Today is the 9th anniversary of the ACA (OBAMACARE) becoming law


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.
Isn’t this typical...nine years in it needs “more coverage” and those “lower costs” are right around the corner (if you just throw more billions at it and surrender your doctors).’s even almost “dependable and reliable”! Just please give more government!
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.

The Republicans have been trying to get rid of it since inception. They do not have a plan. Trump, if re-elected will do major cuts in Medicare and is already cutting Medicaid and Hud.

Its the Republicans fault the amazing ACA is not working like it should.
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.

LOL - Democrats are committed to transferring power from the private sector to government. Period.
President Trump and his GOP Congress has two years to present an alternative to ACA.

What happened?
President Trump and his GOP Congress has two years to present an alternative to ACA.

What happened?

They suck even harder than the Democrats, that's what happened. Truth be told, despite their ad copy, Republicans in Congress like power every bit as much as Democrats. They're not about to 'divest'.
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.
The ACA is a means to punish the middle class, forcing families to pay huge premiums. Yet the “poor” get subsidies, meaning the middle class pays for their healthcare in addition to their own.
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.
Around 25 million were uninsured before Obamacare. About 25 million are uninsured today.

What does that statement mean to you?
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.
I see you are on the government gravy train, or personal buddy of obama. If you weren't you would be paying over twice as much for half the coverage with a deductible you would never reach. There is no place in the Constitution saying government can force you to buy anything especially fine you if you don't. Roberts must belong to the same gay bath house as obama and all those sick democrats with their close order nude conga line and hide the night stick games.
Democrats are committed to lowering health care costs and ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. I hope that Republicans will stop supporting the Administration’s sabotage of health care and will begin working with Democrats to achieve more coverage and lower costs, and a dependable, reliable health care system that gives all Americans the peace of mind they deserve. I depend on the ACA (BARACKOBAMACARE) to maintain my own health. Democrats must protect this important health bill.

With or without, over the years healthcare rose under Obama and Trump. The only difference is Americans are required to purchase anything to remain in good standing.
Garbage GOP propaganda. There are millions less today....
OK. You win. I've been a health insurance professional and life underwriter qualified since Reagan put the hand on the bible. I've personaly written around 1000 health policies myself, and our associates have written thousands.

But I have to let you on the main stage to teach me more....Thanks for the help.
Folks. You don't need health insurance. Save your money.

Let's say you are diagnosed with a terminal cancer and have 2 years to live. The cost of that care will be 2 million dollars.
After you learn this, call an agent and get a policy. Pre-existing conditions don't matter. You are approved.

Over 2 years you will pay, lets say, 12,000 dollars total in premiums. But you get 2 million paid for....................WHAT A DEAL HUH????

Don't worry about the insurance company....................They can easily afford to pay 2 million with 12,000 in premiums.

See how my logic here can save you folks so much money. If you cancel your plan, you just buy one when you need it.

Our company has a special auto insurance deal too..................Let's say you smash up your car, hurt 3 people, cause a lot of property damage..................Now you need auto insurance. Just call our office and apply and your covered fully.....It is called the Obama Auto policy......................When you need the coverage, just call us. It is that simple.......Disclaimer. I am advertising no product here at USMB....................Just call an Obama Auto insurance agent and your covered, even if you kill a whole family. Just call, they'll be there.
And you vote for doing away with people's health Care. Great idea, brainwashed functional moron.

Meh - I don't vote. But other people do. And if you put government in charge of health care, your health care will be in jeopardy with every election. Did that never occur to you?
Meh - I don't vote. But other people do. And if you put government in charge of health care, your health care will be in jeopardy with every election. Did that never occur to you?
Of course. So does everything else LOL.not really good reason to not have a health system for crying out loud....
Meh - I don't vote. But other people do. And if you put government in charge of health care, your health care will be in jeopardy with every election. Did that never occur to you?
Of course. So does everything else LOL.not really good reason to not have a health system for crying out loud....
Folks. You don't need health insurance. Save your money.

Let's say you are diagnosed with a terminal cancer and have 2 years to live. The cost of that care will be 2 million dollars.
After you learn this, call an agent and get a policy. Pre-existing conditions don't matter. You are approved.

Over 2 years you will pay, lets say, 12,000 dollars total in premiums. But you get 2 million paid for....................WHAT A DEAL HUH????

Don't worry about the insurance company....................They can easily afford to pay 2 million with 12,000 in premiums.

See how my logic here can save you folks so much money. If you cancel your plan, you just buy one when you need it.

Our company has a special auto insurance deal too..................Let's say you smash up your car, hurt 3 people, cause a lot of property damage..................Now you need auto insurance. Just call our office and apply and your covered fully.....It is called the Obama Auto policy......................When you need the coverage, just call us. It is that simple.......Disclaimer. I am advertising no product here at USMB....................Just call an Obama Auto insurance agent and your covered, even if you kill a whole family. Just call, they'll be there.
if you had health insurance you might find that cancer before it's terminal, brainwashed functional moron. And leave out the insurance guys, they might have ulterior motives LOL
Of course. So does everything else LOL.not really good reason to not have a health system for crying out loud....

No, everything else doesn't. That's the whole point of limited government. Most things in life should not be subject to a vote.

But your claim is revealing. That's the kind of society you want - one where everything is subject to government mandate. Sorry, that would suck.

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