Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

Christie is getting in deeper and deeper by the day. That attack on Wildstein was one short step from a meltdown in my opinion. It was the kind of thing I would expect to see written in a post in this forum rather than a communique from a governor's office.
Agreed. It's absolute madness.

High school level maturity. Literally.

The Well, That Escalated Quickly piece I linked has to be some of the best writing on this story I have seen.

I hope people here really take the time to read it.

Which is worse, lying about blocking traffic or lying about why americans were killed at an american consulate?

try to give an honest answer, no deflection, no subject changes, no Bush-did-it. Just answer the question------------which is worse?

False equivalence!
Just a few hours ago (which I broke to you last week)


Cute, huh?

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer’s journal, which she turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s office, has emerged as a crucial part of her claim against the administration of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But now something she said in a deposition in July 2013 is calling into question her diary writing.

Earlier this month, on the heels of the developing lanes closure scandal, Zimmer accused the Christie administration of threatening to withhold Sandy relief funds if she did not back a Rockefeller Group development deal in Hoboken. When she came forward she pointed to diary entries she kept in May 2013, in which she writes about being approached and threatened by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. The Christie administration has denied Zimmer’s accusations.

In July 2013, Zimmer was deposed during a wrongful termination suit. The deposition, obtained by ABC News, would have been about two months after she chronicled the threats from the Christie administration.

“When you have meetings regarding day-to-day activities involving Hoboken business with your department heads, do you memorialize any of the conversation that takes place yourself?” attorney Louis Zayas, who represented former Hoboken public safety director Angel Alicea in a wrongful termination suit, asked Zimmer.

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t transcribe it.”

That guy on the right needs a haircut.

Of course Christie knew while it was going on. If he saw a local telecast he knew. From what I understand, everyone knew. He said he didn't know it was going to take place and he had nothing to do with it.

NBC acts like this phony scandals has legs, yet barely anyone cares about it. More than half of Meet The Depressed has been dedicated to destroying Christie. Like I really care. If they want to chase away viewers, who am I to say anything.
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Agreed. It's absolute madness.

High school level maturity. Literally.

The Well, That Escalated Quickly piece I linked has to be some of the best writing on this story I have seen.

I hope people here really take the time to read it.

Which is worse, lying about blocking traffic or lying about why americans were killed at an american consulate?

try to give an honest answer, no deflection, no subject changes, no Bush-did-it. Just answer the question------------which is worse?

False equivalence!

How so? both are lies by politicians. I think you refuse to answer because you cannot admit that Hillary's lie was much worse. But thats OK, we understand that you liberal sheep are not allowed to think for yourselves.
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.
Just a few hours ago (which I broke to you last week)


Cute, huh?

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer’s journal, which she turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s office, has emerged as a crucial part of her claim against the administration of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But now something she said in a deposition in July 2013 is calling into question her diary writing.

Earlier this month, on the heels of the developing lanes closure scandal, Zimmer accused the Christie administration of threatening to withhold Sandy relief funds if she did not back a Rockefeller Group development deal in Hoboken. When she came forward she pointed to diary entries she kept in May 2013, in which she writes about being approached and threatened by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. The Christie administration has denied Zimmer’s accusations.

In July 2013, Zimmer was deposed during a wrongful termination suit. The deposition, obtained by ABC News, would have been about two months after she chronicled the threats from the Christie administration.

“When you have meetings regarding day-to-day activities involving Hoboken business with your department heads, do you memorialize any of the conversation that takes place yourself?” attorney Louis Zayas, who represented former Hoboken public safety director Angel Alicea in a wrongful termination suit, asked Zimmer.

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t transcribe it.”

That guy on the right needs a haircut.

Of course Christie knew while it was going on. If he saw a local telecast he knew. From what I understand, everyone knew. He said he didn't know it was going to take place and he had nothing to do with it.

NBC acts like this phony scandals has legs, yet barely anyone cares about it. More than half of Meet The Depressed has been dedicated to destroying Christie. Like I really care. If they want to chase away viewers, who am I to say anything.

Then why did Christie lie about it in the first place?

Why did he say that the 1st thing he knew about it was when he read about the emails in the Bergen Record?

Please note that we now have 2 different stories from Christie on this latest development. First off he didn't deny what the letter from Wildstein's lawyer was claiming but he changed his story to denying any foreknowledge. His latest response is to attack the credibility of Wildstein.

As far as no one caring about it that is false too. The latest polling shows Christie dropping like a rock in places like FL.

NJ is no stranger to scandal and corruption. This was probably just BAU but it is what you do when you are caught that matters. Christie is not being honest and up front. That is what is hurting him in the polls.
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.

So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.

So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!

Really, so you believe that the attack was solely caused by a video that only a handful of people had actually seen----? Really, you believe that????
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.

So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!

Really, so you believe that the attack was solely caused by a video that only a handful of people had actually seen----? Really, you believe that????

Stop deflecting and prove that HRC lied!
Just a few hours ago (which I broke to you last week)


Cute, huh?

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

That guy on the right needs a haircut.

Of course Christie knew while it was going on. If he saw a local telecast he knew. From what I understand, everyone knew. He said he didn't know it was going to take place and he had nothing to do with it.

NBC acts like this phony scandals has legs, yet barely anyone cares about it. More than half of Meet The Depressed has been dedicated to destroying Christie. Like I really care. If they want to chase away viewers, who am I to say anything.

Then why did Christie lie about it in the first place?

Why did he say that the 1st thing he knew about it was when he read about the emails in the Bergen Record?

Please note that we now have 2 different stories from Christie on this latest development. First off he didn't deny what the letter from Wildstein's lawyer was claiming but he changed his story to denying any foreknowledge. His latest response is to attack the credibility of Wildstein.

As far as no one caring about it that is false too. The latest polling shows Christie dropping like a rock in places like FL.

NJ is no stranger to scandal and corruption. This was probably just BAU but it is what you do when you are caught that matters. Christie is not being honest and up front. That is what is hurting him in the polls.

Why did he lie about it?

same reason Nixon lied about watergate
same reason clinton lied about lewinsky
same reason hillary lied about benghazi
same reason obama lied about 'you can keep your plan if you like it'
same reason bush 41 lied about no new taxes

because they all thought they could get away with it.
So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!

Really, so you believe that the attack was solely caused by a video that only a handful of people had actually seen----? Really, you believe that????

Stop deflecting and prove that HRC lied!

Have you been on another planet for the last year? the proof has been all over the news for months.

I love it when you guys use HRC, (her royal ****).
the obamacare bill (ACA) was rammed through congress on dems-only votes. It was written by dem staffers in a sealed room, no republican amendments were allowed in either chamber, no floor debate was allowed. NO compromise was to be tolerated by pelosi and reid---------it was terrible legislation passed in the worst possible manner..
Nothing but a pack of GOP lies!

For example, just recently the GOP were bragging how the Grassley amendment requires the Congress to sign up for the ACA. The GOP offered over 100 amendments.
Really, so you believe that the attack was solely caused by a video that only a handful of people had actually seen----? Really, you believe that????

Stop deflecting and prove that HRC lied!

Have you been on another planet for the last year? the proof has been all over the news for months.

I love it when you guys use HRC, (her royal ****).

In which case you should have no problem providing the links!

Negged for uncouth language!
the obamacare bill (ACA) was rammed through congress on dems-only votes. It was written by dem staffers in a sealed room, no republican amendments were allowed in either chamber, no floor debate was allowed. NO compromise was to be tolerated by pelosi and reid---------it was terrible legislation passed in the worst possible manner..
Nothing but a pack of GOP lies!

For example, just recently the GOP were bragging how the Grassley amendment requires the Congress to sign up for the ACA. The GOP offered over 100 amendments.

yes, the GOP offered a lot of amendments, neither reid or pelosi allowed any of them to reach the floor for debate or a vote.

the Grassley amendment was after the passage of the bill.
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.

So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!

Not to mention an electronic or paper trail, much less 20 subpoenas, two firiings and two resignations from top aides after the incident, and let's not forget a main player who is begging for immunity and ready to go all Edward Snowden to the prosecuting investigators.

"Where's the beef" on HRC, RedFishTwoFishBlueFishDumbFish? BridgeGate has got more shit hitting the fan in one month than fucking B-B-Buh-Buh-Buh-Benghazi has had in a year and a half.
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Stop deflecting and prove that HRC lied!

Have you been on another planet for the last year? the proof has been all over the news for months.

I love it when you guys use HRC, (her royal ****).

In which case you should have no problem providing the links!

Negged for uncouth language!

Look them up yourself, I can't help it if you are ignorant to current events. or blinded by your partisan worship of everyone with a D behind their name.
You on the left want Christie destroyed for a lie about traffic, but you completely give Hillary a pass for a lie about what caused the death of 4 americans at an american consulate.

its nothing but disengenuous partisanship.

I am not defending Christie, but lets use the same standards to judge all politicians.

So far you have yet to prove that HRC lied!

Not to mention an electronic or paper trail, much less 20 subpoenas, two firiings and two resignations from top aides after the incident, and let's not forget a main player who is begging for immunity and ready to go all Edward Snowden to the prosecuting investigators.

"Where's the beef" on HRC, RedFishTwoFishBlueFishDumbFish? BridgeGate has got more shit hitting the fan in one month than fucking B-B-Buh-Buh-Buh-Benghazi has had in a year and a half.

If you dems decide to run her, there will be tons of irrefutable evidence of her lies and incompetence.

Its really better to wait until you are committed to running the bitch before all of the proof comes out. It will be a bloodbath, she and the DNC would be very stupid to run her.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Christie had multiple Press Conferences where he told the American people that he had absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the bridge closings.

If this is true...he's TOAST!

Forget '16, he'll have to resign in disgrace NOW!!!

Toast I sed....TOAST!!!


As usual, we are on the same page MarcATL. Right down to the toast.

Just think. Rand Paul is dancing around in little circles in his office right now.

Jeb Bush is giggling and high-fiving.

Ted Cruz is hitting his knees and thanking Jesus.

Those ALL appear to be your responses lol

Dems praised Christie for years and even said the might vote for him. Then as soon as they could they claim he's "dust" and portray him as the antichrist.

And you morons wonder why your credibility is questioned?

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