Today's Black Republicans in Elected Office are Punks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:


In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

Haters gotta get their hates on.

Sad really.

They have no idea who you are nor do they care
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

He's talking about a universal truth, and your simply applying it to fit your biases.
maybe there are some blacks who just dont see the world the way you do. maybe they dont
want to quietly submit to the Democratic party, or peer pressure by other blacks.
Are you even aware of the emense power the Democratic party along with their news media wields? They are the ones trying to force Americans to quietly submit to their insane policies.
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

The black “punks” are the black thugs that fill our prisons, because blacks have embraced thug culture and Democrat policies for nearly 100 years.

But keep blaming whites, Republicans, and black republicans. That’s really done wonders for you in the last 100 years.
Sounds like he's talking about black Democrats who must tow the Democrat line or be declared non-black.
No, I specifically state black republicans such as Tim Scott. I once had great respect for Senator Scott. This was a black republican who stood on the floor of the senate denouncing racism by citing examples of the racism he endured as a sitting United States Senator. He stood bold in that chamber and told his republican colleagues his story. I saw that and said to myself that here was a brother who was going to change the republican party, a man that was going to make republicans face the racism they have simultaneously put out there while denying its existence. That is, until April 28, 2021, when Tim Scott was scheduled to give the republican response to the SOTU.

Tim Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he has admitted on the senate floor that exists, but he played the punk role. Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man, instead he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, he had the chance to make blacks look seriously at the republican party, he had the chance to put his name in the hat with the great black republicans like Frederick Douglass, but he failed miserably.

White republicans today want to brag about the great black republicans of the past, but if they are going to claim blacks like Douglass, Dubois, and others then they are required to support and endirse black republicans exhibiting the same spirit and fight. Frederick Douglass would not have stood in front of the nation talking about how he was pulled over 7 times by police wearing his senate badge then claim that America is not a racist country. Quite the contrary. Douglass would have called out the systemic racism in this country in no uncertain terms. He would have had no mercy on police who brutalize blacks and he most certainly would have challenged the racism in his party.

There is a difference between a black conservative and right-wing black sellouts. A black conservative would not deny the racism faced by blacks. A true black conservative would oppose it because the lack of opportunity created by policies resulting from that racism are prime examples of government overreach into the private lives of its citizens. Black right wingers adopt and ardently defend white racist ideology. And they are the ones who must toe the party line or they will be removed from any hope of authority. If you don't think so, ask Michael Steele.
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

He's talking about a universal truth, and your simply applying it to fit your biases.
maybe there are some blacks who just dont see the world the way you do. maybe they dont
want to quietly submit to the Democratic party, or peer pressure by other blacks.
Are you even aware of the emense power the Democratic party along with their news media wields? They are the ones trying to force Americans to quietly submit to their insane policies.
No yardog, I am talking about the same universal truth. There is no peer pressure from other blacks, and what I am aware of are lies made up by the right about the media and democrats. Take a look at the republican party, voters suppression, a fake war against CRT. Opposition to the 1619 project, opposition to anything that teaches whites to reject racism. No, yarddog, it's the republican party trying to gaslight just enough blacks to gain power in order to implement an anti black/POC agenda and to maintain white preference.

Because a true black conservative opposes racism based on the fact that it is government interference in the lives of black people, instead of ignoring it and stupidly whining about some fake democrat/media combination that does not exist.
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

The black “punks” are the black thugs that fill our prisons, because blacks have embraced thug culture and Democrat policies for nearly 100 years.

But keep blaming whites, Republicans, and black republicans. That’s really done wonders for you in the last 100 years.
No, because whites are arrested nearly 3 times more and for some reason they aren't seeing prison. We all know the reason, but you deny it. So like the title of this thread states:

Today's Black Republicans in Elected Office are Punks

These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglao ss. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

The black “punks” are the black thugs that fill our prisons, because blacks have embraced thug culture and Democrat policies for nearly 100 years.

But keep blaming whites, Republicans, and black republicans. That’s really done wonders for you in the last 100 years.

100 years ago at this time blacks were republicans. So considering that 100 years ago we couldn't vote, we couldn't get certain jobs, we were excluded from many poblic facilities, seems that our correctly holding whites accountable has worked real well. Notice that I said whites, not democrats or republicans. For those who claim sellouts are independent thinkers, understand that blacks have the right to reject members of our race who work against our best interests the same as we would reject whites who do the same thing. Holding black politicians equally to account as we do whites is a prime example of non-racist behavior. We are a minority; politics are a little different for us than for whites. Whites can more afford division because numerically there are more of them. We cannot afford to have blacks who run for office repeating white racist rhetoric or promoting white racist ideology. The right only hopes to pull off enough blacks to be able to implement their agenda and that agenda is anti-black. Therefore, any black person supporting an anti-black agenda for political or personal gain is a sellout.
These are the words of a legendary black REPUBLICAN:

View attachment 506403

In his third sentence, Douglass tells blacks like today's black right wingers how quietly submitting to things in order to "get along" only insures the continuance of the injustices they have decided to ignore or deny in order to get along. Today's black "republicans" are political chumps who refuse to follow the great tradition of men like Douglass. Instead it is the blacks in the Democratic party who refuse to quietly submit.

He's talking about a universal truth, and your simply applying it to fit your biases.
maybe there are some blacks who just dont see the world the way you do. maybe they dont
want to quietly submit to the Democratic party, or peer pressure by other blacks.
Are you even aware of the emense power the Democratic party along with their news media wields? They are the ones trying to force Americans to quietly submit to their insane policies.
No yardog, I am talking about the same universal truth. There is no peer pressure from other blacks, and what I am aware of are lies made up by the right about the media and democrats. Take a look at the republican party, voters suppression, a fake war against CRT. Opposition to the 1619 project, opposition to anything that teaches whites to reject racism. No, yarddog, it's the republican party trying to gaslight just enough blacks to gain power in order to implement an anti black/POC agenda and to maintain white preference.

Because a true black conservative opposes racism based on the fact that it is government interference in the lives of black people, instead of ignoring it and stupidly whining about some fake democrat/media combination that does not exist.
Requiring voter ID is not voter suppression.Requiring citizenship is not voter suppression.It's something called the law.I'm pretty sure if the insanely unrestricted voter laws you endorse benefitted Republicans, you would be screaming injustice and whatever progressive platitude to the lap dog media. The government intrudes way too much in all our lives, not just black lives.As far as CRT is concerned.Promoting guilt by virtue of birth is the height racism... Let me quote another great black Republican....MLK. Remember him?
'Not the color of their skin but the content of their character', remember that? .....Well, the modern Progressive black denounces that thinking now. What has changed? I will tell you what's changed.We,rather the Democrats, elected a race pimping Marxist who vowed to fundamentally change America.He is the racial divider,and Biden is merely the third term of Obama's divisive policies. prove that your mind is warped by your obsession of RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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