Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?

i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Then you need to stop whining about Obama.

You let him get a second term.

i didn't let him do anything.

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.


And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.

franco, whatever his name is


now, there are 4 of them

almost enough for a cult

LOL, I made some good financial decisions at that time, could have gone the other way too, I was lucky to have guessed right. playing the market is nothing but legalized gambling.

more like 9 inches :cool:

You can make fun of religion if you want, that is your right, just don't ever do it in a muslim country, you might lose your head.

What are you so mad about? Lighten up.

Could it be that you are finally realizing the liberalism has screwed you, and you have to find someone else to blame?

More like 3 inches. And, no, anyone who brags about how successful or well-endowed he is on the internets is sort of pathetic.

Guy, until 2008, I was pretty right wing.

Then I figured out that if you weren't one of the rich assholes, which you aren't, sorry, they could care less if you live or die. Literally. Figured that one out when I got let from a job after I made claims on medical insurance.

And sadly, the reason why we don't have socialized medicine like every sensible country is because a bunch of inbred religious fucks all voted for the retarded Bush because he was right with Jesus.

Oh, and I love the "don't go to a Mulism country". We shouldn't be in Muslim countries to start with.

you brought up penis size, are you some kind of pervert?

we don't have socialized medicine because a majority of americans are smart enough to realize that it doesn't work.

and BTW, socialized does NOT mean free.

LOL, I made some good financial decisions at that time, could have gone the other way too, I was lucky to have guessed right. playing the market is nothing but legalized gambling.

more like 9 inches :cool:

You can make fun of religion if you want, that is your right, just don't ever do it in a muslim country, you might lose your head.

What are you so mad about? Lighten up.

Could it be that you are finally realizing the liberalism has screwed you, and you have to find someone else to blame?

More like 3 inches. And, no, anyone who brags about how successful or well-endowed he is on the internets is sort of pathetic.

Guy, until 2008, I was pretty right wing.

Then I figured out that if you weren't one of the rich assholes, which you aren't, sorry, they could care less if you live or die. Literally. Figured that one out when I got let from a job after I made claims on medical insurance.

And sadly, the reason why we don't have socialized medicine like every sensible country is because a bunch of inbred religious fucks all voted for the retarded Bush because he was right with Jesus.

Oh, and I love the "don't go to a Mulism country". We shouldn't be in Muslim countries to start with.

I brought up muslim countries because you "tolerant" libtards want to kowtow to these poople who hate you and want you dead just because you are not a muslim.

You cannot offend a single muslim no matter what he does, but you are on here daily offending Christians.

You hypocritical asshole sucking libtards are the main reason this country is so fucked up right now. You stupid bastards need your own country, you can have mexifornia, get the hell out of the USA.

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.

franco, whatever his name is


now, there are 4 of them

almost enough for a cult

I saw three that you mentioned; RW, Franco and seawitch, maybe I missed an earlier post. Let me add to the cult. Rdean, TDM, Chris, ludley, PB, JoeB and BFGRN. that makes an even ten and how can anyone forget Sarah G?
i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Indeed Starkey is a "leftwing tool" but that is beside the point.

I supported Romney. I would have supported Whistler's Mother before Obama. Hell, I would have supported George Wallace before Obama (and I'm black).

However, in retrospect, I'm glad that Romney lost. He is little more than "John McCain lite". He would have spent the vast majority of his time cuddling up to Pelosi and Reid and we would be no better off now than we are with the worthless, incompetent slob that we are saddled with now.

Bottom line - we are screwed.

I'm not glad Romney lost.

I supported Romney and I still like him. I think he would have made an excellent POTUS. I know for a fact that he's a far better man than the inept, inexperienced, incompetent, fool, Obama. I think Romney is a better man than almost anyone in politics today.

I have no doubt that Romney is an excellent man; no doubt whatsoever. Romney's "problem" is that he still lives in a time when the left and right could sit down and work together. This is no longer possible with the current state of the left - basically communists and Marxists.

He, like McCain still play "negotiator" with the other party and, quite frankly, the left makes fools of them. We are currently seeing the intent of the left - become a quasi-dictatorship and to hell with the republicans.

Make no mistake about it. Either the right gets their collective heads out of their asses and starts "kicking ass and taking names" or this country is doomed.
Last edited:
reposting this here:

Now it's getting reaaal meaty. And nasty.

: Christie going on offensive over accusation......
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going on the offensive after a former loyalist said he has evidence the Republican governor knew more than he has admitted about an apparently politically motivated traffic jam ordered by one of his staffers last year.

The governor's political team sent an email Saturday to donors, along with columnists and pundits who might be in a position to defend Christie, bashing the man Christie put in a top post at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the accusations the man's lawyer made in a letter Friday.

The email says the former Port Authority official, David Wildstein, "will do and say anything to save David Wildstein."

Christie's team noted that Wildstein did not present any proof to back up the claims his lawyer, Alan Zegas, made in the letter. The email also denies that Christie knew about the traffic jam or its political motive until after it was over and bashes Wildstein on a variety of fronts, characterizing him as a litigious teenager, a controversial mayor of Livingston, where Christie and Wildstein attended high school together, and for his past career as an anonymous political blogger.....snip~


Here is the email Christie released:

When he throws a guy he created a special position for and hired to be his "eyes and ears" under the bus, he backs up and runs him over again. And does wheelies.

I'm wondering if Christie was drunk when he approved that email.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Wow! The NYTimes spectacularly misrepresented that story. All you, they have at this point are allegations.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.



When did he do that?

you brought up penis size, are you some kind of pervert?

we don't have socialized medicine because a majority of americans are smart enough to realize that it doesn't work.

and BTW, socialized does NOT mean free.

No, but it does mean reasonably priced and available to everyone, which is how it should be.

Poor people get treatment and CEO's don't make 9 figure salaries. What a concept.

Every other advanced country has it, they live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and spend about half what we do.

But you dumb bible thumping Cleetuses all vote against it, because you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

I brought up muslim countries because you "tolerant" libtards want to kowtow to these poople who hate you and want you dead just because you are not a muslim.

You cannot offend a single muslim no matter what he does, but you are on here daily offending Christians.

You hypocritical asshole sucking libtards are the main reason this country is so fucked up right now. You stupid bastards need your own country, you can have mexifornia, get the hell out of the USA.

Guy, the only reason we have a problem with the "Muslims" is because we bomb, invade and rob their countries. You know, if you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you can't go about whining when you get stung. Oh, no, wait. You don't do these things, you promise a poor brown kid a college education if he goes out and does the dirty work.

Just remember, when Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians for teaching girls how to read, your idol Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter" and gave him weapons. When he started killing Yuppies in New York, he became a "Terrorist".

Frankly, the liberals still support the Zionists to the Hilt, they still support Bush's idiotic wars, and you guys still whine that we are "kowtowing" to them.
On the new email released by Christie:

It's a fascinating and truly bizarre offensive.

He goes on to smear upside and back Wildstein, going back to (really Governor?) high school social studies class (yes, really) - and basically says Everyone knows what a scumbucket and deceptive man David is -- been that way for a long time

--that's why I hired him and placed him in a top position at the Port Authority.

And to prove my claim that Wildstein is lying about me and is a nogoodfornothing skunk, please refer to the article I have herein linked which describes David as "my eyes and ears inside the Port Authority."

I have no doubt that Romney is an excellent man; no doubt whatsoever. Romney's "problem" is that he still lives in a time when the left and right could sit down and work together. This is no longer possible with the current state of the left - basically communists and Marxists.

He, like McCain still play "negotiator" with the other party and, quite frankly, the left makes fools of them. We are currently seeing the intent of the left - become a quasi-dictatorship and to hell with the republicans.

Make no mistake about it. Either the right gets their collective heads out of their asses and starts "kicking ass and taking names" or this country is doomed.

Are you on fucking drugs?

The Democrats are the ones who won't work together?


Excuse me, but ObamaCare was the same plan that Republicans have championed for years, whether it was the plan the Heritage foundation came up with in the 1990's or the one that Romney instituted in Massachusetts. And when Obama met you guys more than halfway trying to get one fucking Republican vote for it, your side fought against it the whole way.

It wasn't Obama who threatened to shut down the country and default on our obligations because they didn't get their way on shit. That was all you guys.

You are right about one thing. The Right does have it's collective heads in their asses.
On the new email released by Christie:

It's a fascinating and truly bizarre offensive.

He goes on to smear upside and back Wildstein, going back to (really Governor?) high school social studies class (yes, really) - and basically says Everyone knows what a scumbucket and deceptive man David is -- been that way for a long time

--that's why I hired him and placed him in a top position at the Port Authority.

And to prove my claim that Wildstein is lying about me and is a nogoodfornothing skunk, please refer to the article I have herein linked which describes David as "my eyes and ears inside the Port Authority."

This is pretty crazy... If he was such a low character, why did you appoint him.
On the new email released by Christie:

It's a fascinating and truly bizarre offensive.

He goes on to smear upside and back Wildstein, going back to (really Governor?) high school social studies class (yes, really) - and basically says Everyone knows what a scumbucket and deceptive man David is -- been that way for a long time

--that's why I hired him and placed him in a top position at the Port Authority.

And to prove my claim that Wildstein is lying about me and is a nogoodfornothing skunk, please refer to the article I have herein linked which describes David as "my eyes and ears inside the Port Authority."

This is pretty crazy... If he was such a low character, why did you appoint him.
I dunno, but it sure doesn't make Christie look good.

Either way.

"The memo listed five incidents as evidence, saying that “as a 16-year-old kid,” Mr. Wildstein had sued over a school board election; that he had been “publicly accused by his high school social studies teacher of deceptive behavior”; that he had a controversial tenure as mayor of Livingston, N.J.; that he had been an anonymous blogger; and that he “had a strange habit of registering web addresses for other people’s names without telling them.”

The Sunday Morning talk shows should have some fun with this.

This was him last night as he's getting booed.

Not a happy camper.

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