Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

Meanwhile, back in reality:


Sorry barb, but people yell rape when it didnt happen too.......I know of a case, do you?
They do more than the democrats....

Funny stuff.

Do you do weddings and birthday parties too?

Know but I'm guessing your pro-choice? But only for abortion, that about right?

Spot on. I believe the only choice that people should be allowed to make is whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Every other decision in life should be made for you by the government. :rolleyes:

Now, do you want to no why I no you are a moron? Don't be afraid to say know. Know pressure.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

Conservatives apparently have this backwards…

Akin was ‘expanding’ on Paul Ryan’s position on the issue, concerning the congressman’s co-sponsorship of the ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,’ which would have removed the statutory rape exemption from Federal funding of abortions.

This is about Ryan’s opposition to privacy rights, and his advocacy of legislation likely un-Constitutional and certainly reprehensible.

Whether Akin stays in the race or not is irrelevant, he’s not only jeopardized his chances with regard to his race for the Senate, but unwittingly brought to National attention Ryan’s desire to have minor victims of statutory rape be forced to take any consequent pregnancy to term if private funding for an abortion is not available. will..

Paul Ryan doesn't feel much different then Akin about the issue.

And Romney isn't far behind.

Romney blasted the man on live tv today sallow.

You're wrong

No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.

Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Tomorrow is another day! I'm sure we're in for a lot more flips and flops!:D
Romney blasted the man on live tv today sallow.

You're wrong

No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.

Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Tomorrow is another day! I'm sure we're in for a lot more flips and flops!:D

Yeah, from liberals who are too ridiculously partisan to admit when the other guys do the right thing.
Of course he should be forced out of the race. WTF? This guy said something really messed up...

Good god questioning something as serious as rape is a no go.
No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.

Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Tomorrow is another day! I'm sure we're in for a lot more flips and flops!:D

Yeah, from liberals who are too ridiculously partisan to admit when the other guys do the right thing.

it depends on what your definition of "right" is!:D To most radical republicans the right thing is to deny as many women and minority rights as possible. And then to abandon unwanted children by crying foul--we don't want this huge deficit of social welfare. We are going to eliminate it and kick these damned kids we didn't want aborted to the curb.

BTW, have you adopted an unwanted child lately? It's your responsibility if you are taking the responsiblity to protect this life and subordinate the woman's.

The Nutshell:

You say you're against abortion, but:

- You're also against sex education.

- You're against welfare to take care of these kids.

- You're against free education for these kids.

- You're pro-death penalty when these kids don't make it as adults.

And really, how many minority drug babies have you adopted lately?
Tomorrow is another day! I'm sure we're in for a lot more flips and flops!:D

Yeah, from liberals who are too ridiculously partisan to admit when the other guys do the right thing.

it depends on what your definition of "right" is!:D To most radical republicans the right thing is to deny as many women and minority rights as possible. And then to abandon unwanted children by crying foul--we don't want this huge deficit of social welfare. We are going to eliminate it and kick these damned kids we didn't want aborted to the curb.

BTW, have you adopted an unwanted child lately? It's your responsibility if you are taking the responsiblity to protect this life and subordinate the woman's.

The Nutshell:

You say you're against abortion, but:

- You're also against sex education.

- You're against welfare to take care of these kids.

- You're against free education for these kids.

- You're pro-death penalty when these kids don't make it as adults.

And really, how many minority drug babies have you adopted lately?
Handing out free rubbers to 12 year olds is not sex education

We're against welfare with no strings attached.

Education is not free.

Many dems are pro death penalty
1. Ryan voted to end funding for Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize access to cancer screenings, birth control, and other preventive care that nearly three million Americans rely on each year.
2. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending safe and legal abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is at risk.
3. He co-sponsored an extreme and dangerous “personhood” bill which could ban some forms of birth control and fertility treatments.
4. The Ryan budget plan, his signature piece of legislation, would dismantle Medicaid, jeopardizing basic health care for millions of women and families. For many, this could mean the difference between getting cancer screenings and birth control or going without.

Romney and Ryan would turn back the clock on women’s health and women’s rights.

Ryan also co-sponsored MANY bills with Democrats. Now, does that make dems evil or Ryan evil.

And while we're on the subject why don't you link us to the verbiage that was used in this devious bill.

Many bills pertaining to...? Context does matter, Grampa.

And why don't you tell the class what you find devious about he verbiage, or about the bill? Pretty straightforward douchebaggery from what I see.

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