building, shut off the power, and they're out of business.

Add 3 more Justices to the SCOTUS, ALL of them fire-breathing Conservatives.

Oh, the Cloture rule, you say? What cloture rule. We're going to nuke that for SCOTUS nominations too. Why not? You did.

It's game on, bitches. And my fervent hope is that we get a president in office that is on board with taking off the gloves and pounding your fucking asses into oblivion.

Think I'm kidding. Enjoy it while you can, your time is coming
[ame=]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

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But according to Democrat sheep base, today is GREAT day...they don't care being lied too as long as they can take as some WIN

this countrty is hopeless I'm afraid, and these Politicians knows it..So they are going to give themselves all the power they can over us...and their base will cheer it
Today IS a great day.

It's Friday.

I'm getting my Tree & Decorations up a weekend early.

Wife's cooking steaks. We're solid today.

But according to Democrat sheep base, today is GREAT day...they don't care being lied too as long as they can take as some WIN

this countrty is hopeless I'm afraid, and these Politicians knows it..So they are going to give themselves all the power they can over us...and their base will cheer it

If its that hopeless feel free to remove yourself from it.
Your videos only prove GTs point..dont worry i know full well you would support this is thisbwas the gop and talk radio told you to support it.
Three hypocrites, the first two of which RACIST, as well.

No surprise, they are Democrats.

But according to Democrat sheep base, today is GREAT day...they don't care being lied too as long as they can take as some WIN

this countrty is hopeless I'm afraid, and these Politicians knows it..So they are going to give themselves all the power they can over us...and their base will cheer it

If its that hopeless feel free to remove yourself from it.
Your videos only prove GTs point..dont worry i know full well you would support this is thisbwas the gop and talk radio told you to support it.

If GT's point was the Dems are the biggest hypocrites on the planet then you're right.
But according to Democrat sheep base, today is GREAT day...they don't care being lied too as long as they can take as some WIN

this countrty is hopeless I'm afraid, and these Politicians knows it..So they are going to give themselves all the power they can over us...and their base will cheer it

If its that hopeless feel free to remove yourself from it.
Your videos only prove GTs point..dont worry i know full well you would support this is thisbwas the gop and talk radio told you to support it.

If GT's point was the Dems are the biggest hypocrites on the planet then you're right.

My point was theyre both hypocrites.

Of course, you'd have to be following behind a party cupping your hands and carrying their jockstrap not to see that. Which you do, and whole heartedly!

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