Today is my future


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I am a senior citizen on S.S. and Medicare and today is the future I prepared for.

I am a 30 years old with a chronic illness or disability that keep me from earning a living. Today in my future.

I am a child with mental retardation or a learning disability. My skills are limited and today is my future.

I am a minimum wage earner and unskilled worker. There are 3.6 million of us on any given day. (Not counting 8 million illegal aliens) Today is my future.

GOP believes we should prepare for our future. Take personal responsibility now for our future but today is our future. GOP is throwing us into the ditch and covering us up. America has always taken care of it’s poor, elderly and disabled. GOP want to take us back to the days when we paid our way with chicken and corn but we have no chicken and corn.

If our S.S., Medicare and entitlement programs are cut any more we will bleed to death.

Christ said; “When have you fed me, clothe me, gave me water, sick and you looked after me?” GOP or those who profess Christ the most and are “wolves in sheep clothing.”

Why is our mere existence and survival even a discussion?

“Unforeseen circumstances befall us all.”

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