Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

The rebel states attempted to secede to protect slavery.

The war was not about 'freeing the slaves" and no one but you keeps saying that.

The war was the result of the rebel states attempting to secede to protect their slaves.

The United States didn't go to war to free the slaves. She went to war to preserve the union.
If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.
If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?
Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

Yes indeed. His wife had several brother or half brothers who fought for the confederacy. That's why many people thought Mary was a spy for the south.
If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?

If he was opposed to slavery has been claimed, he wouldn't have married into a slave holding family.
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?

If he was opposed to slavery has been claimed, he wouldn't have married into a slave holding family.

Because he loved Mary Todd....who didn't own a single slave.
You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?

If he was opposed to slavery has been claimed, he wouldn't have married into a slave holding family.

Because he loved Mary Todd....who didn't own a single slave.

Would you marry into a slave holding family? Or a family full of klansmen?

What if you went to your prospective in-laws home and there was KKK shit displayed all over the place? Or neonazi shit? Would you have huge reservations about becoming a member of that family?
Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?

If he was opposed to slavery has been claimed, he wouldn't have married into a slave holding family.

Because he loved Mary Todd....who didn't own a single slave.

Would you marry into a slave holding family? Or a family full of klansmen?

Because he loved Mary Todd.....who didn't own a single slave. And wasn't a clansman.
Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

The rebel states attempted to secede to protect slavery.

The war was not about 'freeing the slaves" and no one but you keeps saying that.

The war was the result of the rebel states attempting to secede to protect their slaves.

The United States didn't go to war to free the slaves. She went to war to preserve the union.
The United States went to war because rebel states attacked soldiers of the United States Army.
If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

Actually Lincoln's record is quite clear that he personally opposed slavery.
Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

How are those two mutually exclusive?

If he was opposed to slavery has been claimed, he wouldn't have married into a slave holding family.

Because he loved Mary Todd....who didn't own a single slave.

Would you marry into a slave holding family? Or a family full of klansmen?

What if you went to your prospective in-laws home and there was KKK shit displayed all over the place? Or neonazi shit? Would you have huge reservations about becoming a member of that family?

I married my wife- not her family.

Perhaps you judge a person by what their family members do- but many of us actually judge a person- and marry our spouse- because of who they are.
Do you have to use the Washington Times?
Why not use the National Enquirer and be done with it

It is more of the same Lincoln investigating options of what to do with freed slaves......none of which proved workable

It's a book review. I'm sorry if it destroys your argument that, "Lincoln never wanted to deport freed slaves" (your words).

Workable, or not, Lincoln wanted to deport the freed slaves.

We are looking at 1860s sociology.....not the best our country had to offer

We were a country that thought human bondage was a good idea. A country for slaves to go to seemed like a good idea. Not too different from Israel.
The idea proved unworkable

None of which changes the fact that Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves.

Lincoln listened to the greatest sociological minds of his day. None of which were outraged at the thought of freed slaves going to their own country
I loved the outer-limits.
Lincoln didn't save the Union. His ineptness caused a crisis that split the Union and killed most of the best and bravest of a generation. Any president in modern times would be impeached and imprisoned for sanctioning a drunk who said he would cause a crow to pack a lunch before flying over the Shenandoah Valley when he intended to make war on innocent farmers or a clinically insane general who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" and burned a Southern city or a incompetent idiot like Beast Butler who was appointed as king of New Orleans and treated Southern women like whores.
Lincoln saved the union from the slave rapers

Not really. The Civil War created a South that would take generations to recover from the damage. The South's best and brightest died in the war.
They deserved to die for defending a country dedicated to slavery
so you mean both the north and the south that died right?
Right...legislation...through Congress.

You people really don't know how our government works, so you?
Evidently ignorance is bliss to you...You can write a law and try to lobby it's direction just like the corporate hip to the trip on how shit works, takes away the frustration of stupidity..

Through Congress, sure. Not through the executive branch.

Soooo solly!

there are regulations promulgated by agencies. there are executive orders.

it's so sad that you never took basic civics.

Regulations, not laws. Only Congress can make laws.

right genius, but what is the actual difference between a reg and a "law". we are a common law country. our body of laws is made up of our constitution, the caselaw interpreting it, federal statutes, state statutes, state caselaw, federal caselaw, federal regulations and state and local regs.

an executive order is enforceable as law.

again, what is the specific difference? if you know.
that it isn't a law? how's that? it's actually used to bypass laws.
Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri And Delaware all kept their slaves until December 1865.

Yup - those 4 UNION states had around 400,000 slaves throughout the civil war. How could the war have been about freeing the slaves when both sides practiced slavery?? Libs can't answer that.

The rebel states attempted to secede to protect slavery.

The war was not about 'freeing the slaves" and no one but you keeps saying that.

The war was the result of the rebel states attempting to secede to protect their slaves.

The United States didn't go to war to free the slaves. She went to war to preserve the union.
The United States went to war because rebel states attacked soldiers of the United States Army.

Which has zilch to do with freeing the slaves.
If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

Not exactly- Lincoln was consistently opposed to slavery- and considered the Emancipation Proclamation one of his greatest achievements.

There is no indication that he ever cared about 'tariff money from the south'.

Unlike yourself, Lincoln considered slavery to be an evil institution.

Lincoln didn't give two shots about slavery. He married into a slave holding family.

Actually Lincoln's record is quite clear that he personally opposed slavery.

If the war was about freeing slaves, why did lincoln let the slave-owning border states stay in the union?. Why didn't he tell them "abolish slavery or go with the confederacy?" THINK
Because Lincoln was trying to preserve the union

You're right. Lincoln didn't care a bit about freeing the slaves. He cared about keeping the south in the union so the north could collect tariff money from the south.

You have to do one thing at a time

First he had to preserve the Union and then he had to go after the Slave Rapers

He ended up doing both

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