Todd v. Conway Oh No She Didn't

01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.

Funny nothing has changed. I remember the White House of George W. Bush celebrating Lynne Cheney's "smackdown" of Wolf Blitzer as if the Allies had just retaken France.
You righties have to be delusional. That MTP interview has to be the absolute worse interview I have ever seen. Honestly, she might have just lost her job.

I mean talk about snowflake. FAWK---this is the big leagues. Put on your big girl pants and be prepared for some tough questions from hostile interviewers. GHEEZ. And she got her widdle feelings hurt. Did you not see it? Todd laughed at her. And she visibly showed that she was hurt. Amateur, rank damn amateur that was inches away from storming off crying like a jilted teenager.

Sad is thinking you posted something above a third grade level.

Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.
You righties have to be delusional. That MTP interview has to be the absolute worse interview I have ever seen. Honestly, she might have just lost her job.

I mean talk about snowflake. FAWK---this is the big leagues. Put on your big girl pants and be prepared for some tough questions from hostile interviewers. GHEEZ. And she got her widdle feelings hurt. Did you not see it? Todd laughed at her. And she visibly showed that she was hurt. Amateur, rank damn amateur that was inches away from storming off crying like a jilted teenager.

Sad is thinking you posted something above a third grade level.

Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.
Your target is a baby diaper. Slinging it around won't help.
Chucky is a weasel......little chickenshit goatee....always making woman-gestures with his dainty hands.....Chucky is a balding desperate housewife.
Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.

Hanging around faux intellectuals could make you think that. Maybe you should visit with me more and I can assist your quest for knowledge.
I'll check back later this afternoon, chuck talking points should be out by then.
Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.

Hanging around faux intellectuals could make you think that. Maybe you should visit with me more and I can assist your quest for knowledge.

OK, then help me here. First, we can answer the question asshole Todd was asking that Conway wouldn't, or couldn't.


Why did Spicer make three demonstrably false statements at his first news conference, attack the very group of people he is expected and paid, by me, to deal with on a daily basis, and then refuse to answer questions?

It is a fair question.

And then, tell me just what was admirable about Conway's performance today? I don't care if Todd is an asshole. She dodged, she denied, she deflected, and she damn near came to tears. What part of it was professional? Is that the type of performance we are to expect in the future? Would she work for you in this capacity?
01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.
Oh wow, a perfect example of "Alternative Facts".

New Trump Admin Phrase "Alternative Facts" now trending on Twitter and the Internet.

She flat out lied on his show. He caught her. She gave a pause and then said the Trump Administration were entitled to their "Alternative Facts". And now that phrase is trending all over Twitter and the Internet.
OK, then help me here. First, we can answer the question asshole Todd was asking that Conway wouldn't, or couldn't.


Why did Spicer make three demonstrably false statements at his first news conference, attack the very group of people he is expected and paid, by me, to deal with on a daily basis, and then refuse to answer questions?

It is a fair question.

And then, tell me just what was admirable about Conway's performance today? I don't care if Todd is an asshole. She dodged, she denied, she deflected, and she damn near came to tears. What part of it was professional? Is that the type of performance we are to expect in the future? Would she work for you in this capacity?

Here you go:

Good evening. Thank you guys for coming. I know our first official press briefing is going to be on Monday, but I wanted to give you a few updates on the President's activities. But before I get to the news of the day, I think I'd like to discuss a little bit of the coverage of the last 24 hours.

Yesterday, at a time when our nation and the world was watching the peaceful transition of power and, as the President said, the transition and the balance of power from Washington to the citizens of the United States, some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting. For all the talk about the proper use of Twitter, two instances yesterday stand out.

One was a particular egregious example in which a reporter falsely tweeted out that the bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office. After it was pointed out that this was just plain wrong, the reporter casually reported and tweeted out and tried to claim that a Secret Service agent must have just been standing in front of it. This was irresponsible and reckless.

Secondly, photographs of the inaugural proceedings were intentionally framed in a way, in one particular tweet, to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall. This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past the grass eliminated this visual. This was also the first time that fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the Mall, preventing hundreds of thousands of people from being able to access the Mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations past.

Inaccurate numbers involving crowd size were also tweeted. No one had numbers, because the National Park Service, which controls the National Mall, does not put any out. By the way, this applies to any attempts to try to count the number of protestors today in the same fashion.

To your first question: It was NOT a press briefing. It was for information out flow. That is common.

He pointed out inaccurate (lies) by the press. For example, pointing out it appears Obama had more people on the Mall at his inauguration is stating an observation. Claiming there were more is not verifiable. See the difference?

As I have stated earlier here, Conway used Todd to show the level of bias in media. Todd's question was biased and he furthered that position by laughing and being confrontational. He could have simply rephrased his question less biasedly and gotten a complete answer.
Oh wow, a perfect example of "Alternative Facts".

New Trump Admin Phrase "Alternative Facts" now trending on Twitter and the Internet.

She flat out lied on his show. He caught her. She gave a pause and then said the Trump Administration were entitled to their "Alternative Facts". And now that phrase is trending all over Twitter and the Internet.

The left invented alternate facts. Conway just exposed it, so the trap could be set. Todd was the first to fall in, then several liberals joined here. :)
OK, then help me here. First, we can answer the question asshole Todd was asking that Conway wouldn't, or couldn't.


Why did Spicer make three demonstrably false statements at his first news conference, attack the very group of people he is expected and paid, by me, to deal with on a daily basis, and then refuse to answer questions?

It is a fair question.

And then, tell me just what was admirable about Conway's performance today? I don't care if Todd is an asshole. She dodged, she denied, she deflected, and she damn near came to tears. What part of it was professional? Is that the type of performance we are to expect in the future? Would she work for you in this capacity?

Here you go:

Good evening. Thank you guys for coming. I know our first official press briefing is going to be on Monday, but I wanted to give you a few updates on the President's activities. But before I get to the news of the day, I think I'd like to discuss a little bit of the coverage of the last 24 hours.

Yesterday, at a time when our nation and the world was watching the peaceful transition of power and, as the President said, the transition and the balance of power from Washington to the citizens of the United States, some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting. For all the talk about the proper use of Twitter, two instances yesterday stand out.

One was a particular egregious example in which a reporter falsely tweeted out that the bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office. After it was pointed out that this was just plain wrong, the reporter casually reported and tweeted out and tried to claim that a Secret Service agent must have just been standing in front of it. This was irresponsible and reckless.

Secondly, photographs of the inaugural proceedings were intentionally framed in a way, in one particular tweet, to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall. This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past the grass eliminated this visual. This was also the first time that fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the Mall, preventing hundreds of thousands of people from being able to access the Mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations past.

Inaccurate numbers involving crowd size were also tweeted. No one had numbers, because the National Park Service, which controls the National Mall, does not put any out. By the way, this applies to any attempts to try to count the number of protestors today in the same fashion.

To your first question: It was NOT a press briefing. It was for information out flow. That is common.

He pointed out inaccurate (lies) by the press. For example, pointing out it appears Obama had more people on the Mall at his inauguration is stating an observation. Claiming there were more is not verifiable. See the difference?

As I have stated earlier here, Conway used Todd to show the level of bias in media. Todd's question was biased and he furthered that position by laughing and being confrontational. He could have simply rephrased his question less biasedly and gotten a complete answer.

You still didn't answer my question. WHY? Hell, why even have a damn press conference. And would anyone that has ever worked a job with the public, any public, say this was a good way to conduct a "mixer" to get to know your new peers?


This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall.

That alone. I mean when you find that statement in a transcript of the very first interaction between this presidency and the press you know you have a problem. I mean is every damn day going to be a pissing contest between the press and the administration. I mean did we elect Donald Trump or L Ron Hubbard? Does he have to always be the best at everything? Is he going to appoint himself quarterback for the Superbowl? For both teams?
You still didn't answer my question. WHY? Hell, why even have a damn press conference. And would anyone that has ever worked a job with the public, any public, say this was a good way to conduct a "mixer" to get to know your new peers?


This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall.

That alone. I mean when you find that statement in a transcript of the very first interaction between this presidency and the press you know you have a problem. I mean is every damn day going to be a pissing contest between the press and the administration. I mean did we elect Donald Trump or L Ron Hubbard? Does he have to always be the best at everything? Is he going to appoint himself quarterback for the Superbowl? For both teams?

What part of it was NOT a press briefing is giving you the most trouble? The first one is Monday.

Yes, the press is an issue, so they are going to be challenged. Maybe they learn maybe they don't. Trump has other ways of getting the message out other presidents did not have. Media has to revert back to an information source, not party mouthpieces.
Conway told Todd this morning that Press Secretary Baghdad Bob did not lie, he only provided "alternative facts"
You still didn't answer my question. WHY? Hell, why even have a damn press conference. And would anyone that has ever worked a job with the public, any public, say this was a good way to conduct a "mixer" to get to know your new peers?


This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall.

That alone. I mean when you find that statement in a transcript of the very first interaction between this presidency and the press you know you have a problem. I mean is every damn day going to be a pissing contest between the press and the administration. I mean did we elect Donald Trump or L Ron Hubbard? Does he have to always be the best at everything? Is he going to appoint himself quarterback for the Superbowl? For both teams?

What part of it was NOT a press briefing is giving you the most trouble? The first one is Monday.

Yes, the press is an issue, so they are going to be challenged. Maybe they learn maybe they don't. Trump has other ways of getting the message out other presidents did not have. Media has to revert back to an information source, not party mouthpieces.

And what part of he would have been better off staying at home in his pajamas eating his Fruity Pebbles do you not understand?
And what part of he would have been better off staying at home in his pajamas eating his Fruity Pebbles do you not understand?

When did you say that? Oh, and how were your Fruity Pebbles? I understand you are desperate.
Excuse me, how many times did Obama stick his foot in his mouth during his first 100 days? Obama, "The cops acted stupidly" foot in mouth followed by Obama offering to host a beer summit, HELLO.

Here we go again with the lefts double standards.
And what part of he would have been better off staying at home in his pajamas eating his Fruity Pebbles do you not understand?

When did you say that? Oh, and how were your Fruity Pebbles? I understand you are desperate.

My position is he would have been better off not calling the press together at all. And you must be desperate. You have yet to answer WHY? Why did Spicer state three obvious lies, or alternative facts if you prefer? Why focus attention on attendance numbers? Why attack the very people you are suppose to be cultivating a relationship with? It makes no sense.
My position is he would have been better off not calling the press together at all. And you must be desperate. You have yet to answer WHY? Why did Spicer state three obvious lies, or alternative facts if you prefer? Why focus attention on attendance numbers? Why attack the very people you are suppose to be cultivating a relationship with? It makes no sense.

I agree, if you are not having a press briefing until Monday, wait until Monday.

I answered it multiple times, you just don't accept the answer. That is on you, not me.

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