Today's Trump Twitter Tantrum

When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....

Speaking of liars. I doubt you could even count high enough to enumerate Trumps lies. At this rate, they'll have to switch to scientific notation just to keep count.
I think there’s a reasonable case to be made that the Nunes Memo, which top Republicans are saying does NOT exonerate the President in any way, was done to deflect from the President’s refusal to impose Sanctions against Russia. With the huge build up given to its release, and the massive amount of discussion around what a useless dud it is, it is the perfect deflection in this news cycle for Trump’s latest bending over for Vladimir Putin with the Russia sanctions.

It’s like the whole Anthony Scarramuchi’s hiring and firing, Sean Spicer quitting debacle was to deflect from the Senate testimony of the American businessman at the heart of the Magnitsky Act. While the White House was madly waving its arms saying “Look over here”, this man set out the motive for Russian meddling in the US elections, and the US media pretty much missed it in the 11 days of mayhem created by the White House.

It didn’t quite work this time. And we’re on to the tactic.
Why are we talking about this nonsense instead of the budget and DACA, both of which get voted on this week? There is NOTHING on it in the news, at least not over the weekend.
Seems like that is what this is distracting from. On Thursday, will the country be shocked to learn we're getting another C.R. and no resolution to the DACA debate? I hope that's not what happens, but it sure looks like it.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....

Speaking of liars. I doubt you could even count high enough to enumerate Trumps lies. At this rate, they'll have to switch to scientific notation just to keep count.
They do not care, about the truth none of them do it is a laugh why even bother giving it to them!
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....
Nobody can take your ridiculous comment serious. Trump has been acknowledged as the biggest liar in Presidential and even political history.
They do not care, about the truth none of them do it is a laugh why even bother giving it to them!

The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
They do not care, about the truth none of them do it is a laugh why even bother giving it to them!

The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
YES--I don't care if he lies/steals/gets a little porn action/etc
so what if he does??!!
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....

Speaking of liars. I doubt you could even count high enough to enumerate Trumps lies. At this rate, they'll have to switch to scientific notation just to keep count.

Speaking of assholes, who know nothing, you still don't get that Trump is doing everything we asked of him. You like the swamp, we do not, and we won. You lost. Your love affair with corruption is drawing to a close. Go Trump.
The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
YES--I don't care if he lies/steals/gets a little porn action/etc
so what if he does??!!

You don't care that Trump has broken 95% of the promises he made during the campaign. Trump has done shit, and you don't give a shit. That about sums it up.
Speaking of assholes, who know nothing, you still don't get that Trump is doing everything we asked of him. You like the swamp, we do not, and we won. You lost. Your love affair with corruption is drawing to a close. Go Trump.

Only if you phrase it that way, since Trump made hundreds of promises, most to be done in the first 100 days, that he hasn't done.

But as you said, Trump has done everything asked of him, because nobody asked anything of Trump. You would be satisfied had we elected a pet rock.
"Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!"

Yep Good ole Donnie lashing out calling every one a liar.

This is how low the office of POTUS has sunk.

Mocking someone because of their height? Really? According to Trump, short people are worthless scum. He used it against Rubio so why not tryu it aghain.

Calling those who spent their lives protecting this country a liar? From a fat assed draft dodger who never spent one iota of time protecting this country?

Captain Bone Spurs oks the release of the Republican memo but not the Democrat one.

Just how much will his base accept? How much does it take for you Trumpettes to admit the man is a total asshole?
Your attachments didn't work. Are they Trump's tweets?
No they are evidence of the ops meltdown
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....

Speaking of liars. I doubt you could even count high enough to enumerate Trumps lies. At this rate, they'll have to switch to scientific notation just to keep count.

Speaking of assholes, who know nothing, you still don't get that Trump is doing everything we asked of him. You like the swamp, we do not, and we won. You lost. Your love affair with corruption is drawing to a close. Go Trump.
Draining the swamp, like hell he is the swamp! Trump brings more corruption, the good news is he will not do it for years, he will not get another four!
The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
YES--I don't care if he lies/steals/gets a little porn action/etc
so what if he does??!!

You don't care that Trump has broken 95% of the promises he made during the campaign. Trump has done shit, and you don't give a shit. That about sums it up.
I DON"T GIVE A SHIT!! hahahahhahahahhahahahahhahah
you people make up the most idiotic, worthless crap about Trump
we DON"T care if he lies/steals/pisses the wrong way/etc etc
Speaking of assholes, who know nothing, you still don't get that Trump is doing everything we asked of him. You like the swamp, we do not, and we won. You lost. Your love affair with corruption is drawing to a close. Go Trump.

Only if you phrase it that way, since Trump made hundreds of promises, most to be done in the first 100 days, that he hasn't done.

But as you said, Trump has done everything asked of him, because nobody asked anything of Trump. You would be satisfied had we elected a pet rock.

Then you missed his campaign. If he was a pet rock, Deep State would not be trying so hard to block his efforts.
So tell me, what is it about Pelosi, and Soros that you think so highly of? Illegals? $40 dollar tax credits? Higher unemployment? The browning of America? The selling of America?
Go Trump, Go!
The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
YES--I don't care if he lies/steals/gets a little porn action/etc
so what if he does??!!

You don't care that Trump has broken 95% of the promises he made during the campaign. Trump has done shit, and you don't give a shit. That about sums it up.
we Trump supporters are just idiots following Trump like zombies
while you are the intelligent, common sense, clairvoyant
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....

Speaking of liars. I doubt you could even count high enough to enumerate Trumps lies. At this rate, they'll have to switch to scientific notation just to keep count.

Speaking of assholes, who know nothing, you still don't get that Trump is doing everything we asked of him. You like the swamp, we do not, and we won. You lost. Your love affair with corruption is drawing to a close. Go Trump.
Draining the swamp, like hell he is the swamp! Trump brings more corruption, the good news is he will not do it for years, he will not get another four!

Be specific. What corruption is Trump guilty of?
And what do you think of the Russian collusion of Hitlery, Steele, and the DNC? Some lying dossier, heh? As for spying on us, we know the dems did. But what fake dossier did Trump pay for to spy on Hitlery?
They do not care, about the truth none of them do it is a laugh why even bother giving it to them!

The 33% of core Trump supporters don't care what Trump says or does. As Trump famously said during the campaign. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose any votes.
YES--I don't care if he lies/steals/gets a little porn action/etc
so what if he does??!!

And you were so concerned that a “career criminal” like Hillary Clinton not get elected.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?

If it looks like a duck....
Liars are part of the swamp that needs drained. It is refreshing to have them pointed out and thrown out....
Nobody can take your ridiculous comment serious. Trump has been acknowledged as the biggest liar in Presidential and even political history.

What lies exactly? If you yearn for the liars of old, then mull over the Russian dossier that lying Hitlery bought...

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