Today Is "Stalin Victory Day"!

When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Great column from Thomas DiLorenzo...driving home that point that our leaders are taking us straight down the road to a socialist centrally planned super state, that Stalin and his Stooge long dreamed of.

Seceding from Socialism (Or, How to Really Make America Great Again)
“Stexit” – peaceful state secession from imperial Washington – is really the only way for Americans to escape the clutches of our increasingly socialistic central planning state that seems as hell-bent as ever on Misesian destructionism with its nationalization of health care, financial markets, much of the automobile industry, its endless wars, its ever-exploding welfare state, its blizzard of regulations, and a tax system that forces average Americans to work for one-third of the year (until “Tax Freedom Day”) just to pay taxes.
Secede From Socialism - LewRockwell
Hardly so, as it is not an ability one has with our Constitution which does not advocate or use a Marxist central planning collective...and long term Marxism is disrupted by the electorate..

The aim of the United Nations, the European Union, Global Warmists, anti-sovereignty organizations, open border groups, and every globalist who supports same, is the very same aim that Stalin and his coterie had.

Remember....communism is defined as 'international socialism.'

The aim is, and always will be, a global Soviet Superstate.
Marxisms aim was international also...So was capitalism, mercantilism and colonialism...Look how much misery and death your pals in the west gave mankind..

Marxism, like Islam, was spread by the sword.

Capitalism, by the value it provided, and the ability to serve mankind.

You must be a moron not to see the difference. are a Leftist.
Capitalism was spread by the gun and battery of artillery, along with a large ship carrying canon..It was not done by grace and generosity..If you knew anything about French Indochina you might know this....
In your small mind, you blame capitalism for the murderous acts of political and military leaders. Is this a clumsy effort at moral equivalence, in a typical leftist effort to denigrate capitalism, to make communism look better? I suspect so.
Except in my explanation I did not justify nor elevate communism to any better a position than those humans which used capitalism as a system..
Okay...then can I assume you consider communism and capitalism equally bad?
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Great column from Thomas DiLorenzo...driving home that point that our leaders are taking us straight down the road to a socialist centrally planned super state, that Stalin and his Stooge long dreamed of.

Seceding from Socialism (Or, How to Really Make America Great Again)
“Stexit” – peaceful state secession from imperial Washington – is really the only way for Americans to escape the clutches of our increasingly socialistic central planning state that seems as hell-bent as ever on Misesian destructionism with its nationalization of health care, financial markets, much of the automobile industry, its endless wars, its ever-exploding welfare state, its blizzard of regulations, and a tax system that forces average Americans to work for one-third of the year (until “Tax Freedom Day”) just to pay taxes.
Secede From Socialism - LewRockwell
Hardly so, as it is not an ability one has with our Constitution which does not advocate or use a Marxist central planning collective...and long term Marxism is disrupted by the electorate..
Once again you prove what a naive idiot you are.

The Constitution means nothing to the political elite. They get around it with ease and dupes like you, can't even recognize it.
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Great column from Thomas DiLorenzo...driving home that point that our leaders are taking us straight down the road to a socialist centrally planned super state, that Stalin and his Stooge long dreamed of.

Seceding from Socialism (Or, How to Really Make America Great Again)
“Stexit” – peaceful state secession from imperial Washington – is really the only way for Americans to escape the clutches of our increasingly socialistic central planning state that seems as hell-bent as ever on Misesian destructionism with its nationalization of health care, financial markets, much of the automobile industry, its endless wars, its ever-exploding welfare state, its blizzard of regulations, and a tax system that forces average Americans to work for one-third of the year (until “Tax Freedom Day”) just to pay taxes.
Secede From Socialism - LewRockwell
Hardly so, as it is not an ability one has with our Constitution which does not advocate or use a Marxist central planning collective...and long term Marxism is disrupted by the electorate..
Once again you prove what a naive idiot you are.

The Constitution means nothing to the political elite. They get around it with ease and dupes like you, can't even recognize it.
I see you have a need for a scapegoat for your angst and frustration with something you think is occurring...Carry on being an armchair warrior..
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Great column from Thomas DiLorenzo...driving home that point that our leaders are taking us straight down the road to a socialist centrally planned super state, that Stalin and his Stooge long dreamed of.

Seceding from Socialism (Or, How to Really Make America Great Again)
“Stexit” – peaceful state secession from imperial Washington – is really the only way for Americans to escape the clutches of our increasingly socialistic central planning state that seems as hell-bent as ever on Misesian destructionism with its nationalization of health care, financial markets, much of the automobile industry, its endless wars, its ever-exploding welfare state, its blizzard of regulations, and a tax system that forces average Americans to work for one-third of the year (until “Tax Freedom Day”) just to pay taxes.
Secede From Socialism - LewRockwell
Hardly so, as it is not an ability one has with our Constitution which does not advocate or use a Marxist central planning collective...and long term Marxism is disrupted by the electorate..
Once again you prove what a naive idiot you are.

The Constitution means nothing to the political elite. They get around it with ease and dupes like you, can't even recognize it.
I see you have a need for a scapegoat for your angst and frustration with something you think is occurring...Carry on being an armchair warrior..
Dick head, do you dispute that the Constitution is meaningless? Of course you do. Proving once again, how clearly ignorant and uninformed you are.

Today your good buddies the commie dems are all about limiting, if not eliminating the 2A. Is this not proof that the Constitution means NOTHING to many of the political elite? The central government is all about terminating the Bill of Rights, but dick heads like you are incapable of seeing the truth.
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When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Great column from Thomas DiLorenzo...driving home that point that our leaders are taking us straight down the road to a socialist centrally planned super state, that Stalin and his Stooge long dreamed of.

Seceding from Socialism (Or, How to Really Make America Great Again)
“Stexit” – peaceful state secession from imperial Washington – is really the only way for Americans to escape the clutches of our increasingly socialistic central planning state that seems as hell-bent as ever on Misesian destructionism with its nationalization of health care, financial markets, much of the automobile industry, its endless wars, its ever-exploding welfare state, its blizzard of regulations, and a tax system that forces average Americans to work for one-third of the year (until “Tax Freedom Day”) just to pay taxes.
Secede From Socialism - LewRockwell
Hardly so, as it is not an ability one has with our Constitution which does not advocate or use a Marxist central planning collective...and long term Marxism is disrupted by the electorate..

"...Marxism is disrupted by the electorate.."

Unfortunately, this is a total misunderstanding of reality.

If you ever find an interest in reading and/or research....try Talmon....

1. The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

a. Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

b. Moral and cultural relativism are predominant; no lifestyle is better than any other.

c. Paradoxically, relativist doctrine becomes absolutely unassailable: it brooks no challenges or deviations.

2. “Totalitarian democracy” preaches absolute truth and a messianic vision of a “pre-ordained, harmonious and perfect scheme of things, to which men are irresistibly driven, and at which they are bound to arrive”; its politics is but one aspect of an all-embracing philosophy. Both “liberal” and “totalitarian” democracy affirm the value of liberty; but for the first, liberty means individual spontaneity, for the second, reconciliation to an absolute, collective purpose—a kind of self-willed slavery, in fact.

..... “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism."

The idea of an electorate determining the course of the nation is illusory at best.
Just look at the behavior of both parties when the electorate opts for a Trump.

Wake the heck up, you dope!
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Hey PC, check this out from DiLorenzo's column...

Franklin D. Roosevelt even proposed effectively abolishing the states altogether as political entities as a means of eliminating all opposition to his grandiose, socialistic plans for America. As described by Frank Chodorov in The Income Tax: Root of All Evil (page 82):

“Early in the socialistic New Deal, its leaders recognized in the division authority between state and federal governments a difficult impediment to their plans. They set their minds on overcoming it. They went so far as to draw up a blueprint for an arrangement that would circumvent, if not obliterate, the troublesome state lines. In 1940, Mr. Roosevelt’s National Resources Committee, in a report called Regional Factors in National Planning, proposed that the nation be divided into a dozen regional areas, as a basis for the coordination of federal administrative services. . . . the committee insisted that so long as the ‘division of constitutional powers [i.e., states’ rights] remained,’ the government is handicapped in handling ‘national problems.’”

To the “collectivists,” wrote Chodorov, “ the separate states must be wiped out or reduced to parish status.” This was eventually accomplished not through the abolition of the states but “by bribery of state officials” with federal grants to the states and threats of withdrawing them.

The “real obstacle” to socialistic central planning, wrote Chodorov, “is the psychological resistance to centralization that the States’ Rights tradition fosters. The citizen of divided allegiance cannot be reduced to subservience.” Furthermore, “when government has a monopoly of power the people have no freedom.”

I have studied the horrendous career of Stalin's Stooge extensively, as have you, but I did not know that he actually planned to eliminate the states. Just when I thought FDR couldn't be any worse, I realize he can.
..... “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism."

And what was Temüjins excuse?
..... “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism."

And what was Temüjins excuse? ignorant reply in a transparent effort to hide the fact, that you are clearly ignorant.
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Hey PC, check this out from DiLorenzo's column...

Franklin D. Roosevelt even proposed effectively abolishing the states altogether as political entities as a means of eliminating all opposition to his grandiose, socialistic plans for America. As described by Frank Chodorov in The Income Tax: Root of All Evil (page 82):

“Early in the socialistic New Deal, its leaders recognized in the division authority between state and federal governments a difficult impediment to their plans. They set their minds on overcoming it. They went so far as to draw up a blueprint for an arrangement that would circumvent, if not obliterate, the troublesome state lines. In 1940, Mr. Roosevelt’s National Resources Committee, in a report called Regional Factors in National Planning, proposed that the nation be divided into a dozen regional areas, as a basis for the coordination of federal administrative services. . . . the committee insisted that so long as the ‘division of constitutional powers [i.e., states’ rights] remained,’ the government is handicapped in handling ‘national problems.’”

To the “collectivists,” wrote Chodorov, “ the separate states must be wiped out or reduced to parish status.” This was eventually accomplished not through the abolition of the states but “by bribery of state officials” with federal grants to the states and threats of withdrawing them.

The “real obstacle” to socialistic central planning, wrote Chodorov, “is the psychological resistance to centralization that the States’ Rights tradition fosters. The citizen of divided allegiance cannot be reduced to subservience.” Furthermore, “when government has a monopoly of power the people have no freedom.”

I have studied the horrendous career of Stalin's Stooge extensively, as have you, but I did not know that he actually planned to eliminate the states. Just when I thought FDR couldn't be any worse, I realize he can.
Thomas James DiLorenzo grew up in western Pennsylvania, descended from Italian immigrants. In an autobiographical essay he attributes his early commitment to individualism to "playing competitive sports." His view of politicians in the small western cities of the state was that they were in it for personal aggrandizement.[9] He thought his family and neighbors worked hard and perceived other people getting advantages from the government. As a youth in the 1960s, he began to think that the "government was busy destroying the work ethic, the family, and the criminal justice system."[9] Although too young to worry about the Vietnam War draft, he concluded that other young men turned themselves inside out to avoid it, or came back silenced by what they had done and seen. These conclusions led him to the opinion that politics were “evil”.[9]
Thomas DiLorenzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah yes, the same man that thinks Lincoln was an evil tyrant also....And loves the Austrian school of economic model, which is evil according to him also..A PHD in economics, yet he claims to be a historian academic...Must have majored in the wrong field of expertise...
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Hey PC, check this out from DiLorenzo's column...

Franklin D. Roosevelt even proposed effectively abolishing the states altogether as political entities as a means of eliminating all opposition to his grandiose, socialistic plans for America. As described by Frank Chodorov in The Income Tax: Root of All Evil (page 82):

“Early in the socialistic New Deal, its leaders recognized in the division authority between state and federal governments a difficult impediment to their plans. They set their minds on overcoming it. They went so far as to draw up a blueprint for an arrangement that would circumvent, if not obliterate, the troublesome state lines. In 1940, Mr. Roosevelt’s National Resources Committee, in a report called Regional Factors in National Planning, proposed that the nation be divided into a dozen regional areas, as a basis for the coordination of federal administrative services. . . . the committee insisted that so long as the ‘division of constitutional powers [i.e., states’ rights] remained,’ the government is handicapped in handling ‘national problems.’”

To the “collectivists,” wrote Chodorov, “ the separate states must be wiped out or reduced to parish status.” This was eventually accomplished not through the abolition of the states but “by bribery of state officials” with federal grants to the states and threats of withdrawing them.

The “real obstacle” to socialistic central planning, wrote Chodorov, “is the psychological resistance to centralization that the States’ Rights tradition fosters. The citizen of divided allegiance cannot be reduced to subservience.” Furthermore, “when government has a monopoly of power the people have no freedom.”

I have studied the horrendous career of Stalin's Stooge extensively, as have you, but I did not know that he actually planned to eliminate the states. Just when I thought FDR couldn't be any worse, I realize he can.

Thanks for posting that, Gip!

Yet these dolts continue to worship this dictator-wannabe who did his best to wipe out the United States as it was designed.

And here are the actual words of his chosen guru.....

It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: "Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

Roosevelt had the very same view of the Constitution.
When you analyze what came out of the Yalta conference you have to get past the propaganda that passed for news back then in the U.S. and consider the political climate. There was a standing joke that there were more soviet agents in the FDR administration (the DNC?) than the freaking Kremlin. With the help of the fawning liberal media, the democrat party was able to fire a sitting Vice President while he was on vacation and run a no-nothing former clothing store owner with no college education for V.P. and a virtual corpse for a 4th term when they knew he wouldn't live more than a few months after being elected. You could almost call it the slickest attempted political coup in American history and Americans weren't even aware of it because the media was part of it.

And it continues to this very day.
Hey PC, check this out from DiLorenzo's column...

Franklin D. Roosevelt even proposed effectively abolishing the states altogether as political entities as a means of eliminating all opposition to his grandiose, socialistic plans for America. As described by Frank Chodorov in The Income Tax: Root of All Evil (page 82):

“Early in the socialistic New Deal, its leaders recognized in the division authority between state and federal governments a difficult impediment to their plans. They set their minds on overcoming it. They went so far as to draw up a blueprint for an arrangement that would circumvent, if not obliterate, the troublesome state lines. In 1940, Mr. Roosevelt’s National Resources Committee, in a report called Regional Factors in National Planning, proposed that the nation be divided into a dozen regional areas, as a basis for the coordination of federal administrative services. . . . the committee insisted that so long as the ‘division of constitutional powers [i.e., states’ rights] remained,’ the government is handicapped in handling ‘national problems.’”

To the “collectivists,” wrote Chodorov, “ the separate states must be wiped out or reduced to parish status.” This was eventually accomplished not through the abolition of the states but “by bribery of state officials” with federal grants to the states and threats of withdrawing them.

The “real obstacle” to socialistic central planning, wrote Chodorov, “is the psychological resistance to centralization that the States’ Rights tradition fosters. The citizen of divided allegiance cannot be reduced to subservience.” Furthermore, “when government has a monopoly of power the people have no freedom.”

I have studied the horrendous career of Stalin's Stooge extensively, as have you, but I did not know that he actually planned to eliminate the states. Just when I thought FDR couldn't be any worse, I realize he can.
Thomas James DiLorenzo grew up in western Pennsylvania, descended from Italian immigrants. In an autobiographical essay he attributes his early commitment to individualism to "playing competitive sports." His view of politicians in the small western cities of the state was that they were in it for personal aggrandizement.[9] He thought his family and neighbors worked hard and perceived other people getting advantages from the government. As a youth in the 1960s, he began to think that the "government was busy destroying the work ethic, the family, and the criminal justice system."[9] Although too young to worry about the Vietnam War draft, he concluded that other young men turned themselves inside out to avoid it, or came back silenced by what they had done and seen. These conclusions led him to the opinion that politics were “evil”.[9]
Thomas DiLorenzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah yes, the same man that thinks Lincoln was an evil tyrant also....And loves the Austrian school of economic model, which is evil according to him also..A PHD in economics, yet he claims to be a historian academic...Must have majored in the wrong field of expertise...
Another transparent effort to hide the fact that you are a dunce.

You resort to the tired tactic of attacking the messenger, while ignoring the message.

Must you prove your ignorance with every post?
Good old times! Yes, USSR had steel heel. Now i am reading the history of the 20th century, very interesting era. Stalin reminds me the Godfather a bit. Cruel, intransigent, but logical and understandable given his intentions as the fiend.
Good old times! Yes, USSR had steel heel. Now i am reading the history of the 20th century, very interesting era. Stalin reminds me the Godfather a bit. Cruel, intransigent, but logical and understandable given his intentions as the fiend.

Too difficult to fathom your point.
Good old times! Yes, USSR had steel heel. Now i am reading the history of the 20th century, very interesting era. Stalin reminds me the Godfather a bit. Cruel, intransigent, but logical and understandable given his intentions as the fiend.

Too difficult to fathom your point.
Yeah...that is akin to wanting FDR back in the WH...Ops! Many on the Left would love that. is all difficult to fathom. Chalk it up to: Ignorance is bliss.
Good old times! Yes, USSR had steel heel. Now i am reading the history of the 20th century, very interesting era. Stalin reminds me the Godfather a bit. Cruel, intransigent, but logical and understandable given his intentions as the fiend.

Too difficult to fathom your point.
? Did you see the Godfather? So was Stalin - criminal and murderer, but with his principles.
Good old times! Yes, USSR had steel heel. Now i am reading the history of the 20th century, very interesting era. Stalin reminds me the Godfather a bit. Cruel, intransigent, but logical and understandable given his intentions as the fiend.

Too difficult to fathom your point.
? Did you see the Godfather? So was Stalin - criminal and murderer, but with his principles.

Stalin had "Principles" Are you a clown?

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