Today may be The Day for California!


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
The US Supreme Court is expected to make a ruling on whether to review the 9th Circuit's Decision on Prop H8 today. Let's hope it's a good one!
I think they will dodge it by letting the lower court decision stand....we'll hopefully see tod
Seawytc[U said:
[/U]h;6424667]They'll take it up. They can't keep avoiding the issue of marriage equality.

I'm of a different mind. I think they will dodge and let the lower court decision stand. Either way, Scalia's having a coronary.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that the Supreme Court will uphold Prop 8. The nation is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. The only thing that is at all surprising is that even a liberal hell-hole like San Francisco can disgust itself enough to ban public nudity and that only after the requirement that a towel be used between bare ass and public seating failed. If San Francisco can find a shred of decency, there is always hope but my bet would be on the spread of degeneracy.
The Supreme Court is also looking at DOMA.

That is where things are really going to crumble for the anti-gay marriage movement.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that the Supreme Court will uphold Prop 8. The nation is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. The only thing that is at all surprising is that even a liberal hell-hole like San Francisco can disgust itself enough to ban public nudity and that only after the requirement that a towel be used between bare ass and public seating failed. If San Francisco can find a shred of decency, there is always hope but my bet would be on the spread of degeneracy.

It's of note that with an overall population that is far from the majority, the left seems to think that everyone should march in lock-step on this issue.

Yet when it came to the election, these same libturds whined all day that "majority rules". And many here posted just that.

Funny how majority rules only when that rule goes in their favor. :cool:
The Supreme Court is also looking at DOMA.

That is where things are really going to crumble for the anti-gay marriage movement.

I didn't know such a movement existed.

I thought it was the Gay activists movement that broached the subject first.
So you're excited about the will of the people being overturned in favor of depravity. Not terribly surprised here. But it's still amazing to comprehend that sometimes.
The Supreme Court is also looking at DOMA.

That is where things are really going to crumble for the anti-gay marriage movement.

I didn't know such a movement existed.

I thought it was the Gay activists movement that broached the subject first.

Don't you see, by us preventing them from forcing their viewpoints on us, the people, we are somehow a movement trying to prevent equality.

Nevermind the fact that the same rights have always existed for all people.
What I see is we're just minding our business trying to grant rights to Gay couples so they can take care of their legal problems the way hetero couples do and all of the sudden one of them walks up to us and kicks us in the cranberries.

"Owwww......WTF did you do that for?????

"You hateful bastards won't let us marry!!!!"

"Why the heck would you want to get obligated to someone. I would think you'd want to avoid that?"

"You Republican piece of shit Bible-thumpers are so old fashioned!!!"

"Heck with this.......I could care less if you want to make breaking up with your GF or BF cost several thousand dollars!!!"
So you're excited about the will of the people being overturned in favor of depravity. Not terribly surprised here. But it's still amazing to comprehend that sometimes.

The will of the Segregation? Like not providing equal access to handicapped? Like Child Labor? like Slavery? like women as chattel?
Good for them.

I just wished that Prop 37 would have passed. I was counting on California to set a precedent for the rest of the USA in regards to GMO in our food supply.
The Supreme Court is also looking at DOMA.

That is where things are really going to crumble for the anti-gay marriage movement.

I didn't know such a movement existed.

I thought it was the Gay activists movement that broached the subject first.

DOMA is an anti-gay marriage law created and enacted by the anti-gay marriage movement.

So you're excited about the will of the people being overturned in favor of depravity. Not terribly surprised here. But it's still amazing to comprehend that sometimes.

The will of the mob sometimes violates the rights of the people, such as in the case here.

So you're excited about the will of the people being overturned in favor of depravity. Not terribly surprised here. But it's still amazing to comprehend that sometimes.

The will of the Segregation? Like not providing equal access to handicapped? Like Child Labor? like Slavery? like women as chattel?

Like babies being ripped from the womb by the millions...
The US Supreme Court is expected to make a ruling on whether to review the 9th Circuit's Decision on Prop H8 today. Let's hope it's a good one!

I'm still wondering why California bothers holding elections.
The federal government acts like Santa to married couples, giving them all kinds of cash and prize gifts.

These cash and prizes are withheld from gay married couples. They are not given equal protection of the law.

Anti-gay people are resentful about the idea of not being the only ones to get presents from Santa any more. The feel specially entitled to these gifts.
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It is HIGHLY unlikely that the Supreme Court will uphold Prop 8. The nation is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. The only thing that is at all surprising is that even a liberal hell-hole like San Francisco can disgust itself enough to ban public nudity and that only after the requirement that a towel be used between bare ass and public seating failed. If San Francisco can find a shred of decency, there is always hope but my bet would be on the spread of degeneracy.

You're not only an ignoramus but a bigot too.

For others, not as stupid or hateful as Katzndogz, consider this an issue of liberty. Many on the right test the limits of freedom by openly carrying firearms, a tool able to kill other human beings. A few San Franciscans test the limits of another law, one which many of us find offensive, but not one likely to harm others. Consider too the slippery slope arguments of gun lovers and the NRA.

SF BTW banned public nudity. They deprived a few 'libertarians' of the right to parade around naked in public- that should offend many on the right but I suspect it does not. I also suspect that liberty isn't so important to them as they pretend.

I get the Second Amenement Right and argument - but not all arms are produced equally and the USSC recognizes that some 'arms' should never be in the hands of private citizens.
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So you're excited about the will of the people being overturned in favor of depravity. Not terribly surprised here. But it's still amazing to comprehend that sometimes.

The will of the Segregation? Like not providing equal access to handicapped? Like Child Labor? like Slavery? like women as chattel?

Only 2 of those can be considered unconsitutional, and then only when perptuated by the government, segregation and slavery.

The others were eliminated via legislation, not judical fiat. Technically Slavery and segregation were eliminated by legislation as well, first by amendment, then by laws in wake of the court cases.

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