Tommy Robinson et. al winning the PR war

This is Lily Allen's take on the fate of white British girls who were at the hands of the grooming gangs.......

So we shouldn't draw attention to the background of grooming gangs because these are such irrelevant people they'd have been raped by someone anyway?

In the real world Lily, we call that vulnerable.
This is Lily Allen's take on the fate of white British girls who were at the hands of the grooming gangs.......

So we shouldn't draw attention to the background of grooming gangs because these are such irrelevant people they'd have been raped by someone anyway?

In the real world Lily, we call that vulnerable.

What is especially ironic is how it is the LABOR party -- the supposed champion of the working class -- which is the chief enabler of this racial predation.
Tommy Robinson receives the prestigious Sappho Award from the Free Press Society in Denmark

This morning I tweeted that all the attempts to wipe Tommy Robinson off the internet may appear to have worked but its probably only the quisling elites who are fooling themselves into thinking Tommy went away.

Former Leader of The English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, was awarded a freedom of speech award by the Free Press Society of 2004 in Copenhagen on Saturday, as protesters demonstrated outside the venue.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, received the ‘Sappho Award,’ a prize that according to the Free Press Society of 2004’s website is “awarded to a person who has shown uncompromising courage in the struggle for the free word.”

Tommy Robinson receives the prestigious Sappho Award from the Free Press Society in Denmark
What is especially ironic is how it is the LABOR party -- the supposed champion of the working class -- which is the chief enabler of this racial predation.
Just like the democrats here who allow human traffickers to flourish along the border and refuse to increase security there.
If your daughter was gang raped by MS-13 animals in Texas or the Central Valley of California and hooked on drugs
to make her more compliant and dependent you can thank Charles Schumer and Nan Pelosi.
You are the only one wanting to get to the root of the problem?

In an earlier thread, one of your people indicated that the children were not actually raped, but indulging in voluntary sex, instead, He said that the men were just "tapping up" these children -- a crude reference to cheap and easy sex. You agreed with him, even going so far as to defend his use of "tapping up" With this in mind, I have a couple of questions relating to you claim you are the only one wanting to get to the root of the problem.

There are no “my” people. Only me. So address what I say, not what others say as if to imply they are my views.

You do however miss the main point that the poster was making in that thread: that these children, coming from broken homes, were already excrutiatingly vulnerable to the promises predators make. They are lost in the system, nobody cares about them, and a stranger promises “love”, even though we both know it is anything but. That is why they are “tapped”. And, to correct your deliberate distortions, I have never said or implied there is anything consentual in this matter. Children can not consent. Period.

My first one is where you place the age of consent. Some of these children were just 11, so I'm wondering how young can British children be to consent to sex with Muslim men?

That is an odd question. The age of consent is the same for all in a country. In most countries, it is 18 I think. Not sure about UK but you can easily look it up.

My second question is this: All reports are that the children were actually raped, often in very violent and disgusting ways. If you are the only one who is wanting to get to the root of the problem, how is your agreement that these were not rapes actually helpful to getting to the root of the problem, especially since you defended the poster's use characterizing the rapes as the children just getting "tapped up"?

I never said or agreed these were not rapes. Do you have another question?
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What is the largest part of the problem?
The system that failed these kids?
The culture that leads to vulnerable youth who go unnoticed?
The predators that exploit them?
The religion of some of the predators?

Which one alone will magically fix the problem? If you get rid of one set of predators how will you protect children from the next set, of a different ethnic, that moves in to take over? Let’s hear your brilliant ideas here
This isn't football. There aren't eleven predators waiting to move in the minute these eleven are sent away.

No. It isn't football. It's more like the Mafia or drug cartels or gangs. When one is removed, another moves in to take over the territory. Human trafficking is Big Money.

Let's take care of the biggest most glaring problem first, rape gangs exacerbated by British unwillingness to appear
illiberal and racist by attacking this rat's nest.

Ok. So how? How do you weed out immigrants likely to conduct child trafficking? Any with known ties are likely already flagged. Or maybe not - maybe that is a place to start. In the background checks.

Then let's move on to the next problem and so on and so forth. You have so many ways of avoiding getting to the root of things. There will always be some kids who fall between the cracks in any society.

Actually, I think I'm the only one wanting to get at the ROOT of the problem - the societal ills that lead these kids to become vulnerable in the first place AND the system, both social services and policing/PC that allowed it to continue unchecked for so long.

Let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Agree, but let's not fall prey to the simple solution.

There is a quote: Every complex problem has a simple solution, and it's usually wrong.

FYI: to understand the true scope of this problem, reports like this are helpful
I really dont know why you bother. They cant hear you. They dont give a toss about child abuse or rape either. They weaponise this to attack their main targets - muslims.

In the UK the biggest child abusers are the Anglican and Catholic churches and their pervs are protected right up to the Prime Minister and the royal family. The BBC just aired a doc about Peter Ball the ex Bishop of Gloucester.
He was protected by Thatchers government, Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Exposed: The Church's Darkest Secret

Peter Ball (bishop) - Wikipedia

But these characters are not interested in pervy priests, they are just an inconvenience.

The bottom line is that you cant reason with racist trash.

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