Today's Trump Twitter Tantrum

Me: President Trump how tall are you?

Trump: 6' 3"

Me, Wow, not many people grow taller ass they age.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?
------------------------------------------------- whenever he wants to exercise his Freedom of Speech as he speaks the truth RealDave .
ME: President Trump, how tall are you?

Trump: 6'3"

Me: How come Obama is 6' 1" & you two are the same height?

Trump: Fake News Fake News!!!!!!
Me: President Trump, how tall are you?

Trump: 6' 3"

Me: Wow, I didn't know they could stack shit that high.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?
it's about fking time. you still don't get that you don't speak for everyone, Too funny fk,
Trump defends himself again...

"Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!"

Way to go Mr. President give em hell expose the swampers like pencil neck...

The swamp is dying hard but it is dying...

The “swamper” being exposed is lying Devon Nunes, who is supposed to be overseeing the White House use of the US Intelligence Community, not writing cover memos to the White House for firing those investigating the President.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?
------------------------------------------------- whenever he wants to exercise his Freedom of Speech as he speaks the truth RealDave .
The biggest liar of the past election & you thinks he speaks the truth.

Now that is some funny chit.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?
------------------------------------------------- whenever he wants to exercise his Freedom of Speech as he speaks the truth RealDave .
The biggest liar of the past election & you thinks he speaks the truth.

Now that is some funny chit.
--------------------------------------------- TRUMP can say as he likes when he likes , its his RIGHT RDave !!
Calling those who spent their lives protecting this country a liar? From a fat assed draft dodger who never spent one iota of time protecting this country?

Captain Bone Spurs oks the release of the Republican memo but not the Democrat one.

Just how much will his base accept? How much does it take for you Trumpettes to admit the man is a total asshole?

Trump, comparing sex to Vietnam, said in 1998 he should receive the ...
Oct 14, 2016 - In a previously unreported 1998 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump compared sex to going to battle in Vietnam and joked he should be getting the Congressional Medal of Honor. .
tweets and TV is the reason Trump didnt read the Nunes memo .. hes a busy man,anything over one page is wasting his time ... bullet points or nothing - he said so himself
I think there’s a reasonable case to be made that the Nunes Memo, which top Republicans are saying does NOT exonerate the President in any way, was done to deflect from the President’s refusal to impose Sanctions against Russia. With the huge build up given to its release, and the massive amount of discussion around what a useless dud it is, it is the perfect deflection in this news cycle for Trump’s latest bending over for Vladimir Putin with the Russia sanctions.

It’s like the whole Anthony Scarramuchi’s hiring and firing, Sean Spicer quitting debacle was to deflect from the Senate testimony of the American businessman at the heart of the Magnitsky Act. While the White House was madly waving its arms saying “Look over here”, this man set out the motive for Russian meddling in the US elections, and the US media pretty much missed it in the 11 days of mayhem created by the White House.

It didn’t quite work this time. And we’re on to the tactic.
When in our history has a President of the United States openly called present & past members of government liars?
The first non ass kisser president...Mr. Trump is president of and for the people not the establishment like the last four assholes......

If that historically looks different to you it's understandable...

Actually Trump is president for 33% of the people. The rest be damned. They're not his base.

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