Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

I'm not sure Huckabee has a future. While he's one of the few Repubilcans who gets that the middle class should be the GOP's main concern, the fact he let people out of prison who went on to murder and rape probably dooms his career.

Walker, on the other hand, it kind of worrisome.

First, he's one of the few guys who has actually made his state work reasonably well.

Second, he's from the Midwest, and he puts Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and maybe Minnesota and Illinois into play.

He's from a pretty solid middle class background. He's won every election he's run in since 1993.

well, I guess that settles it, when are you on the left going to start going through Walkers garbage cans and making up stories about his past? Think you can find some hookers who will lie about him?

We all know its coming.

Guy, I'm not on the left or the right. I go with what works.

After Bush-43, the GOP lost the competency argument with me. Obama hasn't been wonderful, but he hasn't fucked up nearly to the degree Bush did.

Walker could make the competency argument. There are things about him I don't like, but I could actually vote for him if given a choice between him and Hillary. Hillary needs to do some work to win me over.

However, knowing the GOP, you guys are going to fuck it up, and after all is said in done, you'll nominate Jeb Bush and wonder why people don't want to take a third trip on that crazy train.
LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?

pro-amnesty, pro abortion, does the huggy bear with obama, tried to use his power to punish a political opponent----------sounds like a pretty good dem, why don't you guys dump hillyhag and run him?

I am pro-life. Hearing the strong heartbeat of my unborn daughter 14 years ago at 13 weeks gestation had a profound effect on me and my beliefs. The life of every human being is precious. We must work to reduce abortions in New Jersey through laws such as parental notification, a 24-hour waiting period and a ban on partial-birth abortion. Gov Christie 2009 Re-election campaign.

The Dream Act or similar legislation is not Amnesty. Reagan granted Amnesty if you need to know what that looks like. Are you old enough to have voted for Reagan? Did you?

"Huggy Bear" with Obama? You mean like working together for the good of the Union or your state?

Did you start this thread?

Can the USA Ever Be United Again?
Also, thinking about it a bit further.

Walker has street cred with all the GOP Factions.

The Establishment likes him because he isn't a wild eyed fanatic.

He belongs to an evangelical church, so he's got street cred with the Christian Right.

The Tea Party likes that he reduced taxes, government spending and took on the Public Sector unions.

Is he exciting like Cruz, Rand Paul, or Christy? Nope. He's not exciting.

Maybe, but its almost 2 years away, a lot will happen in the next 2 years.
Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?

pro-amnesty, pro abortion, does the huggy bear with obama, tried to use his power to punish a political opponent----------sounds like a pretty good dem, why don't you guys dump hillyhag and run him?

I am pro-life. Hearing the strong heartbeat of my unborn daughter 14 years ago at 13 weeks gestation had a profound effect on me and my beliefs. The life of every human being is precious. We must work to reduce abortions in New Jersey through laws such as parental notification, a 24-hour waiting period and a ban on partial-birth abortion. Gov Christie 2009 Re-election campaign.

The Dream Act or similar legislation is not Amnesty. Reagan granted Amnesty if you need to know what that looks like. Are you old enough to have voted for Reagan? Did you?

"Huggy Bear" with Obama? You mean like working together for the good of the Union or your state?

Did you start this thread?

Can the USA Ever Be United Again?

Amnesty was wrong when Reagan did it and it would be wrong now. You guys need to get over the idea of using Reagan as a moral compass. He was a good president but, like all the others, he made mistakes.

yes, thats my thread. there is a difference between working together and pandering---do you know the difference?

Yes, I am old enough to have voted for Reagan, and Nixon, and Ford, and Kennedy.
Also, thinking about it a bit further.

Walker has street cred with all the GOP Factions.

The Establishment likes him because he isn't a wild eyed fanatic.

He belongs to an evangelical church, so he's got street cred with the Christian Right.

The Tea Party likes that he reduced taxes, government spending and took on the Public Sector unions.

Is he exciting like Cruz, Rand Paul, or Christy? Nope. He's not exciting.

Maybe, but its almost 2 years away, a lot will happen in the next 2 years.

Yes, the Republican Party will find ways to remind people why they don't trust it.

The GOP has a huge demographic problem.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep it afloat. And I say this as an angry old white guy.

I think the GOP has to get right with women, minorities and working folks if it hopes to have a future.

And you aren't going to get there with Ted Cruz or Rand Paul appealling to the angry.

Although, again, I'm still betting that the Bush family will bully Jeb into the nomination and then be really surprised when Hillary beats the pants off of him.
This is the most stupidest "scandal" ever dreamt up by liberals. A traffic lane is closed for routine maintenance. Who the freak cares?

"routine maintenance" is when you put cones down the bridge with absolutely no road construction crew or equipment and keep the 2 access lanes closed for days for no apparent reason.

"routine maintenance"

Christie's not even touting that line any more.

We'll be hearing a lot more of this as well as the 'he wasn't our guy' lie.

This is what the right always does.

Remember when they were bragging about Cruz et all shutting down the government ... NOW, however, they're saying the r had nothing to do with it.

Ain't nobody who can dance the way right wingers can dance.
I'm not sure Huckabee has a future. While he's one of the few Repubilcans who gets that the middle class should be the GOP's main concern, the fact he let people out of prison who went on to murder and rape probably dooms his career.

Walker, on the other hand, it kind of worrisome.

First, he's one of the few guys who has actually made his state work reasonably well.

Second, he's from the Midwest, and he puts Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and maybe Minnesota and Illinois into play.

He's from a pretty solid middle class background. He's won every election he's run in since 1993.

well, I guess that settles it, when are you on the left going to start going through Walkers garbage cans and making up stories about his past? Think you can find some hookers who will lie about him?

We all know its coming.

Guy, I'm not on the left or the right. I go with what works.

After Bush-43, the GOP lost the competency argument with me. Obama hasn't been wonderful, but he hasn't fucked up nearly to the degree Bush did.

Walker could make the competency argument. There are things about him I don't like, but I could actually vote for him if given a choice between him and Hillary. Hillary needs to do some work to win me over.

However, knowing the GOP, you guys are going to fuck it up, and after all is said in done, you'll nominate Jeb Bush and wonder why people don't want to take a third trip on that crazy train.

I'm curious, tell me exactly what Bush did that was so terrible. When you make your list remember that congress authorizes and funds wars, congress spends money, congress passes laws.
LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?

pro-amnesty, pro abortion, does the huggy bear with obama, tried to use his power to punish a political opponent----------sounds like a pretty good dem, why don't you guys dump hillyhag and run him?

He has been very conservative but the rw's just can't forgive him for doing his job, that one time.

Yep, its twist and shout time.
Also, thinking about it a bit further.

Walker has street cred with all the GOP Factions.

The Establishment likes him because he isn't a wild eyed fanatic.

He belongs to an evangelical church, so he's got street cred with the Christian Right.

The Tea Party likes that he reduced taxes, government spending and took on the Public Sector unions.

Is he exciting like Cruz, Rand Paul, or Christy? Nope. He's not exciting.

Maybe, but its almost 2 years away, a lot will happen in the next 2 years.

Yes, the Republican Party will find ways to remind people why they don't trust it.

The GOP has a huge demographic problem.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep it afloat. And I say this as an angry old white guy.

I think the GOP has to get right with women, minorities and working folks if it hopes to have a future.

And you aren't going to get there with Ted Cruz or Rand Paul appealling to the angry.

Although, again, I'm still betting that the Bush family will bully Jeb into the nomination and then be really surprised when Hillary beats the pants off of him.

Nice recitation of the dem talking points, but every one of them is a lie.

I don't see Jeb as the nominee, too many Bush's already, the USA does not like family dynasties, that is also a negative for hillary.

I still am not convinced that the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may be.

I'm curious, tell me exactly what Bush did that was so terrible. When you make your list remember that congress authorizes and funds wars, congress spends money, congress passes laws.

You mean how did a guy inherit 4% unemployment, a 400 Billion dollar surplus, peace and prosperity...

ANd manage to turn that in 8 years to 10% unemployment, a trillion dollar deficit, multiple, unwinnable wars, and the worst recession in 80 years.

"Oh, wait. It's Congress' fault. And I think there are some democrats there!"

You know, one of Bush's predecessors had a sign that said "The Buck Stops Here".

Bush was a fuck up and a clown. But please nominate his brother.
Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?

pro-amnesty, pro abortion, does the huggy bear with obama, tried to use his power to punish a political opponent----------sounds like a pretty good dem, why don't you guys dump hillyhag and run him?

He has been very conservative but the rw's just can't forgive him for doing his job, that one time.

Yep, its twist and shout time.

Doing his job??? people are still waiting for Sandy relief.

If he does end up running against hillyhag, I will support him.

As in most elections, we will end up voting against someone, rather than for someone.

Nice recitation of the dem talking points, but every one of them is a lie.

I don't see Jeb as the nominee, too many Bush's already, the USA does not like family dynasties, that is also a negative for hillary.

I still am not convinced that the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may be.

I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

I'm curious, tell me exactly what Bush did that was so terrible. When you make your list remember that congress authorizes and funds wars, congress spends money, congress passes laws.

You mean how did a guy inherit 4% unemployment, a 400 Billion dollar surplus, peace and prosperity...

ANd manage to turn that in 8 years to 10% unemployment, a trillion dollar deficit, multiple, unwinnable wars, and the worst recession in 80 years.

"Oh, wait. It's Congress' fault. And I think there are some democrats there!"

You know, one of Bush's predecessors had a sign that said "The Buck Stops Here".

Bush was a fuck up and a clown. But please nominate his brother.

I guess you forgot 9/11 and the impact that had on the country.

the debt was 10T when bush left, its 17T today and will be over 20T when obama leaves----------so tell us again, who did the most deficit spending.

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick, even the CBO has acknowledged that.

Why not just tell the truth? you don't like Bush, you don't have reasons, you just don't like him-----------and thats just fine, try it, tell the truth, you might enjoy it.

Nice recitation of the dem talking points, but every one of them is a lie.

I don't see Jeb as the nominee, too many Bush's already, the USA does not like family dynasties, that is also a negative for hillary.

I still am not convinced that the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may be.

I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

OMG, the evil Koch brothers, tell me, are they more evil than Soros?

Attacking an author is one thing, but attacking Christianity is quite another. You are sick.

Nice recitation of the dem talking points, but every one of them is a lie.

I don't see Jeb as the nominee, too many Bush's already, the USA does not like family dynasties, that is also a negative for hillary.

I still am not convinced that the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may be.

I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

Spot on.

Let's just never forget Christie's presser where he screwed himself:

[ame=]I See Nothing I Know Nothing - YouTube[/ame]

I guess you forgot 9/11 and the impact that had on the country.

the debt was 10T when bush left, its 17T today and will be over 20T when obama leaves----------so tell us again, who did the most deficit spending.

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick, even the CBO has acknowledged that.

Why not just tell the truth? you don't like Bush, you don't have reasons, you just don't like him-----------and thats just fine, try it, tell the truth, you might enjoy it.

I don't like Bush because my life was measurably WORSE after he left office than it was before he took office.

Which, really, is the only good reason to like or dislike a president.

Or as a wise man said, "Are you better off than you were 4 (or 8 years) ago."

In Bush's case. No, nearly ever last one of us, from the kid flipping burgers to me working in an office to the guy with the huge portfolio, was worse off after Bush was president.

Now, you can go ahead and say, "But Obama" all day, but B ush fucked it up, and even the GOP wouldn't invite him back to the speak at the 2012 convention.
for all the dems and libs.

we don't care if Christie and the media destroy his chances of running. WE DON'T CARE.

Maybe you guys can get Weiner to run, he is as ethical and moral as hillyhag.

Nice recitation of the dem talking points, but every one of them is a lie.

I don't see Jeb as the nominee, too many Bush's already, the USA does not like family dynasties, that is also a negative for hillary.

I still am not convinced that the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may be.

I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

OMG, the evil Koch brothers, tell me, are they more evil than Soros?

Attacking an author is one thing, but attacking Christianity is quite another. You are sick.

Yeah, the Koch Brothers are twice as evil as soros, because there are two of them.

And, frankly, Christianity is a mockable thing, because honestly, it's just there to keep the stupid in line.

It's purpose is to get you to eat shit because there will be a paradise waiting for you in the afterlife.

Guess what. There is no afterlife.

I guess you forgot 9/11 and the impact that had on the country.

the debt was 10T when bush left, its 17T today and will be over 20T when obama leaves----------so tell us again, who did the most deficit spending.

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick, even the CBO has acknowledged that.

Why not just tell the truth? you don't like Bush, you don't have reasons, you just don't like him-----------and thats just fine, try it, tell the truth, you might enjoy it.

I don't like Bush because my life was measurably WORSE after he left office than it was before he took office.

Which, really, is the only good reason to like or dislike a president.

Or as a wise man said, "Are you better off than you were 4 (or 8 years) ago."

In Bush's case. No, nearly ever last one of us, from the kid flipping burgers to me working in an office to the guy with the huge portfolio, was worse off after Bush was president.

Now, you can go ahead and say, "But Obama" all day, but B ush fucked it up, and even the GOP wouldn't invite him back to the speak at the 2012 convention.

do you have anything more specific than "he fucked it up" ?

what aspect of your life was worse in 2008 than in 2000?

Are you a 9/11 truther? Do you think Bush blew up the buildings? flew the planes?
I was a Republican until the religious crazies and Ayn Rand reading assholes took over.


The thing is that you teabaggers delude yourselves into thinking you have a say.

You don't realize that you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

OMG, the evil Koch brothers, tell me, are they more evil than Soros?

Attacking an author is one thing, but attacking Christianity is quite another. You are sick.

Yeah, the Koch Brothers are twice as evil as soros, because there are two of them.

And, frankly, Christianity is a mockable thing, because honestly, it's just there to keep the stupid in line.

It's purpose is to get you to eat shit because there will be a paradise waiting for you in the afterlife.

Guess what. There is no afterlife.

there won't be for you.

I honestly feel sorry for you, it must be miserable to live a pointless life.

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