Today We Have a Country Divided; Well, It Seems So on the Internet. How's It Going in REAL Life?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 10, 2022
Long Island, NY
There's mayhem portrayed every day by the MSM as if everyone is against everyone.

Where I live on Long Island, NY, we will curse you to hell on the road, but outside of driving, we all get along, LOL

Is racist mayhem, and political discourse as prevalent as it seems here in the ether of the internet common to your area or everyday experience?

In my observations here, I don't think so.
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No, we are not as divided as MSM propaganda makes it seem.
Outside of some Dem strongholds like DC, Chicago, Portland & others with inner city problems provoked by wokesters, the rest of us just want to live & let live without being told what to do
It was a beautiful day today. Spent on the river watching boat races and took my car to the car show that was a part of all of that. Hundreds of people having a good time.

I walk by one guy that while I personally don't know him he is well known as someone who is politics, politics, politics. He does have some cool cars and I walk by and he is arguing politics with another guy. I continued to walk by but thought to myself..........sheesh, let it go for at least a little bit.

It was the only political talk I heard all day.
All we hear from the MSM is racist goo goo,; racist gaa gaa.

It is both boring, and exhausting.

The Death Throes of Marxism is a pathetic mess.

Good luck, normal people!
There's mayhem portrayed every day by the MSM as if everyone is against everyone.

Where I live on Long Island, NY, we will curse you to hell on the road, but outside of driving, we all get along, LOL

Is racist mayhem, and political discourse, as prevalent as it seems here in the ether of the internet common to your area or everyday experience?

In my observations here, I don't think so.
It portrays libturds are very miserable and unhappy people. Their personal lives are a disaster

Then there are the happy well adjusted people being bothered by this scum

That simple
It was a beautiful day today. Spent on the river watching boat races and took my car to the car show that was a part of all of that. Hundreds of people having a good time.

I walk by one guy that while I personally don't know him he is well known as someone who is politics, politics, politics. He does have some cool cars and I walk by and he is arguing politics with another guy. I continued to walk by but thought to myself..........sheesh, let it go for at least a little bit.

It was the only political talk I heard all day.
We don't talk much about politics in my area. We all know how disturbing and fucked up you people are
It was a beautiful day today. Spent on the river watching boat races and took my car to the car show that was a part of all of that. Hundreds of people having a good time.

I walk by one guy that while I personally don't know him he is well known as someone who is politics, politics, politics. He does have some cool cars and I walk by and he is arguing politics with another guy. I continued to walk by but thought to myself..........sheesh, let it go for at least a little bit.

It was the only political talk I heard all day.
I'm sure you were sitting on the fence during that conversation.
I'm sure you were sitting on the fence during that conversation.

No, as I said I kept on walking.................I had and wanted no part of it.

Besides, I don't sit on the fence. I don't jump sides of the fence depending on what side a particular party is holding at that time.

The deficit isn't important now? Just wait a bit and all of a sudden you will be concerned again. I'm always against adding to it and you somehow I've never understood consider that "fence sitting".
No, as I said I kept on walking.................I had and wanted no part of it.

Besides, I don't sit on the fence. I don't jump sides of the fence depending on what side a particular party is holding at that time.

The deficit isn't important now? Just wait a bit and all of a sudden you will be concerned again. I'm always against adding to it and you somehow I've never understood consider that "fence sitting".
You're correct in your citing of financial folly, but you fail to recognize the fleecing of our Treasury by the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that were TAUGHT to HATE themselves, and their home country the United States of America.

The self-loathing is pathetic! :rolleyes:
You're correct in your citing of financial folly, but you fail to recognize the fleecing of our Treasury by the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that were TAUGHT to HATE themselves, and their home country the United States of America.

The self-loathing is pathetic! :rolleyes:

Well you said something but I have no idea what it is.
There's mayhem portrayed every day by the MSM as if everyone is against everyone.

Where I live on Long Island, NY, we will curse you to hell on the road, but outside of driving, we all get along, LOL

Is racist mayhem, and political discourse, as prevalent as it seems here in the ether of the internet common to your area or everyday experience?

In my observations here, I don't think so.
Don't talk politics or religion!
Democrats still be like...


Well you said something but I have no idea what it is.
That's the view from the fence. Well played.

I remember you from the old Hannity boards (I posted as Cygnus X-1)

Same old wind sock fence sitting contrarian.

I hope all is well! :bye1:
I saw a very interesting side-effect this week. A neighbor was having garage door problems and called an independent repairman. Couldn't get the door to open. I helped him with it - it was a broken spring. Car was trapped inside. It took three of us to get it open with levers and a variety of props but we did get it open. He was three days with it left open because the alternative would have been leave the car outside. Not a big thing - no locks on the interior doors but it's a low-crime area.

Then the repair guy showed up and pulled his truck into the drive. Saw the Biden sticker still on the neighbor's rear bumper.

He drove way.

Went back to the shop and apparently spread the word.

The neighbor did find another repair outfit. They'll be here on Monday, August 1st. But since they're coming from a city just shy of 50 miles away he's been told that his bill will be based on time and materials - portal to portal. I don't think he quite grasps the meaning of "portal" in a real-world context.

But he will.
Some blm tried to pull some shit around Spokane a couple years ago when the riots were going on in Seattle, Portland, etc. It lasted a couple hours and fizzled. Nothing since except for a few shootings. We don't have very many ex slaves around here.
That's the view from the fence. Well played.

I remember you from the old Hannity boards (I posted as Cygnus X-1)

Same old wind sock fence sitting contrarian.

I hope all is well! :bye1:

No you don't because I never posted there. I don't even have any idea what they are.

I'm glad there are others that refuse to join the cults though.
No you don't because I never posted there. I don't even have any idea what they are.

I'm glad there are others that refuse to join the cults though.
Yeah, you did. I can't prove it, but your moniker is quite recognizable, as is your fence sitting bullshit.

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