Todd v. Conway Oh No She Didn't

Conway told Todd this morning that Press Secretary Baghdad Bob did not lie, he only provided "alternative facts"

Sure she said Baghdad Bob. The left invented alternative facts, Conway exposed the term.

Trump aide Conway: Spokesman Spicer used 'alternative facts'

When Meet the Press host Chuck Todd described that claim as a "falsehood," Conway said: "You're saying it's a falsehood and Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

Todd shot back, however: "Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods."

"I don't think you can prove those numbers one way or another. There's no way to really quantify crowds," Conway said.
My position is he would have been better off not calling the press together at all. And you must be desperate. You have yet to answer WHY? Why did Spicer state three obvious lies, or alternative facts if you prefer? Why focus attention on attendance numbers? Why attack the very people you are suppose to be cultivating a relationship with? It makes no sense.

I agree, if you are not having a press briefing until Monday, wait until Monday.

I answered it multiple times, you just don't accept the answer. That is on you, not me.

Well, I see we agree. He should have stayed home eating Fruity Pebbles. But if your answer as to why is because he wanted to proclaim the press a bunch of liars, I got to proclaim that as pretty damn weak. First, is that news? Is this a new revelation to the Trump crew? And second, why would you start out your relationship with the press so toxic? It was very unprofessional as was the Conway reaction. What the hell did she expect, a bunch of softballs. And "alternative facts", really--she started that trending on twitter along with #fullorwell. She probably would have done more good staying at home in her pajamas eating her CoCo Puffs.
Sen Patrick Monahan once said........You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts

The Trump Presidency disproves that wisdom
01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.

Here's a link to the interview

chuck todd is a first class douchebag.
Conway told Todd this morning that Press Secretary Baghdad Bob did not lie, he only provided "alternative facts"

Sure she said Baghdad Bob. The left invented alternative facts, Conway exposed the term.

Trump aide Conway: Spokesman Spicer used 'alternative facts'

When Meet the Press host Chuck Todd described that claim as a "falsehood," Conway said: "You're saying it's a falsehood and Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

Todd shot back, however: "Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods."

"I don't think you can prove those numbers one way or another. There's no way to really quantify crowds," Conway said.

There is no such thing as "alternative facts". I mean there might be disputing data, or contrary information, or even a rebuttal. But there is no such thing as "alternative fact".

Clearly, this administration is way out of their element. And maybe we should give them a little bit of a break, first few days on the job and all. But it would really help if they would just stop doubling down on stupid. The American people are legendary, for their ability to accept someone graciously admitting they made a mistake.

Here is what happened. Spicer went in with some bad transit information. They have admitted as much. Right, you can't judge the number of people with photographs. But transit data does not lie and it comes with the added benefit of counting both protesters and supporters together. Spicer was given incorrect numbers and really thought more people had attended than Obama's first. Maybe Trump had those same numbers. The fact that they believed them is a reflection of their over-inflated ego. Which is great if you are building a real estate empire. Being a president, not so good.

So what is wrong with Conway admitting to Spicer getting bad numbers? Why double down on stupid? She could have admitted to the error, given a reasonable acceptable reason as to why the error was made, and then eloquently turn the conversation to the press and their "lies" and at least somewhat rationalize Spicer's behavior. Then maybe tomorrow we would be talking about the health care problems she mentioned, or the education problems, or the inner city problems. Instead, tomorrow we are going to be talking about "alternative facts".

And that is just it. First duty, first damn job of the press secretary, his crew, and all the spokespeople for the Trump administration. CONTROL THE CONVERSATION. Can anyone argue that they are controlling the conversation? No, they make excuses. If Trump is any kind of leader his response will be quick and forceful,

01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.

Here's a link to the interview

chuck todd is a first class douchebag.

In his defense, his mom probably told him if he was going to do something, be good at it...
01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.

Here's a link to the interview

Thank you, Todd, for helping prove the point.

I just watched the whole interview and two things were made very clear, todd is a partisan hack, and Conway is waaaay smarter than he is. She demolished him. All he could do is trot out a single point for the entirety of the interview, and she slapped him around and pointed out how the media started the war off by lying about the MLK bust which todd tried to avoid.

He's a terrible interviewer.
Sen Patrick Monahan once said........You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts

The Trump Presidency disproves that wisdom

We have been telling the left that for decades. Now all of a sudden you take issue. :lol:

No, it was a device to create a conversation, of which this is a continuation. Yes there is only one set of facts. There are however, ways of applying statistics and spin to a fact which misrepresents them. The press should really work on straightening out their profession.
Okay lefties, the interview is part of the thread now. How about you look at the facts?
MSNBC is becoming my favorite station. They have GREATLY changed over the past 2 years. Not dingbat controlled anymore. Todd was an IMPROVEMENT at the time. But NOW -- they just took Greta van Sustern from Fox. And SHE does straight up interviews without the hack job. Todd better watch his back..
MSNBC is becoming my favorite station. They have GREATLY changed over the past 2 years. Not dingbat controlled anymore. Todd was an IMPROVEMENT at the time. But NOW -- they just took Greta van Sustern from Fox. And SHE does straight up interviews without the hack job. Todd better watch his back..
Still nothing more than an arm of the DNC. Greta is nothing more than a "house conservative". Any network that considers Al "I ain't payin' no taxes" Sharpton a journalist, is nothing but a shill shell for the DNC.
MSNBC is becoming my favorite station. They have GREATLY changed over the past 2 years. Not dingbat controlled anymore. Todd was an IMPROVEMENT at the time. But NOW -- they just took Greta van Sustern from Fox. And SHE does straight up interviews without the hack job. Todd better watch his back..
Still nothing more than an arm of the DNC. Greta is nothing more than a "house conservative". Any network that considers Al "I ain't payin' no taxes" Sharpton a journalist, is nothing but a shill shell for the DNC.

Sharpton has been swept aside. Along with Ed whathisface. And -- they are doing straight up news. Actually covering international and stories OTHER than political horseshit. Somebody's been taking names and twisting arms and i LIKE the results. They are now FAR more palatable than any CNN station..

A couple years ago I had a game of how long could I tolerate watching MSNBC. The record was 7 minutes. :badgrin: NOW -- they are #2 behind FoxBiz channel. Still way behind, but I'm listening in.
MSNBC is becoming my favorite station. They have GREATLY changed over the past 2 years. Not dingbat controlled anymore. Todd was an IMPROVEMENT at the time. But NOW -- they just took Greta van Sustern from Fox. And SHE does straight up interviews without the hack job. Todd better watch his back..
Still nothing more than an arm of the DNC. Greta is nothing more than a "house conservative". Any network that considers Al "I ain't payin' no taxes" Sharpton a journalist, is nothing but a shill shell for the DNC.

Sharpton has been swept aside. Along with Ed whathisface. And -- they are doing straight up news. Actually covering international and stories OTHER than political horseshit. Somebody's been taking names and twisting arms and i LIKE the results. They are now FAR more palatable than any CNN station..
CNN is no better. Just another DNC media puppet. NBC is in the RaTz bag in its entirety. Hiring a few Fox personnel isn't going to change the facts or bias of the network. Liberal management is just putting some conservative lipstick on their pig.
Trump needs to hire someone to dress

View attachment 107969

She looked better than moochelle

That's one 'big girl'. The bitch should have eaten a few more lunches she wanted the inner city school kids to eat.
Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.

Hanging around faux intellectuals could make you think that. Maybe you should visit with me more and I can assist your quest for knowledge.

OK, then help me here. First, we can answer the question asshole Todd was asking that Conway wouldn't, or couldn't.


Why did Spicer make three demonstrably false statements at his first news conference, attack the very group of people he is expected and paid, by me, to deal with on a daily basis, and then refuse to answer questions?

It is a fair question.

And then, tell me just what was admirable about Conway's performance today? I don't care if Todd is an asshole. She dodged, she denied, she deflected, and she damn near came to tears. What part of it was professional? Is that the type of performance we are to expect in the future? Would she work for you in this capacity?
It was a fair question that has no honest answer, so she had to do what she did. She did it professionally, but she has been doing it for months, so I'm not sure why anyone is so surprised about her capacity to spin and deflect for her boss.
The only thing a little out of the ordinary was the intensity of her anger. I really liked that threat early in the interview that she might have to rethink their relationship if he was going to act like that. LOL Threaten to cut off a Sunday talk show host from the President's guru? That was low. I give Todd credit for not pulling back.
It was a fair question that has no honest answer, so she had to do what she did. She did it professionally, but she has been doing it for months, so I'm not sure why anyone is so surprised about her capacity to spin and deflect for her boss.
The only thing a little out of the ordinary was the intensity of her anger. I really liked that threat early in the interview that she might have to rethink their relationship if he was going to act like that. LOL Threaten to cut off a Sunday talk show host from the President's guru? That was low. I give Todd credit for not pulling back.

It was answered, just not the way Todd wanted it answered. Can you not see the point of all of this is to further expose the media bias? Actually listen to what Todd said in his question. Do you even know his words? What words did he use? Not paraphrasing, the actual words.
Great. I see I hit my target, although still a little worried about exceeding the intellectual capacity of the typical Trumpett.

Hanging around faux intellectuals could make you think that. Maybe you should visit with me more and I can assist your quest for knowledge.

OK, then help me here. First, we can answer the question asshole Todd was asking that Conway wouldn't, or couldn't.


Why did Spicer make three demonstrably false statements at his first news conference, attack the very group of people he is expected and paid, by me, to deal with on a daily basis, and then refuse to answer questions?

It is a fair question.

And then, tell me just what was admirable about Conway's performance today? I don't care if Todd is an asshole. She dodged, she denied, she deflected, and she damn near came to tears. What part of it was professional? Is that the type of performance we are to expect in the future? Would she work for you in this capacity?
It was a fair question that has no honest answer, so she had to do what she did. She did it professionally, but she has been doing it for months, so I'm not sure why anyone is so surprised about her capacity to spin and deflect for her boss.
The only thing a little out of the ordinary was the intensity of her anger. I really liked that threat early in the interview that she might have to rethink their relationship if he was going to act like that. LOL Threaten to cut off a Sunday talk show host from the President's guru? That was low. I give Todd credit for not pulling back.

She was calling todd on his obvious bias, and his total hypocrisy. She had actual facts at the tip of her tongue and all he could do was bluster and whine. She was spot on and he looked like a high school reporter. And not a very good one at that.

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