Todd v. Conway Oh No She Didn't

American 'News' and Journalism are at all-time lows. Unfortunately, most of what they're producing is Fake News. I mean, clearly Todd has an Anti-Trump agenda. He's not presenting credible 'News' or Journalism. He's only presenting opinion propaganda.

Personally, i think the 24hr 'News' Networks especially, should be required to broadcast warnings that inform the viewer that what's being presented is only opinion information. The warning should also state that the information isn't intended to be accepted as 'News.' Because right now, they're being allowed to deceive the public. They're presenting the public with Fake News.

The news networks have an obligation under the Constitution to question the President, criticize him, and hold him accountable. That's not fake news.

Trump wants to blow sunshine up your ass and the press to go on about how great he is. That's never going to happen, nor should it.

That Trumpbots think it should is laughable.

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As opposed to obama farts. This argument is tiresome your partisanship is too strong!
The news networks have an obligation under the Constitution to question the President, criticize him, and hold him accountable. That's not fake news.

Trump wants to blow sunshine up your ass and the press to go on about how great he is. That's never going to happen, nor should it.

That Trumpbots think it should is laughable.
I don't recall that being mentioned in the US Constitution. Are you confused with the Canadian Constitution? If you have one? Yes, the press has the right to question or criticize politicians but when they are being dishonest or corrupt they too can be criticized. Liberals think only they have rights.
Far more than you and any member of the Alt Right, yes. We all know that you are wrong on this.

The facts are the facts, and you alt right can't get away from them and then whine at being intimidated.

Is that the we who thought they won the highest office in the land? Are we the ones intimidated into protesting a president who has been in office less than two days? Who set up impeachment websites the second Trump took office? We are intimidated. :lol:

Trump's rhetoric and lack of attachment to reality is scary and the reason for the protests.

No, its because Trump is not a liberal and will remove layer upon layer of entitlement and slavery imposed by the left.
Trump is dem lite. He will go after some business regulations and after the trans bathroom nonsense. Come down, there is going to be no Trumpian transformation of our society.
Oh, Chuck Todd is an asshole. I can't stand him. But hell, I know that. Doesn't Conway know that? Honestly, what the hell did she expect?

And I am not painting shit--I am hyper-empathetic. Certain things are very difficult for me to see and particularly be around. That interview was troubling. She was way out of her element. She really was that jilted little teenage girl, there was no strength visible. It was painful to watch.

Conway used Todd from start to finish. Her point was the press is hostile to the president and biased. He proved her point many times in that interview.
Conway exposed the fact they are BOTH tools

Conway works for President Trump who is a political figure. Todd is suppose to be a neutral reporter. I know you have trouble seeing a difference. Fortunately Trump and myself do not.

Neutral does not mean giving stupidity the same credibility as reason. Todd's question was about something Trump did that was demonstrably stupid, and Conway tap danced. He won the presidency. That doesn't allow him or his surrogates to redefine reality
Yeah! Like the economy is great, race relations are great, the border has never been more secure, if you like yer doctor you can keep yer doctor, your premiumns will go down by $2500.00 bucks. That reality? :)

Still trying to change the subject, aren't you? Photographic and video proof clearly proves there were more people at Obama's inauguration than at Trump's. Only an idiot would try to argue differently. If he's going to lie about something so obvious, no need discussing big things.
Of course. Crowd size is paramount. Obama lying about obamacare inconsequential. We see how that works with partisan slobs!
Trump is dem lite. He will go after some business regulations and after the trans bathroom nonsense. Come down, there is going to be no Trumpian transformation of our society.

Hold on to your fantasy with both hands.
Far more than you and any member of the Alt Right, yes. We all know that you are wrong on this.

The facts are the facts, and you alt right can't get away from them and then whine at being intimidated.

Is that the we who thought they won the highest office in the land? Are we the ones intimidated into protesting a president who has been in office less than two days? Who set up impeachment websites the second Trump took office? We are intimidated. :lol:

Trump's rhetoric and lack of attachment to reality is scary and the reason for the protests.

No, its because Trump is not a liberal and will remove layer upon layer of entitlement and slavery imposed by the left.

So now he's freeing slaves. Trump is a loon. I'm not blaming you for that. I'm blaming you for not at least admit it.
It has to do with how stupid he is.

Really going for the facts and helpful discourse huh?

Why do you think they are growing hostile to him? Could it be because he stupidly and unfairly insults them at every chance, or do they just not like his haircut?
They were hostile from the day he announced his run as a Republican. Had he chosen the Democrat ticket he would have been GOD!

Conway exposed the fact they are BOTH tools

Conway works for President Trump who is a political figure. Todd is suppose to be a neutral reporter. I know you have trouble seeing a difference. Fortunately Trump and myself do not.
Conway is a tool for Trump, (administrations are full of tools), Todd is a tool of the media.
Now explain why the media is automatically hostile to the current POTUS. It has nothing to do with who he is. It all has to do with which party he represents.

It has to do with how stupid he is.
Obama had uncounted memory lapses, and his dishonest statements where almost never questioned by the same media that is throwing a hussy-fit over how many people attended the inauguration. Obama said his administration was scandal free and that race relations have improved on his watch.

That's pretty stupid.
Trump is dem lite. He will go after some business regulations and after the trans bathroom nonsense. Come down, there is going to be no Trumpian transformation of our society.

Hold on to your fantasy with both hands.
Yes, you are in fantasy land. Deny that Americans have real legitimate reasons to oppose Trump and you will get walked over.
So now he's freeing slaves. Trump is a loon. I'm not blaming you for that. I'm blaming you for not at least admit it.

Yes, not giving the poor tools to be more than poor is enslavement. Allowing people to feel entitled in America is making them a prisoner.
Trump is in the cross hairs figuratively. Anything on Obama and Clinton now means nothing.

It's all Trump all the time now.
I love love this girl. My heavens, she rocks it. And to think Trump is a mysoginist. Never forget that he surrounds himself with brilliant women.


Actually Trump surrounds himself with beautiful women. Conway happens to be an exception, though it's hard to tell given the theatrical grade makeup she uses.
So now he's freeing slaves. Trump is a loon. I'm not blaming you for that. I'm blaming you for not at least admit it.

Yes, not giving the poor tools to be more than poor is enslavement. Allowing people to feel entitled in America is making them a prisoner.
You will not be "unfettered" to make workers your economic slaves. We are long past that.
Conway exposed the fact they are BOTH tools

Conway works for President Trump who is a political figure. Todd is suppose to be a neutral reporter. I know you have trouble seeing a difference. Fortunately Trump and myself do not.

Neutral does not mean giving stupidity the same credibility as reason. Todd's question was about something Trump did that was demonstrably stupid, and Conway tap danced. He won the presidency. That doesn't allow him or his surrogates to redefine reality
Yeah! Like the economy is great, race relations are great, the border has never been more secure, if you like yer doctor you can keep yer doctor, your premiumns will go down by $2500.00 bucks. That reality? :)

Still trying to change the subject, aren't you? Photographic and video proof clearly proves there were more people at Obama's inauguration than at Trump's. Only an idiot would try to argue differently. If he's going to lie about something so obvious, no need discussing big things.
Of course. Crowd size is paramount. Obama lying about obamacare inconsequential. We see how that works with partisan slobs!

I don't care about crowd size, but if he's going to blatantly lie like that, I'm gonna call him on it.
Yes, you are in fantasy land. Deny that Americans have real legitimate reasons to oppose Trump and you will get walked over.

:lol: You are welcome to try and walk over me.
See, your feelings get in the way of fact and what is. This is not personal between you and me. Only a fool would make it so. But the fact remains the women's movement will march over their opponents. Inevitable.

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