Todays Sign (for Conservatives) that The Apocalypse is Upon Us

You have to admire the pure free-market, unexpurgated, bald-face, laissez-faire capitalism mindset it takes to charge someone the same for cauliflower as you do for chicken and get them to be happy about it.

It gives me a warm feeling inside, like climbing the rope in gym class.
Told ya folks...conservatives see a conspiracy in everything.'s not an accident. Businesses that made record profits yesterday want to make record profits today and top today's profits tomorrow. If they can expand sales by selling something that is allegedly healthier...they will.

But I think your paranoia is much more entertaining than their commercials.
Its not much of a conspiracy theory when they openly say they want these things to happen and push policy that makes it happen.
Someone said that they wanted you to eat bugs?

Back when I lived in Germany in 2016, I attended a TedX event. Listened to several completely idiotic speakers. One was an economist who spent his first five minutes ranting about how economists get zero respect in Germany. When he talks to Germans and he tells them what his profession is, they laugh at him. He then tried to debunk the Bible by claiming it was fictional based on a relationship algorithm he made. He then “predicted“ the 2016 US election using some other hair-brained algorithm he made up, and predicted Clinton would win. Gee I wonder why Germans laugh at economists.

Another speaker was some greasy haired weirdo who gave this big presentation on how much water cows require over their lifetimes, and how bad they are for the environment. He then demonstrated that crickets require far less water and food and can produce more protein than cows given the same mass. He had cricket snack bars to try. It was very disgusting and disturbing, but the many of the mindless attendees ate them up. I knew then that these enviro wackos would be pushing this shit, demonizing cows and meat and pushing this insect crap.

Here it is, straight from your WEF masters:
Lol, the government doesn't control the price of eggs retard. Supply and demand does it is called free market economy ass wipe.
Government can interfere in things. And does. We live off our stomachs in America and the Progs are interfering.

Back when I lived in Germany in 2016, I attended a TedX event. Listened to several completely idiotic speakers. One was an economist who spent his first five minutes ranting about how economists get zero respect in Germany. When he talks to Germans and he tells them what his profession is, they laugh at him. He then tried to debunk the Bible by claiming it was fictional based on a relationship algorithm he made. He then “predicted“ the 2016 US election using some other hair-brained algorithm he made up, and predicted Clinton would win. Gee I wonder why Germans laugh at economists.

Another speaker was some greasy haired weirdo who gave this big presentation on how much water cows require over their lifetimes, and how bad they are for the environment. He then demonstrated that crickets require far less water and food and can produce more protein than cows given the same mass. He had cricket snack bars to try. It was very disgusting and disturbing, but the many of the mindless attendees ate them up. I knew then that these enviro wackos would be pushing this shit, demonizing cows and meat and pushing this insect crap.

Here it is, straight from your WEF masters:
Some lecture you went to in Germany who was so impactful you can't remember their names is your basis for your paranoia in 2023?

I think you may have some worms eating your brain cells...and they are starving.
Some lecture you went to in Germany who was so impactful you can't remember their names is your basis for your paranoia in 2023?

I think you may have some worms eating your brain cells...and they are starving.
You help to promote the agendas of people who are going to make more of us peasants live in squalor.
Yea sure, the government doesn’t control many aspects of commerce. Like the FDA, or releasing viruses that kill chickens. Or their ability to control the price of oil by denying drilling and raising the cost of transportation for everything. Not to mention WEF corporate fascists that carry out their will in driving up prices of meat and food in general.

They want you eating bugs and never using fossil fuels. You think this is all happening by accident?
The government also wants people to eat fake meat grown in a Peach Tree Dish too.

Oh My God! Cauliflower?:puke3:

Cauliflower - tastes just like chikin
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I'm sure this will enrage the conservatives. Because the sandwich to them in this case isn't just a's a white flag of surrender!!!!

What it is of course is nothing more than a way for a company to cut their overhead while jacking up prices. I do wonder if the egg shortage is playing some role in this slaughter fewer chickens, you get more eggs...seems logical.

I'm sure there is some massive plot behind this. If not...there soon will be.
What are you babbling about?

If its about cauliflower why dont you discuss it like a sane person?

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