Todd v. Conway Oh No She Didn't

Conway exposed the fact they are BOTH tools

Conway works for President Trump who is a political figure. Todd is suppose to be a neutral reporter. I know you have trouble seeing a difference. Fortunately Trump and myself do not.
Conway is a tool for Trump, (administrations are full of tools), Todd is a tool of the media.
Now explain why the media is automatically hostile to the current POTUS. It has nothing to do with who he is. It all has to do with which party he represents.

It has to do with how stupid he is.
Obama had uncounted memory lapses, and his dishonest statements where almost never questioned by the same media that is throwing a hussy-fit over how many people attended the inauguration. Obama said his administration was scandal free and that race relations have improved on his watch.

That's pretty stupid.

Trump is the one pitching the fit. This would have never been mentioned without his silly whining.
Trump needs to hire someone to dress

View attachment 107969

She looked better than moochelle


Conway raided Michelle's closet....when she couldn't find anything at the thrift shops..

You will not be "unfettered" to make workers your economic slaves. We are long past that.

Classic liberal talk. Being a worker makes you an economic slave. The only road to freedom is a free economy that allows workers to become business owners, management, inventors and free.
Far more than you and any member of the Alt Right, yes. We all know that you are wrong on this.

The facts are the facts, and you alt right can't get away from them and then whine at being intimidated.

Is that the we who thought they won the highest office in the land? Are we the ones intimidated into protesting a president who has been in office less than two days? Who set up impeachment websites the second Trump took office? We are intimidated. :lol:
Is that why his press secretary was spewing defiance yesterday? Yes, you are intimidated, so you are pawing at the sky with your tiny little hands. He will shape up, or he will go.
In reality the press will shape up or have their credentials revoked. They can get them back when they behave.
You will not be "unfettered" to make workers your economic slaves. We are long past that.

Classic liberal talk. Being a worker makes you an economic slave. The only road to freedom is a free economy that allows workers to become business owners, management, inventors and free.
Classic alt right stupidity. Business owners have obligations and duties to workers, as do workers to owners and managers. That won't change.
Far more than you and any member of the Alt Right, yes. We all know that you are wrong on this.

The facts are the facts, and you alt right can't get away from them and then whine at being intimidated.

Is that the we who thought they won the highest office in the land? Are we the ones intimidated into protesting a president who has been in office less than two days? Who set up impeachment websites the second Trump took office? We are intimidated. :lol:
Is that why his press secretary was spewing defiance yesterday? Yes, you are intimidated, so you are pawing at the sky with your tiny little hands. He will shape up, or he will go.
In reality the press will shape up or have their credentials revoked. They can get them back when they behave.
Who cares. They will keep on reporting. They will have no problem snooping on the Trump administration.
American 'News' and Journalism are at all-time lows. Unfortunately, most of what they're producing is Fake News. I mean, clearly Todd has an Anti-Trump agenda. He's not presenting credible 'News' or Journalism. He's only presenting opinion propaganda.

Personally, i think the 24hr 'News' Networks especially, should be required to broadcast warnings that inform the viewer that what's being presented is only opinion information. The warning should also state that the information isn't intended to be accepted as 'News.' Because right now, they're being allowed to deceive the public. They're presenting the public with Fake News.

The news networks have an obligation under the Constitution to question the President, criticize him, and hold him accountable. That's not fake news.

Trump wants to blow sunshine up your ass and the press to go on about how great he is. That's never going to happen, nor should it.

That Trumpbots think it should is laughable.

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The news networks have an obligation under the Constitution to question the President, criticize him, and hold him accountable.

This something knew they are doing?

Or did they dust it off from where they stored it in 2008 ?
01/22/17 Meet the Press

Todd uses inflammatory statements while questioning Conway on why Trump was talking about unfair coverage of the inauguration. Attempts to paint the administration was antimedia. Conway points out Todd's language and adversarial approach as an example of why there are issues with the press. Todd melts.

Liberal media has all but removed any sense of being unbiased. They have lost their way and the public has rejected them as honest and trustworthy. We now have a president who treats them as they deserve. Change your ways media. Earn your way back to integrity.
Todd is nothing more than a DNC operative. Meet the Press is not even worth going on anymore. It's a program produced by liberals geared toward a liberal audience. never used to be that way...but...enter Chuckie Todd. Did not wish to discuss anything of substance but wanted harp about something meaningless.
Perhaps I should address why this is a big issue.

If the press functions on a liberal agenda, then the nation becomes divided even more. All one needs to do is look back forty years and see the difference.

Second, in order to move the country back to center, the policies and motivations need to be fairly presented. It takes communication to do that and the media has a responsibility to assist.
Trump needs to hire someone to dress

View attachment 107969

She looked better than moochelle


Conway raided Michelle's closet....when she couldn't find anything at the thrift shops..

View attachment 107980
We are really done with that fat, ugly wookie. Thank God .
Yeah , Michelle Obama has never been marginalized...

So you feel justified in operating at a third grade level, awesome.

Liberty, why are you not commenting on the people slamming how Michelle Obama looks? I am just having fun...but still it hurt to see Michelle treated that way...Conway is fair game because she works for Trump, Michelle just supports her husband like Melania does. 8 years of mean..

Liberty, why are you not commenting on the people slamming how Michelle Obama looks? I am just having fun...but still it hurt to see Michelle treated that way...Conway is fair game because she works for Trump, Michelle just supports her husband like Melania does. 8 years of mean..


Eaglewings, you are correct to call me on this issue of looks. I would hope conservatives would take a higher ground, but some failed me here. I like your distinction between family member and worker. It is a messageboard, definitely have fun.
The MSM did not show the massive crowds at Trump rallies for over a year. They inflated Beast crowds. Zero credibility for MSM on crowd sizes.
You righties have to be delusional. That MTP interview has to be the absolute worse interview I have ever seen. Honestly, she might have just lost her job.

I mean talk about snowflake. FAWK---this is the big leagues. Put on your big girl pants and be prepared for some tough questions from hostile interviewers. GHEEZ. And she got her widdle feelings hurt. Did you not see it? Todd laughed at her. And she visibly showed that she was hurt. Amateur, rank damn amateur that was inches away from storming off crying like a jilted teenager.

Sad is thinking you posted something above a third grade level.

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