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Toddler finds mother shot dead in Umm al-Fahm

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PS - The infamous children writing on bombs was ONE incident.

How many times have murderers of Israeli civilians, even children civilians, been CELEBRATED AS HEROES of "Palestine"???

I believe that's what's called a 'false equivalency. Women are 'oppressed' in many societies around the world - but if you suggest that we in the US are 'oppressed' just as women in Afghanistan, that's a false equivalency....
PS - The infamous children writing on bombs was ONE incident.

How many times have murderers of Israeli civilians, even children civilians, been CELEBRATED AS HEROES of "Palestine"???

I believe that's what's called a 'false equivalency. Women are 'oppressed' in many societies around the world - but if you suggest that we in the US are 'oppressed' just as women in Afghanistan, that's a false equivalency....

Soldiers of the IDF who deliberately kill civilians in Palestine are called Heroes every day. 1500 children they killed are listed on rememberthesechildren website. No difference when Palestinians call their fighters heroes, like fighters of Hamas who killed 1 Israeli child in the past 5 years. THE IDF killed close to 500 Palestinian children in the past 5 years.
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"Policies that always result in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects is deliberate targeting of civilians. Truth is truth and I shall never ever stop speaking it."

Whoop-tee-dooo. It's NOT truth: no amount of repetition can deny a nation the right to return fire along the exact trajectory from which ILLEGAL ATTACKS were launched upon its civilians.

Truth is truth - but that filth I quoted from the fake fraud of a 'pacifist humanitarian' is not truth at all. And every time such lies are repeated, it just undercuts any morality of the 'Palestinian' cause.

There is an 'anti-Israel' cause, which isn't the same thing at all - and the two should not be conflated, for it puts the Palestinian people in bed with Nazi-sucking filth. They deserve better advocates than those who can't post about Zionists, Israelis or Jews without snarling.
PS - The infamous children writing on bombs was ONE incident.

How many times have murderers of Israeli civilians, even children civilians, been CELEBRATED AS HEROES of "Palestine"???

I believe that's what's called a 'false equivalency. Women are 'oppressed' in many societies around the world - but if you suggest that we in the US are 'oppressed' just as women in Afghanistan, that's a false equivalency....

Soldiers of the IDF who deliberately kill civilians in Palestine are called Heroes every day. No difference when Palestinians call their fighters heroes.

Thanks for admitting that Palestinians call their 'fighters' heroes for deliberately trying to focus on murdering babies in their cribs.

Too bad the poster has no comprehension of military training and an unremitting prejudice against ANY trained military. I find it impossible to believe it's the spawn (its word) of anyone who actually worked for a law enforcement agency (which a military is!).
"Policies that always result in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects is deliberate targeting of civilians. Truth is truth and I shall never ever stop speaking it."

Whoop-tee-dooo. It's NOT truth: no amount of repetition can deny a nation the right to return fire along the exact trajectory from which ILLEGAL ATTACKS were launched upon its civilians.

Truth is truth - but that filth I quoted from the fake fraud of a 'pacifist humanitarian' is not truth at all. And every time such lies are repeated, it just undercuts any morality of the 'Palestinian' cause.

There is an 'anti-Israel' cause, which isn't the same thing at all - and the two should not be conflated, for it puts the Palestinian people in bed with Nazi-sucking filth. The y a deserve better advocates than those who can't post about Zionists, Israelis or Jews without snarling.

The Fourth Geneva Convention is a Treaty Israel is a signaory to and it makes unlawful direct and indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilians and civilian objects. Israeli practices/attacks regularly violate these provisions. Violations of intl law by Palestinians do not justify Israel to violate these provisions. Amnestys Report about Cast Lead discusses this principle of law in more detail. But basically it is a very simple concept. War crimes of the enemy do not justify war crimes against the enemy.
PS - The infamous children writing on bombs was ONE incident.

How many times have murderers of Israeli civilians, even children civilians, been CELEBRATED AS HEROES of "Palestine"???

I believe that's what's called a 'false equivalency. Women are 'oppressed' in many societies around the world - but if you suggest that we in the US are 'oppressed' just as women in Afghanistan, that's a false equivalency....

Soldiers of the IDF who deliberately kill civilians in Palestine are called Heroes every day. No difference when Palestinians call their fighters heroes.

Thanks for admitting that Palestinians call their 'fighters' heroes for deliberately trying to focus on murdering babies in their cribs.

Too bad the poster has no comprehension of military training and an unremitting prejudice against ANY trained military. I find it impossible to believe it's the spawn (its word) of anyone who actually worked for a law enforcement agency (which a military is!).

You cannot stop putting your words in my mouth, I said none of what you say I said. The 1 child Israel killed in the last 5 years was a 16 yr old boy, in the past 5 years Israel has killed close to 500 Palestinian children, most killed in deliberate unlawful attacks. And training a military to be war criminals is not justification for committing war crimes. That explains all those convictions of German soldiers after WW II.
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Coyote - You haven't called sherri on her continual insistence that the Israeli military deliberately targets civilians as a policy - nor on her continual denial that HAMAS has actually had such a policy AND that HR groups have documented such exists.

In some cases I think civilians were targeted (Operation Cast Lead) or - targeting was so careless that civilian deaths were inevitable (and that is the same in my book) - I addressed that in http://www.usmessageboard.com/israel-and-palestine/291168-attacks-on-civilians-6.html#post7160617 . I agree, Hamas is indeed quite guilty of that (I never denied it). But none of that has to do with the fact that in that particular statement Sherri made a valid point (which had nothing to do with the above).

I think (unless you've done so elsewhere and I've missed it) that's a huge omission on your part.

Why? Did you condemn Rosie's defense of Baruch Goldstein? Did anyone? It's not a tit for tat where there is a scorecard and if I support an opinion I must condemn one or I must carefully go through and condemn every batshit crazy post. Most of the time - it's best to ignore them or you end up pissing in the wind.

I disagree with some of Sherri's views when it comes to civiilians and Israeli's:

But sometimes she is right.

While Rosie's mode of expression is over-the-top and I read such statements of hers as intended as a satirical exaggeration - sherri has continued to make the same over-the-top accusations against 'Zionists' about hating and wanting to kill Arabs as being part of 'Zionism', and you appear not to notice that.

Rosie makes grotesque and insultingly bigoted over-the-top posts about Muslims that are very much in line with Sherri's and you excuse that? Seriously? Did you read her defense of Baruch Goldstein - a mass murderer?

So - Do you think sherri's continual litany about the nature of 'Zionism' and 'Zionists' is all that accurate? Do you truly suppose that Lipush and I WANT to harm Arabs, or feel some 'entitlement' to do so?

No, I think it's bigoted and anti-semitic. Kind of like Rosie's don't you think?

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"Policies that always result in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects is deliberate targeting of civilians. Truth is truth and I shall never ever stop speaking it."

Whoop-tee-dooo. It's NOT truth: no amount of repetition can deny a nation the right to return fire along the exact trajectory from which ILLEGAL ATTACKS were launched upon its civilians.

Wouldn't that justify some of Hamas' actions then? For example, Israel sends drone attacks into their territory to kill targeted people but those killings almost always end up with innocent civilians killed as well. It's a very tricky area here in terms of right and wrong. Wouldn't Hamas be justified in attacking back? I doubt they have the equipment or expertise to match trajectory and their weapons are not at all accurate.

Truth is truth - but that filth I quoted from the fake fraud of a 'pacifist humanitarian' is not truth at all. And every time such lies are repeated, it just undercuts any morality of the 'Palestinian' cause.

There is an 'anti-Israel' cause, which isn't the same thing at all - and the two should not be conflated, for it puts the Palestinian people in bed with Nazi-sucking filth. They deserve better advocates than those who can't post about Zionists, Israelis or Jews without snarling.

You're banging your head against a brick wall....it's better to ignore it.
I do happen to think Israel is leagues above Hamas when it comes to civilians. Hamas clearly and deliberately targets civilians almost exclusively. Their aim is to create terror and/or revenge for Israeli attacks.

Israel is far more careful of civilians than Hamas, but it too indirectly does so - for example, it's use of WP in densely populated areas when smoke bombs could have been used, could not help but target civilians and was contraindicated for urban use. By choosing to use it, I feel they chose to target civilians. When Israel practices it's collective punishment on Palestinians by demolishing their homes - that too is targeting civilians.
Ok, that is just the most hilarious thing I've ever read!


Because she just said that some people are gloating when people die.

Need I to say out loud what I think when the poster saying it is the same poster who said it?

I think you're clever enough to get why I think it's so "funny"...:doubt:

Ah, I see - I thought you were referring to my statement :)
Because she just said that some people are gloating when people die.

Need I to say out loud what I think when the poster saying it is the same poster who said it?

I think you're clever enough to get why I think it's so "funny"...:doubt:

Ah, I see - I thought you were referring to my statement :)

Ah no. that was not my point:redface:

....the irony that Sherri is gloating? :)
In the "CIVILIAN' vs "NON-CIVILIAN" controversy----the very
important issue of IDENTIFICATION has been ignored. ---There is
an "ETIQUETTE" of war which requires that combatants, and their
vehicles and fortresses and barracks be IDENTFIED as such. That
IDENTITY thing--is not the responsibiilty of the "OTHER SIDE"---
it is the responsibility of the NON-CIVLIANS themselves on each
side The british used to be SO POLITE ----that they wore RED!!!!!

In wars in which the most prevalent identifying marking is a
Hijab or a Beard-----then the hijab wearer and the bearded man
might easily be identified as a NON CIVILIAN

My advice to all Hijab wearers----in case there is a jihadista
bombing-------go home and change your clothes.

the people who cause civilian deaths in Gaza---are the sluts
who were NOT in uniform when they exploded themselves
in Israel ------and the dogs in Gaza who shoot missiles
at Israel from here and there IN GAZA -----return fire is always
legal and-----it is the responsibility of combatants to IDENTIFY
themselves as such for GOOD REASON----if they do not
they put lots of uninvolved people in danger
You are a fake " Christian " Jew Hater who not only does not give a SHIT about Jews but actually ENJOY when they are killed. Just two examples recently; the Israeli pilots and the Fogel Family. In looking for your post where you claimed she deserved it I found this one which isn't any better . You previously challenged me to prove my claim and I did . You lied saying she taught terrorism yet " she reaps what she sows?" Translation, SHE DESERVED IT!!! If it were up to the Arab World, EVERY Israeli Child would be dead! I'm wrong; EVERY ISRAELI would be DEAD. You have wished for Israel's anneliation yet I'm supposed to care about Arabs ? Maybe you should take your own advice and care about Christians who are being enslaved and killed by Muslims . When the Arab World decides that Israel has the right to exist, when they start to have respect for Jewish life, maybe Ill reconsider. With your hate and hostility and hypocrisy your Bible isn't helping.

Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. I did not say what you claimed I said. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother. There likely will not even be anyone arrested and tried for the crime because when Arabs, especially women, are killed in Israel, Israel has no interest in punishing the killer. The Israeli authorities simply see all Arabs in the land as subhumans. Now, that is wrong.

Not interested in your bigotry, racism, or Anti Semitism. I was right all along about your hate . Your remark about our " rejection of jesus " says it all. Do you feel the same way towards Muslims lol People have to believe YOUR way ...No That ONLY APPLIES TO THE JEWS, YOU BIGOT Wait... We ALL know how you feel about Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, etc, etc? Of course not; It's just the Jews. You DID say what I claim you said; My posts backs it up.

Israel doesn't have any interest in punishing a killer of Arabs especially women, yet when the FOGEL FAMILY is murdered IN COLD BLOOD and those SAVAGES CHEER AND HAND OUT CANDY I'M SUPPOSED TO FEEL SORRY FOR THEM? LIKE HELL I WILL !!!!

Israelis see all Arabs as Subhuman yet Arabs live there lol

Let's see how Arabs think of Jews
Print Report

Do you object to this? Of course not. Because you are a Hypocrite you " christian"

Major Religions Ranked by Size

Above are the different World Religions. The majority obviously do not regard 'jesus' as the Savior. I wonder what this 'christian" thinks of them since they rejected " jesus".

She accuses the Jews of hating Christians? That's not so but if it was there's plenty of reasons why !

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

The above is just a small example of why Jews probably should HATE Christians as long as you brought up the subject .
And those Keddoshim were not killed by migrant worker! there are no migrant workers in Itamar! stop the propaganda and admit the truth. They were killed by poor excuse of human beings! and those were Palestinians!
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