Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

OMG, the evil Koch brothers, tell me, are they more evil than Soros?

Attacking an author is one thing, but attacking Christianity is quite another. You are sick.

And stupid wins.

no, actually you lost.
OK, good, we finally have someone with the guts to submit a list.

So, lets review each of them, shall we?

No child left behind seems to have worked in many minority districts, Ok if you don't like it, but many do.

The Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich, Obama continued them, so they are now the obama tax cuts, are you still opposed?

Stem cell research should go on, but using fetal tissue for it bothers many people

Medicare part D is part of the total medicare funding, If more people were working and paying taxes, there would be no shortfall, but you are correct.

The Patriot act may have saved YOUR life, obama kept it in force and actually expanded it. Do you hate obama for that?

The Bush cabinet was the most diverse in history, are you saying that minorities have no place in the president's cabinet?

I lived through Katrina, the problems were caused by the mayor and governor, not Bush. Bush tried to send help early and the idiot governor rejected it, the mayor and governor hated each other, the mayor is not under indictment for corruption and will likely spend time in jail.

You hate Cheney, not my favorite guy either. But he helped win two elections and that is all politicians care about.

The so-called financial meltdown was the result of years of bad policy from both parties, and yes, the president in charge at the time gets the blame, unless the president is obama, he is blameless.

No Child Left Behind was a horrid way of defunding poor schools. Also it pigeon holed a lot of school to focus a lot of their teaching on Math and Reading, and a few other narrow test-taking subjects. Largely at the expense of things like Music, Art, Social Studies, even Shop and Speech. Further, test scores for the targeted kids did not improve from the legislation.

The Bush Tax cuts' benefits for poor people was so minute and insignificant it's kinda laughable. Even for the middle class the tax breaks were pathetically small. It's only when you get to the top ~20% that it becomes noticeable, and the top 1% are the biggest gainers.;_ylt=AwrB8qD3LO1S6GgAOnuJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyZjlpbXAzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMwMjc2MWM2NzkzYzc4Y2ViMGU4NmM3MWM1ZWQwOGE1ZgRncG9zAzMEaXQDYmluZw--? Not like this is any big surprise....Income tax targets wealthy people...looping off huge chunks of income tax is like saying "here rich people, we don't need your money!". Giving poor/middle class folks a dollar and then giving the rich guy $2,000 isn't my idea of helping America. And yes it was stupid of Obama to extend the tax cuts, it's absolutely something that can be held against him.

If a Democrat passed part D of Medicare...right wingers would be all over it. It was a huge fiscal responsibility thrown onto the federal budget at a time that we were cutting taxes and starting two unfunded wars, in fact it was passed in 2003, the same year the Iraq war started. Of course the big benefiters of part D were drug companies, so the GOP was happy to go along. Usually you don't cut taxes, start wars, and start huge social programs all in the same 2 years.

The PATRIOT Act gave us the NSA crisis with Snowden. Enough said. It was bad legislation that should've been thought out better.

Arguably it was Katrina that gave the Democrats the House and Senate in 2006, it was that much of a flop for the GOP under Bush.

Ok, lets just address the bush/obama tax cuts. They cut the tax rates for all taxpayers by 5%. how does that favor the rich and hurt the poor?

If the rich guy was paying 1 million/year in taxes, he is now paying 950,000

it the poor guy was paying $1000. he is now paying $950.

explain how that is discriminatory.

or you could admit that this all driven by your jealousy of successful people.
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OMG, the evil Koch brothers, tell me, are they more evil than Soros?

Attacking an author is one thing, but attacking Christianity is quite another. You are sick.

Yeah, the Koch Brothers are twice as evil as soros, because there are two of them.

And, frankly, Christianity is a mockable thing, because honestly, it's just there to keep the stupid in line.

It's purpose is to get you to eat shit because there will be a paradise waiting for you in the afterlife.

Guess what. There is no afterlife.

They mock radical Islam for their belief in virgins waiting for them after death but they believe basically the same nonsense.

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.
Why should I have to say anything more specific.

If I take my car in to the Mechanic to get an oil change and a windshield wiper replaced, and I come back the next day and my car is up on milk crates after being completely stripped, any lame excuse the mechanic comes up with at that point is sort of meaningless to me.

In 2000, I had a good paying job, a home that was worth more than I paid for it.

In 2008, I had a job that paid less, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

Now, Bush can blame Al Qaeda or the Democrats or the cycles of the moon, but the fact is, he was president, and he didn't know what the fuck he was doing and most people's lives were worse off for it.

I did not have those kinds of consequences during that time frame. Guess I just managed my life and money better than you did, or maybe it was because I believed that God had a plan for me and I let him guide me.

remember, true freedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

The Bush crash didn't affect you and your sky fairy is your financial adviser?

You just outed yourself as the board's biggest liar.

Sure, it affected me a little, but I moved assets around so the affect was minimal. i also bought when everyone else was selling and am doing very well today because of it. God does not tell me what to do or how to invest, God gives us principles on how to deal with other people and to forgive those like you.
Oh, look, everyone, it's another "internet millionaire' with a 12 inch dick.

Seriously, I love you guys.

Oh, that's right, you are a vast success because your magic sky pixie guided you.

When he wasn't busy doing nothing while people died in hurricanes, famines, plagues and all the other shit he ignores.

Seriously, fuck you religious idiots.

LOL, I made some good financial decisions at that time, could have gone the other way too, I was lucky to have guessed right. playing the market is nothing but legalized gambling.

more like 9 inches :cool:

You can make fun of religion if you want, that is your right, just don't ever do it in a muslim country, you might lose your head.

What are you so mad about? Lighten up.

Could it be that you are finally realizing the liberalism has screwed you, and you have to find someone else to blame?

HA!!! Funny.....You mean like they used to have in Catholic countries?



I think the KEY word is USED TOO.
Yeah already seen this claims he has evidence did not provide it so all I see here is a claim of something but no proof when I see something that directly connects Christie to this then I will declare him toast so far I have not.

There is a difference between what someone alleges and what their lawyer says. In this instance the lawyer has taken a look at the evidence and believes that it is good enough for his client to obtain immunity from prosecution.

Then there is the mounting pile of other evidence.

So you are left with Christie as the dumbest dupe to ever be the governor of NJ (and not even his worst critics accuse him of being stupid, far from it) as his only "explanation" as to why all of this rampant corruption was running wild under his nose and he knew nothing whatsoever about it.

That is becoming less credible by the day but run with it if you prefer. Either way his 2016 chances are history and his best hope now is 2020.
Lets look at what the lawyer said.
"Evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference" last month, the attorney, Alan Zegas, said.

Christie had knowledge of the lane closures during the period they were closed well I'm sure he did right along with millions of other people who live in that region but the allegations against him are that he either ordered the lane closures as political pay back or that those in his administration did so with his approval which Christie has denied. The fact of the matter is there is nothing here that supports the claims that Christie ordered this as pay back or looked the other way while people in his administration did it.

Christie is on the record claiming that he did not know about the lane closures until afterwards. That means that he was lying to the people of NJ when he made that statement.

His latest statement does not refute Wildstein's claim that he did know about them either. Instead Christie has now changed his story (for the 3rd time) to be that he did not know about the closures beforehand.

Ask any cop and they will tell you that anyone who keeps on changing their story is lying.

Basically Christie has just been exposed as lying about this scandal. That means that everything else that he has said is now under scrutiny.
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

The endorsement nonsense is a red herring. Follow the money trail instead.

$1billion property deal in Ft Lee required funding right about the time that the lanes were closed. That property is about 2 short blocks away. The Hoboken property deal with Samson's law firm involved. Samson was Christie's handpicked director of the Port Authority. Samson is also involved in the Harrison property deal where Christie's brother flipped surrounding properties for a massive profit. And the cherry is the Sandy money ending up in Bellville which was barely touched by the hurricane. Oh, and the shutting down of the tunnel project (GAO has refuted Christie's claims of overruns) allowed Christie to avoid a gasoline tax hike. Speaking of taxes there are tax breaks he gave his wealthy backers.

Not everything in there is illegal but there is enough smoke that the US attorney is looking into them to see if there is anything that doesn't pass the smell test.
LOL no he was there he has a very low IQ is all he cannot comprehend much. He is the parrot of the tea party and gets all his ideas and his responses from them.
Remember how it is now.
Its edgeboy

Why did the Whore of Hoboken lie under oath about having a Diary/Journal?

She either lied about Christie's and her conversation or she lied under in a Federal Deposition.... Which is a SLAM DUNK 18 months in Prison.

There just ain't no two ways about it.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

And why is this douchebag releasing documents to the press before giving them to Law Enforcement?

You people are too stupid to live.

Gee, the word "whore" coming from a repub.....again. Didn't you go to the training that gives you pointers on how not to insult women? Or were you sick that day? :razz:

LOL, I made some good financial decisions at that time, could have gone the other way too, I was lucky to have guessed right. playing the market is nothing but legalized gambling.

more like 9 inches :cool:

You can make fun of religion if you want, that is your right, just don't ever do it in a muslim country, you might lose your head.

What are you so mad about? Lighten up.

Could it be that you are finally realizing the liberalism has screwed you, and you have to find someone else to blame?

More like 3 inches. And, no, anyone who brags about how successful or well-endowed he is on the internets is sort of pathetic.

Guy, until 2008, I was pretty right wing.

Then I figured out that if you weren't one of the rich assholes, which you aren't, sorry, they could care less if you live or die. Literally. Figured that one out when I got let from a job after I made claims on medical insurance.

And sadly, the reason why we don't have socialized medicine like every sensible country is because a bunch of inbred religious fucks all voted for the retarded Bush because he was right with Jesus.

Oh, and I love the "don't go to a Mulism country". We shouldn't be in Muslim countries to start with.

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.

I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

The endorsement nonsense is a red herring. Follow the money trail instead.

$1billion property deal in Ft Lee required funding right about the time that the lanes were closed. That property is about 2 short blocks away. The Hoboken property deal with Samson's law firm involved. Samson was Christie's handpicked director of the Port Authority. Samson is also involved in the Harrison property deal where Christie's brother flipped surrounding properties for a massive profit. And the cherry is the Sandy money ending up in Bellville which was barely touched by the hurricane. Oh, and the shutting down of the tunnel project (GAO has refuted Christie's claims of overruns) allowed Christie to avoid a gasoline tax hike. Speaking of taxes there are tax breaks he gave his wealthy backers.

Not everything in there is illegal but there is enough smoke that the US attorney is looking into them to see if there is anything that doesn't pass the smell test.

Isn't it funny that the US Attorney jumped into this with both feet just as fast as he could, yet the AG can't figure out how NOT to appoint an Obama supporter and contributor to investigate the illegal actions of the IRS? Or has taken over a year to NOT investigate why four men were murdered in Benghazi?

Doesn't that strike you as odd? Apparently not…….but boy howdy! We'll get the fat boy for those lane closures!!

You people amaze me.
Joe b says"Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney,"

How could you possibly come to that really thought you could get some of that redistributed wealth? How did that work out for ya?

And you believe that obama is a god on earth, the kenyan messiah, the savior of the USA and entire world, the nobel peace recipient, the wondrous all-knowing bi-racial president. Muslims worship Mohammad and Allah, you worship obama.

Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.


This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?
Can you point out where ANY liberal on this board has ever expressed worship for Obama or thinks he has supernatural powers?

Because this seems to be one of your back-stops, that you claim that the people who voted for Obama worship him.

Really, most who did just thought he was better than McCain or Romney, guys half your party have thrown under the bus now that they lost.


This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?

i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?

i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Indeed Starkey is a "leftwing tool" but that is beside the point.

I supported Romney. I would have supported Whistler's Mother before Obama. Hell, I would have supported George Wallace before Obama (and I'm black).

However, in retrospect, I'm glad that Romney lost. He is little more than "John McCain lite". He would have spent the vast majority of his time cuddling up to Pelosi and Reid and we would be no better off now than we are with the worthless, incompetent slob that we are saddled with now.

Bottom line - we are screwed.

This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?

i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Then you need to stop whining about Obama.

You let him get a second term.
This would be the same Jake Starkey who supported Romney to the Hilt, and unlike a lot of you sunshine patriots, still praises him after he lost?

This was the best you could come up with, really?

i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Indeed Starkey is a "leftwing tool" but that is beside the point.

I supported Romney. I would have supported Whistler's Mother before Obama. Hell, I would have supported George Wallace before Obama (and I'm black).

However, in retrospect, I'm glad that Romney lost. He is little more than "John McCain lite". He would have spent the vast majority of his time cuddling up to Pelosi and Reid and we would be no better off now than we are with the worthless, incompetent slob that we are saddled with now.

Bottom line - we are screwed.

I'm not glad Romney lost.

I supported Romney and I still like him. I think he would have made an excellent POTUS. I know for a fact that he's a far better man than the inept, inexperienced, incompetent, fool, Obama. I think Romney is a better man than almost anyone in politics today.
i never supported romney you idiot.

jakestarkey is a leftwing tool.

Indeed Starkey is a "leftwing tool" but that is beside the point.

I supported Romney. I would have supported Whistler's Mother before Obama. Hell, I would have supported George Wallace before Obama (and I'm black).

However, in retrospect, I'm glad that Romney lost. He is little more than "John McCain lite". He would have spent the vast majority of his time cuddling up to Pelosi and Reid and we would be no better off now than we are with the worthless, incompetent slob that we are saddled with now.

Bottom line - we are screwed.

I'm not glad Romney lost.

I supported Romney and I still like him. I think he would have made an excellent POTUS. I know for a fact that he's a far better man than the inept, inexperienced, incompetent, fool, Obama. I think Romney is a better man than almost anyone in politics today.

I have no doubt that if Romney had won our nation would be in a far better position today. But we get what we deserve.

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