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Toddler finds mother shot dead in Umm al-Fahm

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It's a rotten shame! Those beautifu amber waves of grain being destroyed and only the weeds and rocks remain. Unforgiveable!

Olive trees.
Oh! You mean the teeny,weenie little trees between the Jeeps? I couldn't see them for all the waist high wheet Sherri said were on 2 dunums of field.

I actually think the photo is of a similar incident, not of the particular incident that was just reported as happening within the last week or so.

Crops are destroyed, trees are destroyed, it is what Palestinians experience at the hands of the illegal settlers every day.
The Irony in the Fogel case is it was likely a disgruntled migrant worker who killed them, not even Palestinians. It is like the hate for Palestinians, in particilar the settlers who embrace religious extremism, extends outwards to encompass all nonJews. And I have heard the plight of the migrant worker discussed and it appears to be even worse then that of the Palestinians. Many are raped or killed before they even make it to Israel and there they exist as essentially slaves, forbidden from marrying or having children even, forbidden from changing jobs, so they are slaves of whoever they come to work for. A life so devoid of freedom, it seems obvious some might turn on their masters and respond to the injustices they live with with violence. I do not want to justify it, but understanding why they might do such a thing, I am fully capable of doing.
Since Samer got out of jail and joined Weight Watchers, you can start a new cause on Facebook. (Free the unjustly convicted victims in the Fogel case). Snap to it Sherri, get 'er done!
Samer Issawi is presently suffering medical negligence in his medical treatment provided by his Zionist jailors, and suffered a serious head injury as a result. Just read about it from his sister on Facebook. I think he has been taken back to a hospital, only time will tell whether Israel will kill him in their illegal prisons or not before his agreed upon release day arrives.
The Irony in the Fogel case is it was likely a disgruntled migrant worker who killed them, not even Palestinians. It is like the hate for Palestinians, in particilar the settlers who embrace religious extremism, extends outwards to encompass all nonJews. And I have heard the plight of the migrant worker discussed and it appears to be even worse then that of the Palestinians. Many are raped or killed before they even make it to Israel and there they exist as essentially slaves, forbidden from marrying or having children even, forbidden from changing jobs, so they are slaves of whoever they come to work for. A life so devoid of freedom, it seems obvious some might turn on their masters and respond to the injustices they live with with violence. I do not want to justify it, but understanding why they might do such a thing, I am fully capable of doing.

sherri's post is not a complete lie-----she told a true story --but
she made a little error on PLACE ----she described the life of
imported workers in arab lands. None of it applies to israel
at all Violence against israeli employers does occur---at the
hands of isa-respecting jihadists She does raise an interesting
point that reminds me of some experiences my son had while
in the Navy----when they docked at some of the EMIRATES.

My kid was brought up with a bit of India---cuisine as an
infant----he loved Dhal----(weird but true) ---and then for
a time his baby sitter was a hindu grandma----who also
cared for her grandchildren---nice arrangement for cultural
diversity----they did hindu ceremonies every day. ---thus he
knows a hindu when he sees one and really liked to introduce
his shipmates to Indian food----so he looked around---noticed
hindu workers and asked for the local indian restaurant-----
the poor hindu was HORRIFIED and gasped "RAMADAN"
The boys and the man talked after my kid revealed his---
"background" ----he told them the conditions under which
hindu workers lived in the emirati.----inspiring the texan
sailor to murmur "shoot---we treat our mexicans better
than that" The hindu tried to slip the boys a few
samosas ---surreptitiously-----but the boys decided
to return to the ship---afraid that the hindu would be shot.
----after a few times in the emirati---he came to the
conclusion that if the hindus would someday just go
on a SIT - DOWN strike----those countries
would fold within three days-----he never saw an arab
doing any work at all

As to Israel---the only danger foreign workers face is
arab muslim violence One of them got ripped
to pieces ---some 20 yards from my kid as he talked
to me on the phone-----from sderot. Interestingly
enough he was the guest of a family-----the
wife/mother-----being a former foreign worker in
israel I know of several such marriages------I wonder
from where sherri gets her "information"
Sherri's no worse than other twisted views who justify rather than condemn Baruch Goldstein's massacre.

And not better, either:eusa_whistle:

Didn't say it was.

But I notice a distinct difference.

A good number of people are, justifiably aghast that the Fogels are being put in the same category as a terrorist who murdered and maimed a lot of innocent people. What ever the Fogel's political and personal views may have been - they did not kill or attack or maim a single person.

Yet, we also have on this thread another poster attempting to justify and excuse an equally horrendous mass murder and not a word of condemnation.

So why is that?

Here we go again; The Bigoted Racist Pro Palestinian who ignores what Sheri says and refuses to condemn. There is a big difference between saying " I don't give a SHIT" and stating "she deserved it" ( couldn't find it) or " she reaps what she sows!) found that one. Get it now? Of course not.
The Irony in the Fogel case is it was likely a disgruntled migrant worker who killed them, not even Palestinians. It is like the hate for Palestinians, in particilar the settlers who embrace religious extremism, extends outwards to encompass all nonJews. And I have heard the plight of the migrant worker discussed and it appears to be even worse then that of the Palestinians. Many are raped or killed before they even make it to Israel and there they exist as essentially slaves, forbidden from marrying or having children even, forbidden from changing jobs, so they are slaves of whoever they come to work for. A life so devoid of freedom, it seems obvious some might turn on their masters and respond to the injustices they live with with violence. I do not want to justify it, but understanding why they might do such a thing, I am fully capable of doing.

Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

" Migrant Workers" killed them now? That's a new one!

related articles

Thousands attend memorial for slain Fogel family, vow to continue West Bank settlement

By Chaim Levinson | Feb.18,2013 | 1:47 AM

Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as "heroes."

The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israel.

The show featured the aunt and mother of Hakim Awad, who along with his cousin Amjad was convicted of brutally stabbing to death five Fogel family members in an attack on their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar on the night of March 11, 2011.

Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.

Awad's aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a "hero and a legend."

The unusual broadcast was reported by the Israel-based media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch

Late last year Amjad Awad was convicted of the murdering Ehud and Ruth Fogel, along with three of their young child-ren, Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months old, before fleeing the scene. His cousin Hakim was convicted a month earlier. Both men were sentenced to five consecutive life sentences by an IDF court.

They got the PALESTINIAN SAVAGES who did this. Keep justifying it you " christian ' racist, bigoted Jew Hater. See nothing wrong with handing out Candy?

When that toddler found his mother I didn't ' Give a Shit" but unlike you I didn't celebrate. Thanks to you and your " god" I changed my mind. I will celebrate. " religion" has unforseen consequences. :clap2:
The Irony in the Fogel case is it was likely a disgruntled migrant worker who killed them, not even Palestinians. It is like the hate for Palestinians, in particilar the settlers who embrace religious extremism, extends outwards to encompass all nonJews. And I have heard the plight of the migrant worker discussed and it appears to be even worse then that of the Palestinians. Many are raped or killed before they even make it to Israel and there they exist as essentially slaves, forbidden from marrying or having children even, forbidden from changing jobs, so they are slaves of whoever they come to work for. A life so devoid of freedom, it seems obvious some might turn on their masters and respond to the injustices they live with with violence. I do not want to justify it, but understanding why they might do such a thing, I am fully capable of doing.

Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

" Migrant Workers" killed them now? That's a new one!

related articles

Thousands attend memorial for slain Fogel family, vow to continue West Bank settlement

By Chaim Levinson | Feb.18,2013 | 1:47 AM

Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as "heroes."

The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israel.

The show featured the aunt and mother of Hakim Awad, who along with his cousin Amjad was convicted of brutally stabbing to death five Fogel family members in an attack on their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar on the night of March 11, 2011.

Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.

Awad's aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a "hero and a legend."

The unusual broadcast was reported by the Israel-based media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch

Late last year Amjad Awad was convicted of the murdering Ehud and Ruth Fogel, along with three of their young child-ren, Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months old, before fleeing the scene. His cousin Hakim was convicted a month earlier. Both men were sentenced to five consecutive life sentences by an IDF court.

They got the PALESTINIAN SAVAGES who did this. Keep justifying it you " christian ' racist, bigoted Jew Hater. See nothing wrong with handing out Candy?

When that toddler found his mother I didn't ' Give a Shit" but unlike you I didn't celebrate. Thanks to you and your " god" I changed my mind. I will celebrate. " religion" has unforseen consequences. :clap2:

May God have mercy on your soul. And I hope the children who lived shall not grow up to be terrorists like their parents were. At least that migrant worker removed those children who lived from the deadly influence of their parents.
After a quick lunch in Nablus hosted generously by our friend Dr. Saed Abuhijleh, we drove the short distance to Awarta. We enter the rich valley from the Western side and past the Israeli military camp and notice the colonial Jewish settlements dotting the hilltops around the valley. The native village of 6000 brave souls is on the slope to north side of the valley and villagers have to face this scene of growing colonial settlements on their lands. The main colonial settlement built on stolen village lands is called by Jewish settlers Itamar. Over 12,000 dunums (4000 acres) of Awarta’s lands were already taken by this colony inhabited by the most rabid and fanatical of Jewish settlers. Two Palestinians from Awarta were killed for coming within 500 meters of the fortified fencing of this colony. This is one of the many reasons why we are very convinced that the whole story about the killing of a settler family by two teenagers from the village of Awarta is a lie. But the killing of these settlers set stage for a ransacking of the village by the colonizing army of the state of Israel. Beating people, massive destruction, torture and more was inflicted on the village of 6000 people as collective punishment. It is hard to describe what we saw and heard. The video just reveals a glimpse of it. The village has already suffered repeated attacks from settlers in the past. Just last year, settlers and soldiers executed (shot at close range) two youths (18 and 19 year old cousins Salah and Muhamad Qawariq) who were working their agricultural field. Villagers asked us why there was no outrage and no one held accountable in any of these atrocities. We are all 100% convinced that that the settler family was not killed by the Palestinian teenagers that are claimed as culprits by the Israeli authorities. The story the colonial army gave is so full of holes that it is simply not plausible. Things that do not make sense:-Why would two young teenagers not involved in politics, one of them a straight A student in his last year of high school and the other a westernized rapper enjoying his life decide to do such a thing? Killing children is especially not tolerated in our culture no matter what?-How could such a pair manage to bypass one of the most heavily guarded and secured colonies in the WB. How would they cut through the electrified security fence and its other barriers in a settlement that brags that it is the most secure of Jewish colonies in the West bank. How could two strangers manage to stay in the settlement for two hours and even go back to the same house supposedly after leaving to get an M-16 gun that happened to be just sitting there in a bedroom (army story)?-Why would two people who committed such a crime go back to studying and enjoying their lives for days even after one of them was arrested, questioned for 10 hours and released? Why not run away?-There were reports in Israeli papers that a Thai worker who has not been paid thousands of shekels as being involved but then this suddenly disappeared from print. Why?-What of the villagers’ contention that this whole incident is calculated to acquire 1000 more dunums of their lands?-Why did Israeli authorities not allow media scrutiny of what was really happening?-Why did Israeli authorities not allow independent investigation or International protection or presence to witness what was really going on?-Why would the two young people be denied access to lawyers and family visits?These and hundreds of other questions poured out from the villagers. I was particularly shocked to hear from Um Adam, a 77 year old grandmother (14 living children, over 75 grandchildren). She herself was arrested with hundreds of others and forced (like all of them) to take a DNA test and to put her fingerprints on a document in Hebrew that she does not read. She, like hundreds, was not allowed access to lawyers during their detention. 14 of her children and grandchildren are still kidnapped by the colonial soldiers. One of her Children still held by the Israelis is the volunteer head of the Municipal council. Another child is the only doctor in town. The homes of these two children, her home, and many other homes were ransacked and heavily damaged (the fascist soldiers had clearly come to destroy as an act of collective punishment). The doctor’s room and his medical books and supplies were not spared. While we visited nearly three weeks after the damage and after much of the houses were tidied-up with help of international volunteers, we still could see significant evidence of the damages. To punish a whole village in such a fashion reminds us of the worst regimes in history. [ame]http://palsolidarity.org/2011/04/visit-to-awarta/[/ame]
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What a tragedy? Kids tortured into making false confessions after their village has been terrorized! Young children killed, some siblings left to grow up with their grandparents. All of it a situation created by Zionism and Occupation!
Gee----sherri has so little respect for her fellow isa-
respecters that she insists that the UM-JIHADIST
heroes are filthy stinking liars for taking credit
on behalf of their offspring for the brutal murders that
sherri insists were actually enacted by unknown
"migrant workers". Reminds me of Achmadinejad
who insisted that Iranians were rioting in the streets
because britishers told them to do it so they are
so stupid----they simply DID IT----and then there are
the syrians KILLING each other because Israelis told
them to do it
Gee----sherri has so little respect for her fellow isa-
respecters that she insists that the UM-JIHADIST
heroes are filthy stinking liars for taking credit
on behalf of their offspring for the brutal murders that
sherri insists were actually enacted by unknown
"migrant workers". Reminds me of Achmadinejad
who insisted that Iranians were rioting in the streets
because britishers told them to do it so they are
so stupid----they simply DID IT----and then there are
the syrians KILLING each other because Israelis told
them to do it

Torturing Palestinians into making false confessions is a way of life for Zionists and very common. The phenomena of false confessions is so widespread you can get degrees in the study of this phenomena in the US. I recall the story Bassem Tamimi told and of how he was almost tortured to death when Israelis tried to get him to falsely confess to killing settlers. He has permanent physical injuries from those torture sessions that almost took his life. But he did not confess to the crime he did not commit. In Awarta, they were boys who were tortured into making false confessions.
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The Irony in the Fogel case is it was likely a disgruntled migrant worker who killed them, not even Palestinians. It is like the hate for Palestinians, in particilar the settlers who embrace religious extremism, extends outwards to encompass all nonJews. And I have heard the plight of the migrant worker discussed and it appears to be even worse then that of the Palestinians. Many are raped or killed before they even make it to Israel and there they exist as essentially slaves, forbidden from marrying or having children even, forbidden from changing jobs, so they are slaves of whoever they come to work for. A life so devoid of freedom, it seems obvious some might turn on their masters and respond to the injustices they live with with violence. I do not want to justify it, but understanding why they might do such a thing, I am fully capable of doing.

Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

" Migrant Workers" killed them now? That's a new one!

related articles

Thousands attend memorial for slain Fogel family, vow to continue West Bank settlement

By Chaim Levinson | Feb.18,2013 | 1:47 AM

Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as "heroes."

The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israel.

The show featured the aunt and mother of Hakim Awad, who along with his cousin Amjad was convicted of brutally stabbing to death five Fogel family members in an attack on their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar on the night of March 11, 2011.

Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.

Awad's aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a "hero and a legend."

The unusual broadcast was reported by the Israel-based media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch

Late last year Amjad Awad was convicted of the murdering Ehud and Ruth Fogel, along with three of their young child-ren, Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months old, before fleeing the scene. His cousin Hakim was convicted a month earlier. Both men were sentenced to five consecutive life sentences by an IDF court.

They got the PALESTINIAN SAVAGES who did this. Keep justifying it you " christian ' racist, bigoted Jew Hater. See nothing wrong with handing out Candy?

When that toddler found his mother I didn't ' Give a Shit" but unlike you I didn't celebrate. Thanks to you and your " god" I changed my mind. I will celebrate. " religion" has unforseen consequences. :clap2:

May God have mercy on your soul. And I hope the children who lived shall not grow up to be terrorists like their parents were. At least that migrant worker removed those children who lived from the deadly influence of their parents.
I think there are many posters and even viewers who would say to you, "May God have mercy on your soul." Innocent people are being killed by your friends every day of the week in different locales, and you close your eyes to all this to continue on with your bashing of Israel and the Jews practically around the clock in different places on the Internet. The thing that civilized people are worried about is that the children of your friends do not grow up to be terrorists just like their parents.

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Gee----sherri has so little respect for her fellow isa-
respecters that she insists that the UM-JIHADIST
heroes are filthy stinking liars for taking credit
on behalf of their offspring for the brutal murders that
sherri insists were actually enacted by unknown
"migrant workers". Reminds me of Achmadinejad
who insisted that Iranians were rioting in the streets
because britishers told them to do it so they are
so stupid----they simply DID IT----and then there are
the syrians KILLING each other because Israelis told
them to do it

Torturing Palestinians into making false confessions is a wsy of life for Zionists and very common. The phenomena of false confessions is so widespread you can get degrees in the study of this phenomena in the US. I recall the story Bassem Tamimi told and of how he was almost totured to death when Israelis tried to get him to falsely confess to killing settlers. He has permanent physical injuries from those torture sessions that almost took his life. But he did not confess to the crime he did not commit. In Awarta, they were boys who were tortured into making false confessions.
Just because someone claimed they were tortured, does it make it so? You have to laugh at Frau Sherri saying that torturing to get false confessions is widespread. Of course we know that Frau Sherri laps up anything that is said derogatory about the Israelis no matter how untrue it probably is. However, it sounds more like Frau Sherri is describing what happens in the countries of her friends. Meanwhile, Frau Sherri seems to have no problem with the actual torture of Christians and Muslims in Syria that is going on, no even when it involves children. Say, Frau Sherri, are you keeping track of that American Christian Pastor who is being beaten up in an Iranian prison. I hope you are starting a Facebook page to have him released, being the good Christian you want us to believe you are.
Gee----sherri has so little respect for her fellow isa-
respecters that she insists that the UM-JIHADIST
heroes are filthy stinking liars for taking credit
on behalf of their offspring for the brutal murders that
sherri insists were actually enacted by unknown
"migrant workers". Reminds me of Achmadinejad
who insisted that Iranians were rioting in the streets
because britishers told them to do it so they are
so stupid----they simply DID IT----and then there are
the syrians KILLING each other because Israelis told
them to do it

Torturing Palestinians into making false confessions is a wsy of life for Zionists and very common. The phenomena of false confessions is so widespread you can get degrees in
the study of this phenomena in the US. I recall the story Bassem Tamimi told and of how he was almost totured to death when Israelis tried to get him to falsely confess to killing settlers. He has permanent physical injuries from those torture sessions that almost took his life. But he did not confess to the crime he did not commit. In Awarta, they were boys who were tortured into making false confessions.

Just because someone claimed they were tortured, does it make it so? You have to laugh at Frau Sherri saying that torturing to get false confessions is widespread. Of
course we know that Frau Sherri laps up anything that is said derogatory about the Israelis no matter how untrue it probably is. However, it sounds more like Frau Sherri is describing what happens in the countries of her friends. Meanwhile, Frau Sherri seems
to have no problem with the actual torture of Christians and Muslims in Syria that is going on, no even when it involves children. Say, Frau Sherri, are you keeping track of that American Christian Pastor who is being beaten up in an Iranian prison. I hope you are starting a Facebook page to have him released, being the good Christian you want us to believe you are.

Sherri is right prison torture is so PREVALENT that one can study
it in the USA -----in fact I have. I have listened to hundreds of
PRISON TORTURE stories and ---evaluated the claims INTRICATELY
including the permanent injuries----like "I SEE DOUBLE"
or-----"I DO NOT REMEMBER MY NAME" I was so impressed with
one story that I INSISTED on examining the prison-----where I found
out that "HARD LABOR" consists---or reading magazines---
standing around in groups----of like 10-15 and one guy
leaning on a broomhandle.

never underestimate the "HANDCUFFS WERE TOO TIGHT"
it is a fact that there is a small sensory nerve----that provides
for sensation in the lateral aspect of the thumb that is
sometimes compressed leading to temporary numbness---
it usually clears in a few weeks ------but the complaint
can last FOREVER

thanks for the laughs, sherri
This discussion about how posters feel about the dead is getting boring, it seems like the same conversation is being repeated over and over and over. Who cares? What does it matter? Why waste our time speaking of the dead, while there are living humans suffering human rights abuses? I think generally all of this can be summed up by saying generally people see good people as dying as bad and bad people dying as good. And we all judge good and bad from the perspectives of our lives and life experiences. There is not a universal right or wrong way to look at any of it.
what's your point sherri? those lumps of excrement rioters should
try that crap in New Jersey----keep the undertakers busy

Beating up protestors and attacking them with tear gas is a picture of Zionism in action.

take another look No one was beaten and tear gas is so benign that
kids in basic training get it thrown at them regularly in the USA military---
there were a whole bunch of thugs of the isa-excrement worshipping
variety----threatening the security people and refusing to comply with
directions they should try that crap in New Jersey where no cop is
under 6' 6" They would not just get encouraged to move by gentle
shoves as those security people were doing in the video----that would get
swinging cop clubs smashed on their idiot heads and if they picked up rocks--
they would get bullets in return. ALSO the whole pile of excrement
would end up in jail
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