Today's Challenge -- Can You Do It?

Why the hell does anyone vote Republican? If there were any benefit to voting Republican, the evidence here would be overwhelming. Instead, we've got a bunch of cretins having to go back 150 fucking years to when the GOP was the progressive party of its time to cite freeing the slaves, and they have to go back to the 70's to cite the clean water act -- which Nixon didn't want and Republicans have been FIGHTING ever since. A couple of knuckledraggers even cited Bush's failed "No Child Left Behind" which has failed.

So, why do you vote Republican? They can't govern, and nothing good comes from Republican policy.

You guys know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, right?

Still waiting for your answer, conservative fuckboy...
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
Three off the top of my head that you must love.

The first clean water act
The earned income tax credit

As a bonus, the Republicans stopped the democrat practice of slavery, that's a biggy.
The GOP is a big tent.
No one is left at the door, jump on the train or be left behind. That's how I see it.
You're seen as an individual with unique strengths and weaknesses, not solely as a member of a group that must adhere to a pre-defined ideology or face destruction.
No, you're seen as a useful idiot willing to vote for billionaires to keep more of their money because you're a sucker for guns, hating gays, and worshipping a pretend god.
As opposed to being a mindless cog in a vast machine of identical, replaceable mindless cogs, all spinning madly and producing nothing. Diversity of thought is forbidden, only that which is blessed by the orthodoxy is permitted. All else is met with rants, crayons, play-doh and character assassination. Such is the life of a democrat.

Um... Nothing happened.

Did Republicans not raise the minimum wage? Wasn't the last tax hike for Social Security passed by Republicans? Wasn't the last income assistance passed by Bush? Wasn't the 99 weeks unemployment benefits passed by Bush? Wasn't the last attempt at illegal amnesty pushed by Republicans?

Now granted they are against Unions, because Unions have the most clear evidence of destroying the companies they infest. So yes, the pro-union aspect is gone.

Republicans no longer support equal pay laws, because they are harmful to the public. Mainly because there is no such thing as equal work. Simply doesn't exist. And because creating a lawsuit threat, makes business risk-averse. Specifically, if I know hiring this women, means I run the risk of a federal law suit... then I'm not going to hire her, no matter what her qualifications are.

The end result is women end up with less opportunities for employment. Well Republicans don't want to harm women. Liberals don't care, as long as they feel good about their policy.
Why the hell does anyone vote Republican? If there were any benefit to voting Republican, the evidence here would be overwhelming. Instead, we've got a bunch of cretins having to go back 150 fucking years to when the GOP was the progressive party of its time to cite freeing the slaves, and they have to go back to the 70's to cite the clean water act -- which Nixon didn't want and Republicans have been FIGHTING ever since. A couple of knuckledraggers even cited Bush's failed "No Child Left Behind" which has failed.

So, why do you vote Republican? They can't govern, and nothing good comes from Republican policy.

You guys know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, right?

The entire question to me, is based on a false premise.

I don't want the Republicans to do anything, but get government out of the way.

The clean water act, is a perfect example. Many states already had clean water plans in place, and the EPA destroyed them, screwed up their water sources, and then started taking credit for clean ups that they themselves caused.

Get out of the way. Let the public fix their own lives. People are amazing, and resilient, and capable of improving their own lives, if you simply get out of their way.

Instead you enslave them into government programs, and make them impotent, and dependent, and hopeless. Waiting on their butt, for some fix from some left-wing idiot, to repair their lives, and it never comes.

The benefit to voting Republican is that hopefully they screw up everything less.

Give you another example. Right now, the company I am working for, is now offering their temp-agency employees, $1 less an hour to be hired on.

Why are they doing that? In the two decades prior, you got a pay raise for being hired on as a full time employee, not a pay cut.

Why are they offering people less money to be hired on? Because of Obama Care. The costs of health care have been driven up on the company, to the point that they are cutting wages. As a temp-agency employee, they don't have to pay for benefits, so you get the full amount of your wage. When you are hired on, they have to pay benefits for you by law. So they cut your pay, to cover the cost of the benefits, namely health care.

See? Everything you people on the left do, screws up our lives. Nothing you have done is a benefit to society as a whole.

The benefit from voting republican is, hopefully they won't pass very many of these lame-brain screwed up policies that mess up our lives. We can fix the economy, if you people just stop screwing everything up.
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.

Reagan tax cuts created the biggest economic boom that lasted until bill clinton, the rapist, finally killed it at the end of his 2nd term by raising taxes......

Republican policies collapsed the Soviet Union.....

Republican policies have protected the our particular the 2nd Amendment......
Republican party back then was the same as the Democrat party today. Everyone knows this.

No...the democrat party today is the same racist, violent anti-freedom party it was when they owned the slaves.....they just changed tactics......and now include racists of all colors....
Women voting...although some might think that wasn't the best thing to do.......
End to slavery, desegregation, civil rights, economic prosperity, self reliance, charity. Etc. a bit more specific there, champ. Especially the part about civil rights and economic prosperity. Maybe you can start with the failed "trickle down economics" or how it was your side that insisted on segregating blacks from whites.

Reagan tax cuts were a success and led to the greatest economic boom in modern times....then bill clinton, the rapist, raised taxes and ended the boom by the end of his 2nd Term...

And Republicans voted for every single Civil Rights act as well as the voting rights for women......and anti-lynching laws and anti-klan laws....the democrats didn't jump on the Civil Rights band wagon until they finally had to face the fact that their military wing, the kkk, couldn't kill enough blacks to keep them from voting...then LBJ, the racist who voted against the Civil Rights act until the end...and voted against anti-lynching laws....yes...he voted against laws that said it was wrong to hang black Americans.....

So yes...the Republicans led the Civil Rights movement in this country when it actually mattered......and forced the democrats to join in at the end......
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
In the context of the Trump -run Republican administration...

1. he's got the Illegal Beaners shitting their pants

2. he's got NATO members coming to the realization they have to do more of the heavy lifting for the Alliance

3. he's got a trickle of jobs either coming back into the country or determining that they'd better stay here rather than going offshore

4. he's got Dems-Libs-Progs manifesting a terrible case teenage angst over Trans-Potty rights... damned funny stuff, that

5. he's got Dems-Libs-Progs thinking, hard, about where they went wrong, and whether they need to move back closer to the Center

Not bad, for the first month-plus-change.

I still think the guy's a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen, but there have been some useful outcomes, so far.
Women were first allowed to vote by Republicans....and then they led the way for the rest of the country...

In 1920, Republicans Defeated Democrats’ War on Women

Did you know that a 23-year-old Republican changed the course of U.S. women? Yes, a Republican! It was Republicans who defeated the Democrats’ War on Women 96-years-ago.

In 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified. It states:

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

History reveals that the GOP HAS supported women voting rights since 1854. What? I thought Democrats defended women? Nope! What’s going on?

In 1868, shortly after Republican President Ulysses S. Grant was elected, he replaced Democrats with Republicans in Wyoming’s key government positions. Then in 1869, women in Wyoming earned the right to vote.

An effort was made to repeal the law, but Republican Gov. John Campbell vetoed it and an override failed. The law was retained when Wyoming joined the union in 1890. Wyoming women secured the right to vote 50 years before the rest of the nation thanks to Republican Gov. Campbell.

In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success.

The times were changing.

Between 1910 and 1918, the Alaska Territory, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Washington all extended voting rights to women. Anti-women southern Democrats were losing a numbers war.

In 1918, Congress experienced a major party change. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, “Kaiser Wilson” as the women’s movement called him because of his anti-19th Amendment position, broke a campaign promise. Wilson pledged to keep America out of World War I. He changed his position and entered America in WWI. Americans were outraged and overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in the 1918 midterms. Republicans now had control of the U.S. House and Senate.

Also in 1918, Wilson knew he was on the wrong side of history on women suffrage. He suddenly changed his opposition and supported the 19th Amendment by tying it to WWI. Even with Wilson’s support, Democrats in Congress were able to defeat the amendment by two votes.

On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James Mann (R-Ill.) re-introduced the 19th Amendment and it finally passed the House by a vote of 304-89. Ninety-one percent of Republicans voted for women compared to only 59 percent of Democrats.

On June 4, 1919, it passed the Senate 56-25. Eighty-two percent of Republicans voted in favor of the amendment while 41 percent of Democrats continued their War on Women. It was then sent to the states for ratification.

By March of 1920, 35 states had ratified the amendment, one shy of ratification. Many Democratic-controlled state legislatures voted against ratification – Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia. Of the 36 states to ratify the 19th Amendment, 26 were Republican states.

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