Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Maybe Christy's biggest problem is that he isn't in the correct Party? Maybe if he was Governor of Illinois, instead, it would be all hugs and kisses. I can't decide.... :eusa_whistle:

IRS scandals, Benghazi, Privacy concerns, Human Rights issues, Identity Theft, all pale when compared to something as horrible as lane closures on the GW Bridge, I get it. Who would have thought anything as diabolical as this could happen in The Garden State. My God, Save us from ourselves. What's next? Christy having the potholes fixed in his neighborhood first? OMG, the possibilities are endles..... Oh my! Oh my! Hey, is that a drone flying outside my window!!! :eek:

Actually they do.

Republicans tried everything to invent a scandal and couldn't. Their OWN PEOPLE couldn't find any wrong doing whatsoever. Their own conclusions on Benghazi was a mix of "well the state department should have been more cautious" AND "the CIA didn't tell any body about their station". You guys spend millions and a great deal of time to come up with what most honest people said in the beginning. And THATS with everything.

Christie? They fucking lied from the jump. The Governor was totally involved and the people giving the orders were hand picked by him.

He denied it.
He made fun about it.

Then? He said he was blind sided and threw people under the bus.

Those people have gotten lawyers and are now looking for immunity.

Add in, the Bridge scandal isn't the only thing out there.

He squashed a court case against a big supporter.
And it looks like he's using Sandy money for political trade offs.

That guy is in a world of hurt.
This is the most stupidest "scandal" ever dreamt up by liberals. A traffic lane is closed for routine maintenance. Who the freak cares?

"routine maintenance" is when you put cones down the bridge with absolutely no road construction crew or equipment and keep the 2 access lanes closed for days for no apparent reason.

"routine maintenance"

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Maybe Christy's biggest problem is that he isn't in the correct Party? Maybe if he was Governor of Illinois, instead, it would be all hugs and kisses. I can't decide.... :eusa_whistle:

IRS scandals, Benghazi, Privacy concerns, Human Rights issues, Identity Theft, all pale when compared to something as horrible as lane closures on the GW Bridge, I get it. Who would have thought anything as diabolical as this could happen in The Garden State. My God, Save us from ourselves. What's next? Christy having the potholes fixed in his neighborhood first? OMG, the possibilities are endles..... Oh my! Oh my! Hey, is that a drone flying outside my window!!! :eek:

Actually they do.

Republicans tried everything to invent a scandal and couldn't. Their OWN PEOPLE couldn't find any wrong doing whatsoever. Their own conclusions on Benghazi was a mix of "well the state department should have been more cautious" AND "the CIA didn't tell any body about their station". You guys spend millions and a great deal of time to come up with what most honest people said in the beginning. And THATS with everything.

Christie? They fucking lied from the jump. The Governor was totally involved and the people giving the orders were hand picked by him.

He denied it.
He made fun about it.

Then? He said he was blind sided and threw people under the bus.

Those people have gotten lawyers and are now looking for immunity.

Add in, the Bridge scandal isn't the only thing out there.

He squashed a court case against a big supporter.
And it looks like he's using Sandy money for political trade offs.

That guy is in a world of hurt.

Good! Then he won't run for president and nobody will vote for him! :cool:
This is the most stupidest "scandal" ever dreamt up by liberals. A traffic lane is closed for routine maintenance. Who the freak cares?

"routine maintenance" is when you put cones down the bridge with absolutely no road construction crew or equipment and keep the 2 access lanes closed for days for no apparent reason.

"routine maintenance"

Christie's not even touting that line any more.
Why did the Whore of Hoboken lie under oath about having a Diary/Journal?

She either lied about Christie's and her conversation or she lied under in a Federal Deposition.... Which is a SLAM DUNK 18 months in Prison.

There just ain't no two ways about it.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

And why is this douchebag releasing documents to the press before giving them to Law Enforcement?

You people are too stupid to live.

Wow, guy, you really, really need to deal with your anger issues.

The far whacky right didn't want Christy to start with, so what is your complaint, exactly?

Now, if your party was reasonably sane, it would start building up Scott Walker. Middle Class background, has made his state work (at least on paper), without all the hoopla and bluster.

But more likely, you'll nominate a nut like Cruz or Rand Paul.

Thank you for admitting Christie's "weaselyness".

Thank you. You just proved our point. I may even Pos Rep you for that!


This is no big deal to these guys. The may rally to his defense as a reflex but they didn't like him in the first place.

This is a sad story.

Christie actually had a lot of good things going for him.

He thought the Tea Party's racism was silly.

[ame=]Christie defends appointing Muslim judge - YouTube[/ame]

He took Sandy VERY SERIOUSLY and saved perhaps over a thousand lives.

He's a very talented guy with a great deal of Charisma.

Personally? It's hard to watch this. I liked the guy.
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.
This is the most stupidest "scandal" ever dreamt up by liberals. A traffic lane is closed for routine maintenance. Who the freak cares?

"routine maintenance" is when you put cones down the bridge with absolutely no road construction crew or equipment and keep the 2 access lanes closed for days for no apparent reason.

"routine maintenance"

Christie's not even touting that line any more.

Yeah, no shit...where has Rip Van AvgGuy been?
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.
Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?
I'm not so sanguine on Christie.

Before he stepped up to the plate on Sandy, he was just kind of a mean-spirited a--hole who like bullying teachers and really spent a lot of time dissing the very public employees who were the ones who stepped up to the bat during the Hurricane.

Now, true, the fact he embraced the Public Response and Obama did punch a big hole in Mitt Romney's primary argument- that we have too much government and the private sector could do it better.

But he's still the same guy, as this episode proves.

The tragedy of this was, it was SOOOOO unnecessary. So he didn't get the endorsement of the Mayor of Fort Lee? Big whoop. The Democrats weren't even running a serious candidate against him this time.

Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

I'm not sure Huckabee has a future. While he's one of the few Repubilcans who gets that the middle class should be the GOP's main concern, the fact he let people out of prison who went on to murder and rape probably dooms his career.

Walker, on the other hand, it kind of worrisome.

First, he's one of the few guys who has actually made his state work reasonably well.

Second, he's from the Midwest, and he puts Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and maybe Minnesota and Illinois into play.

He's from a pretty solid middle class background. He's won every election he's run in since 1993.
Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

As much as you don't like her, Clinton will be very difficult to defeat without Christie in 2016.
Christie got a lot of good press early because he came across as a no nonsense, plain spoken, get it done, kind of guy. Now, we see that he is just another typical in-your-face politician.

Sorry dems, but he was never our guy anyway, so go ahead and complete your destruction of him, no one cares.

Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

I'm not sure Huckabee has a future. While he's one of the few Repubilcans who gets that the middle class should be the GOP's main concern, the fact he let people out of prison who went on to murder and rape probably dooms his career.

Walker, on the other hand, it kind of worrisome.

First, he's one of the few guys who has actually made his state work reasonably well.

Second, he's from the Midwest, and he puts Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and maybe Minnesota and Illinois into play.

He's from a pretty solid middle class background. He's won every election he's run in since 1993.

well, I guess that settles it, when are you on the left going to start going through Walkers garbage cans and making up stories about his past? Think you can find some hookers who will lie about him?

We all know its coming.
Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

Name the policy positions of Christie that are not conservative. What makes Chris Christie a "Dem" in your eyes?

pro-amnesty, pro abortion, does the huggy bear with obama, tried to use his power to punish a political opponent----------sounds like a pretty good dem, why don't you guys dump hillyhag and run him?
Also, thinking about it a bit further.

Walker has street cred with all the GOP Factions.

The Establishment likes him because he isn't a wild eyed fanatic.

He belongs to an evangelical church, so he's got street cred with the Christian Right.

The Tea Party likes that he reduced taxes, government spending and took on the Public Sector unions.

Is he exciting like Cruz, Rand Paul, or Christy? Nope. He's not exciting.
Oh...he was your guy...for a brief, shining moment.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Until a traffic jam ended his Presidential career.

Now you got Huckabee and maybe Walker. Awesome!

LOL, sorry twichey, but CC was the favorite of you dems and libs, you lefties pushed him because you saw that he is actually a dem in an elephant suit (hmmmm, pretty good analogy)

I don't know who the pubs will run, but we are pretty sure that you are going to run an old, dried up, angry, failure, who supported her "husband" as he stuck cigars up the bottom of a 19 year old intern, and whined "what difference does it make" that 4 americans died because of her incompetence.

I am really anxious for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent as she panders to the blacks in church. "ah aint no ways tarred" bring it on, bitch.

As much as you don't like her, Clinton will be very difficult to defeat without Christie in 2016.

Keep thinking that, there are way too many clips of her saying and doing stupid things. Plus she will be 70 years old, how is a dried up 70 year old bitch going to appeal to young voters?

part of McCain's problem was he was too damn old. But its her turn, obozo blocked her last time, I don't think the dems have any choice, but thats fine, it will assure a GOP win.

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