Tolerance and Support/Celebration: They’re different

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Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
I keep seeing the left conflate these two as the same thing (for their selected stances only, of course)

For example, take the recent NHL issue where the player refused to wear a rainbow LGBTQ pride jersey during warmups due to his religious beliefs and convictions.

Substitute “LGBTQ Night” with “Christianity night”, and imagine the warmup jerseys had the cross largely displayed, along with images celebrating Christ. Now, let’s use the same statement for both:

Tolerance: “I’m not against “Christianity/LGBTQ”, I just don’t want to wear a symbol of active support and celebration for something I don’t believe in. I’m free to not wear the cross/rainbow flag, and those who are Christians/LGBTQ should respect that, as forced participation is a moral cause is wrong.” No atheist/Muslim/etc. should have to be forced to wear the practice jersey of the cross, I think that’s pretty universal among Christians and leftists. Now, let’s look at their logic for their cause.

Leftist Ideology: “If you don’t support LGBTQ/Christianity, you’re a hateful bigot because you deny my core belief and values. You should be forced to wear the rainbow flag/Cross, because if you don’t you’re not accepting the LGBTQ/Christian community. They won’t feel welcome, and it won’t be a safe space for them.”

See how ridiculous the LGBTQ logic is? Christians have it right in not forcing people to wear the cross and not claiming massive evil on those who aren’t actively supporting their cause. Tolerance is allowing different viewpoints to respectfully exist, not branding it and demanding it be suppressed and banished.
I keep seeing the left conflate these two as the same thing (for their selected stances only, of course)

For example, take the recent NHL issue where the player refused to wear a rainbow LGBTQ pride jersey during warmups due to his religious beliefs and convictions.

Substitute “LGBTQ Night” with “Christianity night”, and imagine the warmup jerseys had the cross largely displayed, along with images celebrating Christ. Now, let’s use the same statement for both:

Tolerance: “I’m not against “Christianity/LGBTQ”, I just don’t want to wear a symbol of active support and celebration for something I don’t believe in. I’m free to not wear the cross/rainbow flag, and those who are Christians/LGBTQ should respect that, as forced participation is a moral cause is wrong.” No atheist/Muslim/etc. should have to be forced to wear the practice jersey of the cross, I think that’s pretty universal among Christians and leftists. Now, let’s look at their logic for their cause.

Leftist Ideology: “If you don’t support LGBTQ/Christianity, you’re a hateful bigot because you deny my core belief and values. You should be forced to wear the rainbow flag/Cross, because if you don’t you’re not accepting the LGBTQ/Christian community. They won’t feel welcome, and it won’t be a safe space for them.”

See how ridiculous the LGBTQ logic is? Christians have it right in not forcing people to wear the cross and not claiming massive evil on those who aren’t actively supporting their cause. Tolerance is allowing different viewpoints to respectfully exist, not branding it and demanding it be suppressed and banished.
Shut up shut up shut up....they said
I keep seeing the left conflate these two as the same thing (for their selected stances only, of course)

For example, take the recent NHL issue where the player refused to wear a rainbow LGBTQ pride jersey during warmups due to his religious beliefs and convictions.

Substitute “LGBTQ Night” with “Christianity night”, and imagine the warmup jerseys had the cross largely displayed, along with images celebrating Christ. Now, let’s use the same statement for both:

Tolerance: “I’m not against “Christianity/LGBTQ”, I just don’t want to wear a symbol of active support and celebration for something I don’t believe in. I’m free to not wear the cross/rainbow flag, and those who are Christians/LGBTQ should respect that, as forced participation is a moral cause is wrong.” No atheist/Muslim/etc. should have to be forced to wear the practice jersey of the cross, I think that’s pretty universal among Christians and leftists. Now, let’s look at their logic for their cause.

Leftist Ideology: “If you don’t support LGBTQ/Christianity, you’re a hateful bigot because you deny my core belief and values. You should be forced to wear the rainbow flag/Cross, because if you don’t you’re not accepting the LGBTQ/Christian community. They won’t feel welcome, and it won’t be a safe space for them.”

See how ridiculous the LGBTQ logic is? Christians have it right in not forcing people to wear the cross and not claiming massive evil on those who aren’t actively supporting their cause. Tolerance is allowing different viewpoints to respectfully exist, not branding it and demanding it be suppressed and banished.

Not quite the same thing, but the false equivalency is your specialty.

Christians aren't oppressed in this country. No one is getting beaten up for being Christian. No one is denying Christians services because they worship a Zombie on a Stick.

The better equivalency would be comparing this Russian to Colin Kapernaek. Well, Colin lost his job because he was toxic to the brand.
Actually its worse than shut up ....they shut up many on the vax .....for one...only the official narrative is ya know
Different ideologies and a political power play using COVID are different foundations I would say. Yes, the left uses/used power, censorship, suppression, and disrespect to attack dissent on both fronts, but the two issues are very different
I keep seeing the left conflate these two as the same thing (for their selected stances only, of course)

For example, take the recent NHL issue where the player refused to wear a rainbow LGBTQ pride jersey during warmups due to his religious beliefs and convictions.

Substitute “LGBTQ Night” with “Christianity night”, and imagine the warmup jerseys had the cross largely displayed, along with images celebrating Christ. Now, let’s use the same statement for both:

Tolerance: “I’m not against “Christianity/LGBTQ”, I just don’t want to wear a symbol of active support and celebration for something I don’t believe in. I’m free to not wear the cross/rainbow flag, and those who are Christians/LGBTQ should respect that, as forced participation is a moral cause is wrong.” No atheist/Muslim/etc. should have to be forced to wear the practice jersey of the cross, I think that’s pretty universal among Christians and leftists. Now, let’s look at their logic for their cause.

Leftist Ideology: “If you don’t support LGBTQ/Christianity, you’re a hateful bigot because you deny my core belief and values. You should be forced to wear the rainbow flag/Cross, because if you don’t you’re not accepting the LGBTQ/Christian community. They won’t feel welcome, and it won’t be a safe space for them.”

See how ridiculous the LGBTQ logic is? Christians have it right in not forcing people to wear the cross and not claiming massive evil on those who aren’t actively supporting their cause. Tolerance is allowing different viewpoints to respectfully exist, not branding it and demanding it be suppressed and banished.
Isn't it Christianity that has lost all credibility in this modern world?

Hasn't the catholic church itself turned to accepting Darwinian evolution, with the provision of believing in Adam and Eve at the same time, but rhetorically speaking?

Sexual preferences are more real and are mostly accepted throughout the modern world that has abandoned the Christian myths. This is one example of many in which a large part of Americans are lagging behind and even falling back!
Isn't it Christianity that has lost all credibility in this modern world?

Hasn't the catholic church itself turned to accepting Darwinian evolution, with the provision of believing in Adam and Eve at the same time, but rhetorically speaking?
Mildly Interesting topic, but not this one.
Sexual preferences are more real and are mostly accepted throughout the modern world that has abandoned the Christian myths. This is one example of many in which a large part of Americans are lagging behind and even falling back!
Both house faith-based claims. I appreciate faith as I have my own in Christianity, but that doesn’t mean I have to support other faiths, nor should anyone.
Mildly Interesting topic, but not this one.
No! The OP brought Christianity into the topic by using it as a comparison.
Both house faith-based claims. I appreciate faith as I have my own in Christianity, but that doesn’t mean I have to support other faiths, nor should anyone.
Nobody is asking you to support other faiths. Americans are being asked to be tolerant of the sexual preferences of others.

If you're asking for a debate then stick to the topic the OP has raised here.

First of all, you'll find that others don't rely only on faith, as Christians are forced to do.
No! The OP brought Christianity into the topic by using it as a comparison.
I am the OP, and the topic isn’t your claims of the justification of the existence of Christianity in society. Start that thread on your own time.
Nobody is asking you to support other faiths. Americans are being asked to be tolerant of the sexual preferences of others.
There, you did it. You conflated tolerance with support/celebration.

Tolerance: “Hey, go do what you want”
Leftists: “YOU MUST don expressions of support in order to “tolerate” our selected victim group.”

Why do these groups require support and celebration to feel tolerated? They clearly simply misunderstand the word, and have an extreme entitlement issue.

First of all, you'll find that others don't rely only on faith, as Christians are forced to do.
“A man can become a woman” is a statement of faith, as it requires unseen, unproven changes in DNA and substance… much like Catholics believe bread becomes the body of Christ. The difference is, Catholics respect your right not to believe in the Eucharist, you seem to want to attack and force people to believe your beliefs.
I am the OP, and the topic isn’t your claims of the justification of the existence of Christianity in society. Start that thread on your own time.

There, you did it. You conflated tolerance with support/celebration.

Tolerance: “Hey, go do what you want”
Leftists: “YOU MUST don expressions of support in order to “tolerate” our selected victim group.”

Why do these groups require support and celebration to feel tolerated? They clearly simply misunderstand the word, and have an extreme entitlement issue.

“A man can become a woman” is a statement of faith, as it requires unseen, unproven changes in DNA and substance… much like Catholics believe bread becomes the body of Christ. The difference is, Catholics respect your right not to believe in the Eucharist, you seem to want to attack and force people to believe your beliefs.
Clearly you're going to claim that anything that makes you feel uncomfortable has to be off topic.

It's your topic and you don't want me here, so I'll cede to your wishes.
Clearly you're going to claim that anything that makes you feel uncomfortable has to be off topic.

It's your topic and you don't want me here, so I'll cede to your wishes.
That’s fine. If I wanted to discuss which causes are allowed to be considered, that’s another topic. Leftist doctrine dictates that if you feel it, it exists, and must be respected ( although they don’t hold that standard to anything they disagree with)

The causes exist, now why are they treated differently? That’s the discussion
That’s fine. If I wanted to discuss which causes are allowed to be considered, that’s another topic. Leftist doctrine dictates that if you feel it, it exists, and must be respected ( although they don’t hold that standard to anything they disagree with)

The causes exist, now why are they treated differently? That’s the discussion
You're calling me back to your discussion, so my opinions aren't off-topic after all!

If you have any point worth my opinion, I'll be here.
You're calling me back to your discussion, so my opinions aren't off-topic after all!

If you have any point worth my opinion, I'll be here.
LOL! I was explaining why it’s not the topic, and then redirected back to the topic. Clearly you didn’t read the full post, so go back and check it out. but I’ll leave you be, to mentally masterbate your ego.. maybe that’s “worth” discussion LOL
LOL! I was explaining why it’s not the topic, and then redirected back to the topic. Clearly you didn’t read the full post, so go back and check it out. but I’ll leave you be, to mentally masterbate your ego.. maybe that’s “worth” discussion LOL
You calm me into thinking of your 21st. piano concerto. I can't be mad at you.

Who does that?
The same people who think this is "grooming"

But this is "healthy"


You known you.
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