Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!


This was him last night as he's getting booed.

Not a happy camper.

No, he doesn't look happy. He does look thinner though.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

"What difference at this point does it make?”

I have no doubt that Romney is an excellent man; no doubt whatsoever. Romney's "problem" is that he still lives in a time when the left and right could sit down and work together. This is no longer possible with the current state of the left - basically communists and Marxists.

He, like McCain still play "negotiator" with the other party and, quite frankly, the left makes fools of them. We are currently seeing the intent of the left - become a quasi-dictatorship and to hell with the republicans.

Make no mistake about it. Either the right gets their collective heads out of their asses and starts "kicking ass and taking names" or this country is doomed.

Are you on fucking drugs?

The Democrats are the ones who won't work together?


Excuse me, but ObamaCare was the same plan that Republicans have championed for years, whether it was the plan the Heritage foundation came up with in the 1990's or the one that Romney instituted in Massachusetts. And when Obama met you guys more than halfway trying to get one fucking Republican vote for it, your side fought against it the whole way.

It wasn't Obama who threatened to shut down the country and default on our obligations because they didn't get their way on shit. That was all you guys.

You are right about one thing. The Right does have it's collective heads in their asses.

What Randall said is totally accurate. Your spin is a joke.

the obamacare bill (ACA) was rammed through congress on dems-only votes. It was written by dem staffers in a sealed room, no republican amendments were allowed in either chamber, no floor debate was allowed. NO compromise was to be tolerated by pelosi and reid---------it was terrible legislation passed in the worst possible manner.

where do you get the "met you halfway shit" obama did not move an inch. Single payer would not have gotten enough dem votes to pass. if he compromised with anyone, he compromised with the moderate dems.

15% of the government was shut down by obama (congress does not have that power), because obama declared that he would not negotiate and it was his way or no way on the budget. Then Ryan and Murray got it done and made obama look like a petulent child.

What Randall said is totally accurate. Your spin is a joke.

the obamacare bill (ACA) was rammed through congress on dems-only votes. It was written by dem staffers in a sealed room, no republican amendments were allowed in either chamber, no floor debate was allowed. NO compromise was to be tolerated by pelosi and reid---------it was terrible legislation passed in the worst possible manner.

where do you get the "met you halfway shit" obama did not move an inch. Single payer would not have gotten enough dem votes to pass. if he compromised with anyone, he compromised with the moderate dems.

15% of the government was shut down by obama (congress does not have that power), because obama declared that he would not negotiate and it was his way or no way on the budget. Then Ryan and Murray got it done and made obama look like a petulent child.

The Republicans stated they had no intention of letting it pass or supporting it, so the Democrats had to work it out on their own.

You skipped over the part where ObamaCare really is RomneyCare with a different name. Now why is that? It suddenly becomes bad when the Black Guy Does It, that's why.

Yeah, Ryan got it done when Obama Made it clear that he wasn't going to put up with their shit anymore. We are going to see a lot more of that, and thankfully so.

you brought up penis size, are you some kind of pervert?

we don't have socialized medicine because a majority of americans are smart enough to realize that it doesn't work.

and BTW, socialized does NOT mean free.

No, but it does mean reasonably priced and available to everyone, which is how it should be.

Poor people get treatment and CEO's don't make 9 figure salaries. What a concept.

Every other advanced country has it, they live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and spend about half what we do.

But you dumb bible thumping Cleetuses all vote against it, because you are tools of the Koch Brothers.

I am fully aware of the propaganda regarding socialized medicine. But its all lies, its not cheaper, it results in worse care, long lines, delays for prescriptions, declines in research,

Obamacare has raised premiums for everyone who actually pays for their insurance.

If the goal was to insure the 10-20 million uninsured, it would have been billions cheaper to just buy each of them a policy with federal money.

I have been to the UK, the Brits are not happy with the NHS. Neither are the Canadians.

Trying to compare the scandinavian countries (which are like a big extended family) to the USA is a joke.

What Randall said is totally accurate. Your spin is a joke.

the obamacare bill (ACA) was rammed through congress on dems-only votes. It was written by dem staffers in a sealed room, no republican amendments were allowed in either chamber, no floor debate was allowed. NO compromise was to be tolerated by pelosi and reid---------it was terrible legislation passed in the worst possible manner.

where do you get the "met you halfway shit" obama did not move an inch. Single payer would not have gotten enough dem votes to pass. if he compromised with anyone, he compromised with the moderate dems.

15% of the government was shut down by obama (congress does not have that power), because obama declared that he would not negotiate and it was his way or no way on the budget. Then Ryan and Murray got it done and made obama look like a petulent child.

The Republicans stated they had no intention of letting it pass or supporting it, so the Democrats had to work it out on their own.

You skipped over the part where ObamaCare really is RomneyCare with a different name. Now why is that? It suddenly becomes bad when the Black Guy Does It, that's why.

Yeah, Ryan got it done when Obama Made it clear that he wasn't going to put up with their shit anymore. We are going to see a lot more of that, and thankfully so.

You skipped over the part where obama said he would put the entire healthcare debate on c-span. They did not want an open debate because they knew that the people would not support it once they realized what it was.

What might work in a state (and it really isn't working very well in Mass) and what would work for the entire country is quite different.

and grow up on the "black guy" bullshit, why must you libs blame everything on race? That has nothing to do with it.

Ryan and Murray got a deal done because that is their job. Obama had nothing to do with it.
You skipped over the part where obama said he would put the entire healthcare debate on c-span. They did not want an open debate because they knew that the people would not support it once they realized what it was.

Or they realized the REpublicans had no intention of debating.

What might work in a state (and it really isn't working very well in Mass) and what would work for the entire country is quite different.

Every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal health care. Non-starter argument.

and grow up on the "black guy" bullshit, why must you libs blame everything on race? That has nothing to do with it.

Ryan and Murray got a deal done because that is their job. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Guy, it's pretty clear that the only thing animatining what is left of the GOP is racism.

You guys were out of ideas YEARS ago and even you don't believe your own bullshit.

Ryan got it done because it was clear that Obama was no longer going to let him hold the economy hostage.

[ame=]Tea Party - The Next Generation - YouTube[/ame]
You skipped over the part where obama said he would put the entire healthcare debate on c-span. They did not want an open debate because they knew that the people would not support it once they realized what it was.

Or they realized the REpublicans had no intention of debating.

What might work in a state (and it really isn't working very well in Mass) and what would work for the entire country is quite different.

Every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal health care. Non-starter argument.

and grow up on the "black guy" bullshit, why must you libs blame everything on race? That has nothing to do with it.

Ryan and Murray got a deal done because that is their job. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Guy, it's pretty clear that the only thing animatining what is left of the GOP is racism.

You guys were out of ideas YEARS ago and even you don't believe your own bullshit.

Ryan got it done because it was clear that Obama was no longer going to let him hold the economy hostage.


What the hell is wrong with you? The problem with obama is not that he is half black, its that he is a marxist collectivist and an incompetent arrogant asshole.

Are you saying that Ryan and Murray got a budget deal done because Barry threatened them? :cuckoo:

As to holding the economy hostage, Dingy Harry Reid is the one doing that by sitting on hundreds of bills that have been passed by the house.

Why won't he let the senate vote on any of those bills? is he afraid one might pass?
Sorry folks, Joe and I have taken this thread entirely off the topic of Christie.

Soooooo, back to Christie.

NO ONE CARES. Christie probably lied, so did Hillary, So did Obama, So did Romney, So did Clinton, So did Bush.

they are politicians, its what they do.

What the hell is wrong with you? The problem with obama is not that he is half black, its that he is a marxist collectivist and an incompetent arrogant asshole.

Oh, you think that "marxist" and "collectivist" are ways to say "n****r" and no one will notice?

Sorry, dude, we all noticed.

The Capitalists are all doing very well under Obama. He hasn't shot a one of them that I've heard of. They've even made back all the money they lost under your boy Bush.

And it still isn't good enough for them.

Are you saying that Ryan and Murray got a budget deal done because Barry threatened them? :cuckoo:

As to holding the economy hostage, Dingy Harry Reid is the one doing that by sitting on hundreds of bills that have been passed by the house.

Why won't he let the senate vote on any of those bills? is he afraid one might pass?

No, I'm saying Ryan finally came to the table because he realized that threatening to default on the loans and shut down the government wasn't going to fly anymore. Obama FINALLY called his bluff.
Egggcellent story here by a NJ insider journalist who was in tight with CC and many of the top players (and worked for Wildstein.

Really worth the read.
Brian Murphy – February 2, 2014, 8:28 AM EST4160

Over Chinese food at the fabulous Lao Sze Chuan in Milford, Ct. I had the pleasure of reading Chris Christie’s 700-word-long attack on David Wildstein and the New York Times. This came moments after I opened a fortune cookie that advised me to “Enjoy yourself while you can.” (!)

I am trying to summon the requisite mood to seriously ponder the implications of the email that Governor Christie apparently sent to supporters/donors/ Politico/Beltway Republicans (as if there’s any… never mind). But I can’t. I just can’t.

It is hard for me to believe that the governor of an American state could author such a piece of risible juvenilia, except it is even harder for me to believe a paid communications professional could have been behind this. The “argument” Christie (or possibly one very very close longtime advisor) is making here is that David Wildstein is a bad guy.

Continue here: Well, That Escalated Quickly
Sorry folks, Joe and I have taken this thread entirely off the topic of Christie.

Soooooo, back to Christie.

NO ONE CARES. Christie probably lied, so did Hillary, So did Obama, So did Romney, So did Clinton, So did Bush.

they are politicians, its what they do.

Wow, way to minimilize the fact your boy got caught.

he probably thought all these folks were going to fall on their swords for him.

What the hell is wrong with you? The problem with obama is not that he is half black, its that he is a marxist collectivist and an incompetent arrogant asshole.

Oh, you think that "marxist" and "collectivist" are ways to say "n****r" and no one will notice?

Sorry, dude, we all noticed.

The Capitalists are all doing very well under Obama. He hasn't shot a one of them that I've heard of. They've even made back all the money they lost under your boy Bush.

And it still isn't good enough for them.

Are you saying that Ryan and Murray got a budget deal done because Barry threatened them? :cuckoo:

As to holding the economy hostage, Dingy Harry Reid is the one doing that by sitting on hundreds of bills that have been passed by the house.

Why won't he let the senate vote on any of those bills? is he afraid one might pass?

No, I'm saying Ryan finally came to the table because he realized that threatening to default on the loans and shut down the government wasn't going to fly anymore. Obama FINALLY called his bluff.

I did not know that Karl Marx was black. I did not know that collectivism was started in Africa. :confused: Can you provide some back up for those claims?

and lets get over the "default on our loans" lie. There was NEVER ANY CHANCE OF THE USA DEFAULTING ON ITS DEBT. the interest on the debt would always be the first thing paid, other budget items may have been defunded, but the country was NEVER in any danger of defaulting on its debt.
Sorry folks, Joe and I have taken this thread entirely off the topic of Christie.

Soooooo, back to Christie.

NO ONE CARES. Christie probably lied, so did Hillary, So did Obama, So did Romney, So did Clinton, So did Bush.

they are politicians, its what they do.

Wow, way to minimilize the fact your boy got caught.

he probably thought all these folks were going to fall on their swords for him.

CC was never "my boy". He got some early good polling, BFD.

Is hillary "your gal" ? lots of skeletons in that closet that are just waiting to jump out.

"what difference does it make" "ah aint no ways tarred"
reposting this here:

Now it's getting reaaal meaty. And nasty.

: Christie going on offensive over accusation......
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going on the offensive after a former loyalist said he has evidence the Republican governor knew more than he has admitted about an apparently politically motivated traffic jam ordered by one of his staffers last year.

The governor's political team sent an email Saturday to donors, along with columnists and pundits who might be in a position to defend Christie, bashing the man Christie put in a top post at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the accusations the man's lawyer made in a letter Friday.

The email says the former Port Authority official, David Wildstein, "will do and say anything to save David Wildstein."

Christie's team noted that Wildstein did not present any proof to back up the claims his lawyer, Alan Zegas, made in the letter. The email also denies that Christie knew about the traffic jam or its political motive until after it was over and bashes Wildstein on a variety of fronts, characterizing him as a litigious teenager, a controversial mayor of Livingston, where Christie and Wildstein attended high school together, and for his past career as an anonymous political blogger.....snip~


Here is the email Christie released:

When he throws a guy he created a special position for and hired to be his "eyes and ears" under the bus, he backs up and runs him over again. And does wheelies.

I'm wondering if Christie was drunk when he approved that email.

Egggcellent story here by a NJ insider journalist who was in tight with CC and many of the top players (and worked for Wildstein.

Really worth the read.
Brian Murphy – February 2, 2014, 8:28 AM EST4160

Over Chinese food at the fabulous Lao Sze Chuan in Milford, Ct. I had the pleasure of reading Chris Christie’s 700-word-long attack on David Wildstein and the New York Times. This came moments after I opened a fortune cookie that advised me to “Enjoy yourself while you can.” (!)

I am trying to summon the requisite mood to seriously ponder the implications of the email that Governor Christie apparently sent to supporters/donors/ Politico/Beltway Republicans (as if there’s any… never mind). But I can’t. I just can’t.

It is hard for me to believe that the governor of an American state could author such a piece of risible juvenilia, except it is even harder for me to believe a paid communications professional could have been behind this. The “argument” Christie (or possibly one very very close longtime advisor) is making here is that David Wildstein is a bad guy.

Continue here: Well, That Escalated Quickly

Christie is getting in deeper and deeper by the day. That attack on Wildstein was one short step from a meltdown in my opinion. It was the kind of thing I would expect to see written in a post in this forum rather than a communique from a governor's office.
reposting this here:

Now it's getting reaaal meaty. And nasty.

: Christie going on offensive over accusation......
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going on the offensive after a former loyalist said he has evidence the Republican governor knew more than he has admitted about an apparently politically motivated traffic jam ordered by one of his staffers last year.

The governor's political team sent an email Saturday to donors, along with columnists and pundits who might be in a position to defend Christie, bashing the man Christie put in a top post at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the accusations the man's lawyer made in a letter Friday.

The email says the former Port Authority official, David Wildstein, "will do and say anything to save David Wildstein."

Christie's team noted that Wildstein did not present any proof to back up the claims his lawyer, Alan Zegas, made in the letter. The email also denies that Christie knew about the traffic jam or its political motive until after it was over and bashes Wildstein on a variety of fronts, characterizing him as a litigious teenager, a controversial mayor of Livingston, where Christie and Wildstein attended high school together, and for his past career as an anonymous political blogger.....snip~


Here is the email Christie released:

When he throws a guy he created a special position for and hired to be his "eyes and ears" under the bus, he backs up and runs him over again. And does wheelies.

I'm wondering if Christie was drunk when he approved that email.

Egggcellent story here by a NJ insider journalist who was in tight with CC and many of the top players (and worked for Wildstein.

Really worth the read.
Brian Murphy – February 2, 2014, 8:28 AM EST4160

Over Chinese food at the fabulous Lao Sze Chuan in Milford, Ct. I had the pleasure of reading Chris Christie’s 700-word-long attack on David Wildstein and the New York Times. This came moments after I opened a fortune cookie that advised me to “Enjoy yourself while you can.” (!)

I am trying to summon the requisite mood to seriously ponder the implications of the email that Governor Christie apparently sent to supporters/donors/ Politico/Beltway Republicans (as if there’s any… never mind). But I can’t. I just can’t.

It is hard for me to believe that the governor of an American state could author such a piece of risible juvenilia, except it is even harder for me to believe a paid communications professional could have been behind this. The “argument” Christie (or possibly one very very close longtime advisor) is making here is that David Wildstein is a bad guy.

Continue here: Well, That Escalated Quickly

Christie is getting in deeper and deeper by the day. That attack on Wildstein was one short step from a meltdown in my opinion. It was the kind of thing I would expect to see written in a post in this forum rather than a communique from a governor's office.
Agreed. It's absolute madness.

High school level maturity. Literally.

The Well, That Escalated Quickly piece I linked has to be some of the best writing on this story I have seen.

I hope people here really take the time to read it.
reposting this here:

Now it's getting reaaal meaty. And nasty.

: Christie going on offensive over accusation......
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going on the offensive after a former loyalist said he has evidence the Republican governor knew more than he has admitted about an apparently politically motivated traffic jam ordered by one of his staffers last year.

The governor's political team sent an email Saturday to donors, along with columnists and pundits who might be in a position to defend Christie, bashing the man Christie put in a top post at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the accusations the man's lawyer made in a letter Friday.

The email says the former Port Authority official, David Wildstein, "will do and say anything to save David Wildstein."

Christie's team noted that Wildstein did not present any proof to back up the claims his lawyer, Alan Zegas, made in the letter. The email also denies that Christie knew about the traffic jam or its political motive until after it was over and bashes Wildstein on a variety of fronts, characterizing him as a litigious teenager, a controversial mayor of Livingston, where Christie and Wildstein attended high school together, and for his past career as an anonymous political blogger.....snip~


Here is the email Christie released:

When he throws a guy he created a special position for and hired to be his "eyes and ears" under the bus, he backs up and runs him over again. And does wheelies.

I'm wondering if Christie was drunk when he approved that email.

Egggcellent story here by a NJ insider journalist who was in tight with CC and many of the top players (and worked for Wildstein.

Really worth the read.
Continue here: Well, That Escalated Quickly

Christie is getting in deeper and deeper by the day. That attack on Wildstein was one short step from a meltdown in my opinion. It was the kind of thing I would expect to see written in a post in this forum rather than a communique from a governor's office.
Agreed. It's absolute madness.

High school level maturity. Literally.

The Well, That Escalated Quickly piece I linked has to be some of the best writing on this story I have seen.

I hope people here really take the time to read it.

Which is worse, lying about blocking traffic or lying about why americans were killed at an american consulate?

try to give an honest answer, no deflection, no subject changes, no Bush-did-it. Just answer the question------------which is worse?

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